The development of meteorological observation system for stable
progress of society in the Republic of Belarus

Anatoli Palishchuk



110, Nezavisimosti ave. 220114, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Tel.: (+37517) 267 22 31, fax: (+37517) 267 03 35;


Provision of meteorological observations of global and regional customers within the WMO Programmes.

Production of meteorological, actinometric observations to provide information to consumers in different branches of economy.

Technical rigging of meteorological and actinometric observations, the prospects for development.

The network of meteorological observations of Belarus includes 51 meteorological stations. In accordance with the WMO meteorological stations of Belarus include:

- Global synoptic network, which should be homogeneous and uniform across the globe and surveillance should be conducted in the main standard time frames of observations 0000, 0600, 1200, and 1800. At NHMS of Belarus 10 meteorological stations are included in the global synoptic network (Minsk, Mogilev, Baranovichi, Slutsk, Brest, Pinsk, Mozyr, Gomel, Verhnedvinsk, and Vitebsk).

- The surface network of the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) - a global backbone network consisting of approximately 1000 selected stations of surface observations for daily monitoring of global and large-scale climate variability. At NHMS of Belarus 1 meteorological station (Vasilevichy) is included in GCOS (PSC).

- Regional Basic Synoptic Network, which was created to meet the requirements set out by regional associations. A Global synoptic network is created On the basis of the Regional Basic Synoptic Network (RBSN). At NHMS of Belarus 10 meteorological stations are included in RBSN.

- Regional Basic Climate Network (RBCN), surface component (CLIMAT). In NHMS of Belarus 12 stations are included in the network RBCN, which transmit monthly CLIMAT reports at the first day of months.

- Regional networks, which are created in accordance with regional needs. Regional associations are responsible for identifying and coordinating the structure of these networks within the overall system established by the Commission for Basic Systems (CBS). Observations must be conducted in the main and intermediate synoptic time 0000, 0300, 0600, 0900, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2100 (Manual on the Global Observing System). In NHMS of Belarus, 31 meteorological stations are included in the Regional synoptic network.

Methodological manual of surface meteorological observations is implemented through the Republican Hydrometeorological Centre and includes:

- Regular inspection of all types of observational data with the state network of hydrometeorological observations. A letter with the estimates and observations are sent monthly after verification of observational data at the station. To automate the process of entry, processing and analysis of daily observations at stations, a software systems “Arm meteorologist” for weather stations are operating;

- Methodical inspection of production and functioning of surface weather observations directly in the monitoring stations with the inspection of experts on the observation network.

- Preparation of methodological letter and control issues for the production of observations;

- Preparation of plans and conduction of technical training on the state network of meteorological observations;

- Monthly monitoring and transmittion of the information reported to the World Meteorological Organization for the formation of “climate-SINOP” predictions.

On the territory of Belarus radiation observations are made at 10 meteorological stations. Among them:

3 stations - for the full program: MS in Minsk-registration of all of the radiation balance (continuous monitoring) and full-time monitoring (6 times a day) for MS Vasilevichy and; at 9 stations (including Vasilevichy and Polesskaya) – integrated total or total and diffuse monitoring of radiation on the observation program for the benchmark station (to get the daily amounts of radiation); 1 station (Polesskaya) – thermal balance observation. Characteristics of atmospheric transparency are defined (transmissivity and a factor of turbidity) when register on the values of direct radiation (under clear skies) and term observations. The most detailed information is available thanks to continuous monitoring (recording), held at the MS Minsk. Observation program includes the registration of five issues of the radiation balance: direct radiation on a perpendicular surface, scattered, the total reflected radiation and radiation balance of the earth's surface. The results of observations from sensors are transmitted directly to a PC.

To predict the yield the value of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) is calculated at the end of each ten-day period at five stations on the value of total radiation. Radiation observations on the territory of Belarus are distributed mainly in the specialized and reference station and meet the criterion of optimum location of actinometric network.

In the Republic of Belarus at «Peleng» Ltd. the following devices and automated weather systems of the new generation have been developed and produced:

1. A device for measuring the meteorological visibility range "Peleng SF-01";
2. Measuring the height of the cloud "Peleng SD 01-2000";
3. Anemorumbometr " Peleng SF-03";
4. Pyranometer " Peleng SF-06",
5. Radiation balance gauge " Peleng SF-08";
6. Actinometer " Peleng SF-12";
7. Sensor of sunshine duration " Peleng VC-05"
8. Sensor of rainfall " Peleng SF-04";
9. Meteorological scoreboard;
10. Actinometrical Station " Peleng SF-14";
11. The system of automated weather airfield "AMIS- PELENG SF-09";
12. Automated Meteorological measurement and information system " Peleng C-01".
13. The instrument measuring the temperature of the soil " Peleng SF-15"
14. The sun tracking device "Peleng PSS"

Automatic measurement and information systems MAWS 301 produced by Finnish company Vaisala are implemented on the state network of meteorological observations.

At surface meteorological observations a large amount of work concerning purchasing and establishment of modern equipment is carried out to upgrade the system for collecting, processing and storage and dissemination of information to consumers. Updated devices at the observation network for the years 2007-2009 include:

The meter of meteorological range of visibility of "Peleng SF-01 type - 23%;
- Ceilometer of FED-2M type ("Peleng the SD-01) - 36%;
- Anemorumbometr of M-63M-1 type ("Peleng SF-03") - 25%;
- An automated weather system of Peleng, Vaisala types - 23%;
- Barometer of BRS-1M type- 37%;
- Provision of the Department of Hydrometeorology units (regional meteorological centers) with autonomous electric power - 100%.

The introduction of new devices and automated weather systems ensures the functioning of the hydrometeorological network in accordance with the requirements of the WMO, allows us to move from discrete to continuous, more accurate measurements of meteorological parameters at meteorological stations.

The retrofitting of actinometric observational network with new devices is a topical area for the Republic of Belarus now. The emergence of actinometric instruments developed by "Peleng" Ltd. on the market allows to meet the needs of actinometric observation network in Belarus.

The network of the Department of Hydrometeorology received in 2007-2010:

- Pyranometers "Peleng SF-06" - 14 pieces;
- Radiation balance gauge "Peleng SF-08" - 5 pcs.
- Actinometers "Peleng SF-12" - 4 pcs.
- Devices for determination of the length of sunshine "Peleng VC-05" - 7 pcs. The full retooling of actinometric network will be completed in the year 2010.

The basis of the outlook of the State Hydrometeorological Service in 2011 - 2015 years is formed by the principles of the National Sustainable Development Strategy of Belarus until 2025, which aim is to improve the State Hydrometeorological security level, reducing threats of severe weather phenomena to the population and the country's economy; establishing an efficient system of detection and warning of severe weather phenomena; enhanced responsiveness of government agencies and other organizations and individuals by various types of hydrometeorological information, ensuring compliance with international obligations in the hydro-meteorological field.