City of New London




120 Broad Street

New London, CT 06320

(860) 437-6327

Letter of Intent

I/We, the undersigned owner(s) of the property located at in the City of New London, have submitted the Preliminary Application for participation in the Lead Hazard Reduction Program (L-HARP). I/We understand that the property is being considered for funding to do lead abatement and correction. I/We understand that the next step in the qualification process is to have the property tested for the presence of lead-based paint hazards and also inspected by the City for compliance to building, fire and housing codes.

I/We acknowledge that once the inspection and testing is done, any code violations, including the presence of lead-based paint must be corrected within a reasonable time whether we receive L-HARP funds or not. I/We understand that any repair or construction work that I/We do, as an owner in the house from now until L-HARP funded construction ends will be submitted to L-HARP. I/We understand that inspections will be scheduled and analyzed with the assumption that the conditions in the property remain the same and may be regarded as pre-abatement lead dust and lead hazard conditions.

I/We also understand that any residents residing at the above-named property are required to receive advance written notice of prospective abatement and of the likelihood that temporary relocation may be required should the abatement work be undertaken. I/We understand that before signing this letter of intent I must secure letters of commitment to relocate (for the duration of the abatement) from each resident. I commit to securing commitment letters from future residents, when they move in. Failure to secure letters of commitment is grounds for immediate defunding of a project.

I/We hereby give my/our consent to the City to proceed with the lead hazard testing and code inspection. I/We also submit with this letter the following required information:

  1. Copy of the face sheet of the insurance policy showing the City as a Loss Payee;
  2. Commitment to relocate letter from tenants to Home owner;
  3. Mortgage Verification form signed by Home owner;
  4. Non-conflict of interest form signed by Home owner;

I/We understand that conditions of this grant/deferred loan will be enforced for five (5) years from the date of the executed contract between the City and residential building owner.

Property Address: , New London

Owners Initials

The building will be (physically) maintained, with monitoring to be done by City officials:

  1. The owner will arrange entry to permit the City to inspect the property and all units at reasonable times
  2. Owner measures designated in the abatement plan (specification) will be undertaken
  3. All code measures will be observed for the full term of the contract
  4. The Lead Management Plan spelled out in the Lead Specification will be followed.
  1. Insurance will be maintained with the City named as an insured.
  2. The mortgage, City taxes and City fees will be kept current.
  3. HUD imposed standards for income and rent will continue. Income/Rental forms for each incoming tenant will be secured and returned to the L-HARP office within ten (10) days of the lease signing.
  4. The City will file an Encumbrance for the term on each property that receives L-HARP benefits.
  5. I/We understand that once construction begins and until after clearance and we are informed by L-HARP, we will stay off the construction site and instruct residents to stay off the site.
  6. One of the ways the Program controls the project cost is by the proper planning and disposal of waste from projects. Connecticut law allows a household hazardous waste exemption if the total waste of a project is less than 10 cubic yards of waste. “I/We accept responsibility for the waste if it is under 10 cubic yards and it contains only leaded building materials from my/our project. I/We will take this material to the City dump as soon as the contractor turns it over to us.”
  7. “I/We understand our responsibilities for informing building residents and enforcing relocation policies, practices (including schedules), conditions and implementation. I/We understand that having a vacant apartment was a part of the selection criteria and commit to hold unit(s) vacant for the duration of the project.”
  8. Personal valuables will not be the responsibility of L-HARP or the construction contractor. Electronics and jewelry should be removed from the construction site.

I/We understand that the property will be brought to lead-safe standards and code compliance. Interiors, exteriors, common-areas, outbuildings, soil and historic preservation measures will be treated.



Property Address: , New London

Owners Initials