Senior Religion: Moral Life in Christ
Course Policy-Mrs. Kavanaugh
Room 208
1. The student will have respect for whom they are, namely persons made in the image of God
and redeemed by Jesus Christ.
2. The student will develop a deep respect and concern for all persons, motivated above all by
Christian charity.
3. The student will reach the conviction that human life is to be protected from the moment of
conception to natural death.
4. The student will grow as a whole person using the principles of the ESLR’s: Catholicism-grow
in God’s love, Character-become a person of integrity, Community-serve others around us,
Curriculum-grow in knowledge.
Each day you are expected to bring the following to class:
* Textbook: Our Moral Life in Christ (2009)
* Three-ring binder with loose-leaf paper
* Pen: blue or black ink
* Clear plastic folder used as a “parent communicator”
* New American Bible-brought to class when requested
* thin markers-optional
Summer Reading
Chapter 1 : The Basis for Morality- 8 Step Decision Process/Trouble Rule (test)
Chapter 3 : Freedom and the Moral Act- “In America” video & worksheet (test)
Chapter 4 : The Moral Conscience-College Internet Assignment (test)
Chapter 5 : Morality and the Law-“The Power of One” video & worksheet
7 page Research Paper on Social Justice/Morality Issue
Chapter 6 : Morality and Action- “The Lion King” video & worksheet (test)
Chapter 7 : Sin and Conversion-“Redemption” video & worksheet (test)
Respect Life Week-Safeguarding the Children/To Save A Life videos
Chapter 8: The 10 Commandments and 8 Beatitudes-“God Grew Tired of Us” video
Chapter 9: The First Commandment-“Bruce Almighty” video &worksheet
Chapter10: The Second Commandment-ABC’s of Psalms- Bible activity
Chapter 11: The Third Commandment-short week -Thanksgiving
Chapter 12: The Fourth Commandment-Parent/child needs lecture & discussion
Chapter 13: The Fifth Commandment-Mandarin game, “My Sister’s Keeper” video
Chapter 15: The Seventh and Tenth Commandments-Stewardship game
Chapter 16: The Eighth Commandment-Telephone game (Final exam)
This class meets the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops High School Framework
All view points are based on the teachings of Jesus Christ in accordance with the Catechism
1. You will need to:
* be in your seat with your books ready to go when bell rings
* bring proper materials to class- books, paper, pen etc.
* have proper conduct- no food, gum or trash by seat
* participate-offer answers, no sleeping
* raise your hand if you wish to speak or get up
* leave cell phones, devices etc. in locker
*remain quiet unless you are called upon to talk
Students will incur disciplinary action upon infraction of any of these rules
2. Work given may be made up with excused absences. It is your responsibility to find
out what you missed and turn it in within three days of your return. Students who
do not turn in classwork/homework may be expected to serve a mandatory study
hall (academic detention) after school until the work is completed. Go to the Mary Star
website and find me at kkavanaugh with any questions or concerns.
3. All handouts are worth points-take them seriously. Do your work independently.
4. Turn in assignments when they are due. Points will be deducted for late assignments.
You need to have your full name, the date and your period number in the upper right
corner of every paper .
5. Your work needs to be on loose-leaf lined paper and written neatly in blue or black
pen. If there is more than one page, please staple them.
6. You will be expected to do the questions at the end of the chapter most weeks.
7. Tests will be at the end of each chapter most weeks. They will be 25 points each.
8. Extra credit may be available upon request. This depends on the circumstances
and my final approval.
9. Cheating or copying of any kind will not be tolerated. Zero points will be given.
10. Grades will be based on the points you earn divided by 1000 points.
You will earn and deserve any grade you get. I do not give them to you-you give
them to yourself.
Summer Reading 50 points
Research Paper 150 points
Tests/Final Exam 325 points
Classwork/worksheets 210 points
Homework ______265 points
Total 1000 points
Show respect for yourself, me, your classmates and property. Please ask first when using the teacher’s supplies. Don’t write or carve on desks or boards. Throw trash in proper can (recycleJ) and not on floor. I want our classroom to be a pleasant learning environment!