Report of the southwest Society of Health-System Pharmacists (SWSHP)

Report as of July 1, 2015


  • President:Joby Palathinkal, Pharm.D
  • Secretary: Nga Huynh, Pharm.D.
  • Treasurer: Jeff Lannigan, Pharm.D., MBA
  • Past President: David Ballesteros, Pharm.D.,MBA
  • President Elect:KristieWallace, Pharm.D.
  • C.E. Coordinator: Jaclyn Cole, Pharm.D.
  • Social Chair: Michael “Paul” Everett, Pharm.D.
  • Board of Directors: Dante Kazerounian and Jeff Bush, Pharm.D.

SWFSHP had a very productive start this year offering a wide range of community service events and continuing education seminars. This fiscal year our chapter offered 15 consultant hours and 23 general hours. The primary legislative priority of FSHP this year is to obtain provider status for pharmacists and I would like to thank all members that attended legislative days to support our mission. The FSHP political action committee (FSHPPAC) helps keep doors open to meet with legislators who have the authority to affect our profession and our patients. Through out the year SWFSHP reinforced the need to contribute to the political action committee to help keep our profession strong and secure.

Anotherpriority was to strengthen the relationship between our chapter and local pharmacy schools. In such effort, SWFSHP was highly involved in serving as mentors for Colleges of Pharmacy at USF, UF, and LECOM. Our Executive Leadership Council hosted several events with the student chapters such as the first ever USF mentor roundtable dinner, sponsored a Brown-Bag event, initiated an annual SWFSHP scholarship and sub committee, and sponsored six students to attend the annual meeting. SWFSHP strives to serve as role models to our future pharmacists and will continue to pave the way to success for our new graduates. In addition, our chapter provided several social and financial planning events for its membership to set-up networking opportunities, and will host a reception at the FSHP annual meeting after the House of Delegates meeting for our membership.

In regards to our operations, the Executive Council uploaded historical documents to our Dropbox account to improve record keeping and has continued to look for ways to grow membership. In response from our membership we have continued to include more panel discussions and interactive CE events, and initiated prize drawings to draw more traffic from sponsors to our CE events. Although it has been a busy year, I am very proud of all our members and their involvement with our chapter. SWFSHP strives for success and will continue to keep the momentum and energy going strong!

CE Events 2014-2015

CE Event @ WellcareTampa 12 Live CE (12 Consultant)

09/20/2014 to 09/21/2014

CE Event @ Florida Hospital 2 Live CE (Med Errors)


CE Event @ Saint Joseph’s Tampa 4 Live CE


CE Event @ Saint Joseph’s Tampa 5 Live CE (3 Consultant)


Upcoming CE Events

CE Event @ Bayfront Saint Petersburg 4 Live CE (3 Consultant)


CE Event @ Wellcare Live CE Tampa (9 Consultant)


Community Service

Canned Food Drive - Tampa Food Shelter


Brown Bag Event - USF/FSHP: Lightfoot Recreation Center


Hygiene Drive – Metropolitan Ministries


Canned Food Drive – Saint Vincent de Paul


Special Events

FSHP Southwest Mentor Dinner: LECOM/UF/USF


Directors of Pharmacy Meeting @ Florida Hospital

FSHP Updates/Provider Status: Michael Putze, George Malone, Deborah Brown, Joby Palathinkal

11/14/2014, 02/20/2015, 05/05/2015

Residency Showcase University of Florida Saint Petersburg Campus


Sponsorship and Donations

  • $250 toUniversity of Florida, Residency Showcase
  • $750 to FSHP Education Foundation
  • SWFSHP sponsored 3 students for FSHP Annual Meeting in 2014 and 6 students in 2015.
  • $2000 in travel reimbursements for legislative days
  • $500 for SWFSHP Scholarship, Award Recipient: Matthew Schneller USF

Upcoming Events

  • 4-hour General/(3 hour Consultant) CE offering planned for July 2015
  • House of Delegates After-Hours Meeting for Delegates August 6, 2015
  • 9-hour Consultant/General CE offering planned for September 2015
  • Mentor Dinner with the Colleges of Pharmacy in the Southwest Region (UF, USF, LECOM, FAMU) planned for October 2015

Membership Size (775)

  • Pharmacists: 430
  • Associates: 2
  • Retired: 3
  • Residents: 17
  • Technicians: 248
  • Students: 75

Board of Directors members of Regional Society

  • DickKessler– Immediate Past President
  • Sheryl Mackenzie– Board Technician Member
  • Jennifer Austin– House of Delegates Chair

Council Members of Regional Society

Legal and Regulatory Affairs Council

  • George Malone
  • Maja Gift
  • Karen Hancock
  • Hang Nguyen
  • Sarah Steinhardt
  • Kristie Wallace

Organizational Affairs Council

  • David Ballesteros (Chair)
  • Jennifer Austin (Board Liaison)

Emergency Preparedness Committee

  • Katelyn Dervay

Student Council

  • Bailey O’Brien
  • Shinelle Pierre

Technician Council

  • Monika Bartsch
  • Donna Guerra
  • Sheryl MacKenzie
  • Tara McNulty
  • Dorothy Rousselle

Educational Affairs Council

  • Joe Haynes
  • Tim L’Hommedieu
  • Tayanna Richardson

Membership Committee

  • Lindsey Childs-Kean
  • Matt Schneller

Public Affairs Council

  • Dale Spears

Southwest Society of Health-System Pharmacists (SWSHP)

2015 Report

Treasurer’s Report June 30, 2015

Checking Account

Beginning Balance: $ 18,285.36

Date: July 1, 2014

Continuing Education $ 13116.01

Legal Professional $ 921.40

Other $ 2725.07

Expense Total$16,762.48

Program Revenue$12,512.66


Ending Balance $ 14,035.54

June 30, 2015

Money Market Account

Beginning Balance $ 29,776.37

Date: July 1, 2014

Interest$ 23.83

Ending Balance$ 29,800.20

Date: June 30, 2015