The Trust has been created to support and further the visionary work of Derek Kitt, formerly County Adviser for Music. (Derek returned to Cornwall as a peripatetic music teacher in 1971 and became county music Adviser in 1990.
In 2005 he became Chair of the National Association of Music Educators).
The beneficiaries of the Trust will be Cornish Schools and young musicians working through the medium of music and the creative and performing arts.
Each year the trust will give notice to schools, clusters of schools and young musicians through KEAP, of its intention to provide a sum of £2000 to support an exciting, creative initiative that supports music development with young people or uses music as a catalyst to provide a valuable, cross curricular, creative experience for young people.
Applications will be invited in May each year for activity the following school year. Applicants will be asked to outline clearly the nature of the initiative, the precise way in which the bursary will be used together with the number of adults and young people that will be involved and the timescale. Projects that work across the curriculum and across phases will be particularly welcome.
The trustees are committed to keeping bureaucracy to the minimum and will look for exciting, creative and enthusiastic applications. KEAP will work with the successful applicant to develop the project.
Schools will work with professional creative practitioners – these could be musicians, film makers, dancers, sculptors, painters, writers, actors, costume makers, digital artists etc.
Schools who want to try something new or a new way of working in the creative arts.
Schools who will embed this project into school life rather than see it as a one-off for say activities week
The deadline for applications is Friday July 4th 2008
About Derek Kitt
‘I had known Derek for about 18 months, but I felt I had known him all my life, such was the strength and warmth of his personality. He was full of good news, of passion and vision. It was his achievements in Cornwall, his leadership of NAME (National Association for Music Education), his thorough, caring, courageous sense of what was happening and what could happen that put fire in my belly. Wherever you, Derek, when you hear the uplifting sound of our young peoples music-making, they are singing your song.’
Howard Goodall (Acclaimed Composer and presenter of BBC’s Choir of the year, chorister of the year and young musician of the year).
Derek was a very accomplished musician and inspirational County Music Adviser, who worked in Cornwall Local Education Authority for the whole of his professional life. He was deeply respected for his professionalism as well as for his humanity and support for those he came in contact with. His influence across the Creative and Performing Arts was huge.
Although his work centred mainly on developing music education in Cornish Schools, his influence spread much wider to encompass all of the creative and performing arts. His vision, energy and ability to use music as a catalyst for creative education enabled him to make a huge impact in the County, with a particular interest in projects involving large numbers of young people. He broadened their experiences of all the arts, enabling them to enjoy being creative and to develop their interest, skills and knowledge in the widest way possible.
Apart from his work in Cornwall, Derek was in demand as an inspiring speaker, consultant and leader of creative workshops throughout the United Kingdom. In 2004 he was honoured by being elected chair of the National Association for Music Education where experience and enthusiasm was greatly valued. He was influential nationally.
(Person or organisation making this application)
e-mail address:______
Tel. no:______
1. Details of the project you would like the Trust to support.
Please write a brief description here.2. Details of how many young people will be involved and age groups.
Please write brief details here.3. Details of the impact your project will have on the young person or people involved.
Please write details here.4. Details of when the project will begin and when it will finish.
It shoul should take place in the school year 2008/20095. Breakdown of how the money will be used.
6. Any supporting information you would like to add.
Thank you for completing this form.
Please return it by email to or post to Jemima Taylor, KEAP, 21b Pydar St, Truro, TR1 2AY.
The deadline for applications is Friday 4th July.
The decision will be announced by 21st July.