Rachel Manekin -- 1


Keila Rachel Manekin

Notarization. I have read the below and certify that this curriculum vitae is a current and accurate statement of my professional record.

February 22, 2014

1. Personal Information.

Assistant Professor of Jewish Studies (from January 2008)

The Joseph and Rebecca Meyerhoff Center of Jewish Studies

University of Maryland

College Park, MD 20742


2001Ph.D. (Jewish History), Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Title: The Growth and Development of Jewish Orthodoxy in Galicia: The “Machzike Hadas” Society, 1867-1883.

1992M.A. (History), University of Maryland, College Park.

1982B.A. (Philosophy/Jewish Thought), Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Academic Appointments and Employment

2008-Assistant Professor, Meyerhoff Center for Jewish Studies, University of Maryland

2003-2006Adjunct Lecturer, Dept. of Jewish History, Hebrew University

2001 (fall)Adjunct Lecturer, Dept. of Jewish History, Hebrew University.

2001-2005Senior Research Archivist, Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People, Jerusalem.

2.Research, Scholarly, and Creative Activities

a. Books

i. Religion, Politics and the Constitutional Monarchy: The Struggle Over the Control of the Jewish Communities in Galicia, 1848-1883. Jerusalem: Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History, forthcoming.

iii. Chapters in books.

“Moses Mendelssohn and Joseph II: The Galician Connection.” In Essays on Mendelssohn. Ed. Michah Gottlieb. Bethesda, MD.: Maryland University Press, forthcoming.(ms. pp. 25)

“Galician Haskalah and the Discourse of Schwärmerei.” InSecularism and its Discontents: The View from Jewish Studies. Eds. Ari Joskowicz and Ethan Katz. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, forthcoming.(ms. pp. 31)

“The Galician Roots of Polish-Jewish Historiography.” InBetween Coexistence and Divorce. Ed. Daniel Blatman, Jerusalem: Magnes Press, forthcoming. (Hebrew). (ms. pp. 12)

“The Moral Education of Jewish Youth: The Case of Bne Zion.” InMan and Morals in Central Europe. SVEC: Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century. Eds. Ivo Cerman, Rita Krueger, and Susan Reynolds. Oxford: SVEC, 2011, 273-294.

“The Debate over Assimilation in Late 19th Century L'viv.” In Insiders and Outsiders: Dilemmas of East European Jewry. Eds. Richard I. Cohen, Jonathan Frankel, and Stefani Hoffman. Oxford/Portland, Or.: Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 2010, 120-130.

“Joseph Perl on Hok le-Yisra’el and the Spread of Hasidism.” In Let the Old Make Way for the New: Studies in the Social and Cultural History of Eastern European Jewry Presented to Immanuel Etkes. Eds. David Assaf and Ada Rapoport-Albert. Jerusalem: Zalman Shazar Center, 2009, 345-354. (Hebrew).

“Die hebräische und jiddische Presse in Galizien.” In Die Habsburgermonarchie 1848-1918.vol.VIII/2: Politische Öffentlichkeit und Zivilgesellschaft. Eds. Helmut Rumpler und Peter Urbanitsch (Vienna:Austrian Academy of Sciences, 2006), 2341-2365.

“Orthodoxy and Politics: The Case of Galicia.” In The Study of Orthodoxy: New Perspectives. Eds A. Ravitsky and Y. Salmon. Jerusalem: Magnes Press 2006, 447-469.(Hebrew).

“Orthodox Jewry in Cracow at the Turn of the Twentieth Century.” In Kroke—Kazimierz—Cracow: Studies in the History of Cracow Jewry. Ed. Elchanan Reiner. Tel Aviv: The Center for the History of Polish Jewry, 2001, 155-190 (Hebrew), xiv-xv (English Abstract).

b. Articles in Refereed Journals.

“Hasidism and the Habsburg Empire: 1788-1867,” Jewish History27 (2013): 271-297.

“On Rabbinical Sermons and the ‘Bogeyman of Deism’: The Case of R. Ezekiel Landau,” Zion 78 (2013): 51-72 (Hebrew).

“Praying at Home: Sara Ornstein and the Minyan Laws of the Habsburg Empire,” Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry 24 (2012): 49-69.

“A Jewish Lithuanian Preacher in the Context of Religious Enlightenment: The Case of Israel Löbel,” Jewish Culture and History 13 (2012): 143-152.

“Orthodox Jewry in Kraków at the Turn of the Twentieth Century,” Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry 23 (2011): 165-198.

“The Maskilim of Lemberg and the Land of Israel: Concerning an Unknown Incident from 1816,” Cathedra 130 (2009): 31-50 (Hebrew).

“Taking it to the Streets: Polish-Jewish Print Discourse in 1848 Lemberg,” Jahrbuch des Simon-Dubnow-Instituts 7 (2008): 215-227.

“The 1816 Herem in Lemberg: Maskilic Triumphalism and Jewish Historiography,” Zion 73 (2008): 173-198 (Hebrew), xiv-xv (English Abstract).

“Naftali Herz Homberg: the Man and the Myth,”Zion 71 (2006): 153-202. (Hebrew), xiii-xiv (English Abstract).

“‘Rules of Behavior for Jewish Teachers in the Schools in Galicia and Lodomeria’: A Documentfrom the Time of Joseph II,” Galed 20 (2006): 112-124 (Hebrew).

“The Lost Generation: Education and Female Conversion in Fin-de-Siècle Cracow,” Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry 18 (2005): 189-219.

“The Development of the Idea of Religious Education for Jewish Girls in Galicia,” Massekhet 2 (2004): 63-85 (Hebrew).

“Daitchen, Poles, or Austrians? The Identity-Dilemma of Galician Jews (1848-1851),”Zion68 (2003): 223-62 (Hebrew), xv (English Abstract).

“Religion, Politics, and National Identity: The Jewish Vote in Galicia in the First Direct Elections to the Austrian Parliament,” Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry 12 (1999): 100-119.

“The New Covenant: Orthodox Jewish Political Alliances with Polish Catholics in Galicia (1879-1883),” Zion 64 (1999): 157-186 (Hebrew), xiv (English Abstract).

d. Book Reviews, Other Articles, Notes

i. Reviews:

Review of Michael Stanislawski, Murder in Lemberg, AJS Review 32 (2008): 214-217.

Review of Shimon Redlich,Together and Apart in Brzezany: Poles, Jews, and Ukrainians, 1919- 1945(Bloomington, 2002) and Rosa Lehman, Symbiosis and Ambivalence: Poles and Jews in a Small Galician Town (New York, 2001) in AJS Review 28 (2004): 406-409.

Review of Polin:Volume 15. Focusing on Jewish Religious Life 1500-1900, ed. Antony Polonsky,in Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung 53 (2004): 145.

ii. Articles in encyclopedias

YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe, ed. Gershon Hundert (New Haven: Yale University Press: 2008).

Long Entries:

“Galicia,” 1:560-567.

“L’viv,” 1:1106-1110.

Shorter entries:

“Galitsianer,” 1:567-568.“Makhzikey Hadas,” 1:1119-1120.“Shomer Yisra’el,” 2: 1726-1727.“Agudas Akhim,” 1:16.“Kohn, Abraham,” 1: 911-912.

iii. Articles in newspapers

“Joseph’s Roth Refugees from the East,” Haaretz Literary Supplement, July 23, 2010 (Hebrew).

“The Hair Princess of the Habsburg Empire: Who was Anna Csillag Who Sparked the Imagination of Bruno Schulz and Adolf Hitler?” Haaretz Literary Supplement, April 14, 2009 (Hebrew).

“‘The Bible was Lost for the Jews of the New Generation – They Should Receive it Again!’ On Jacob Freud’s Bible.” Haaretz Literary Supplement, April 5, 2004 (Hebrew).

“Tehilla’s Daughter and Michalina Araten,” Haaretz Literary Supplement, June 27, 2003 (Hebrew).

e. Talks, Abstracts and Other Professional Papers Presented.

i. Invited Talks:

“From Joseph II to Joseph Perl: The Galician Haskalah and the Legacy of Austrian Catholic Enlightenment.” The 5th International Conference for the Study of the Jewish Enlightenment. Revealers of Secrets: 200 Years of the Galician Haskalah.December 22-25, 2013.

“Galician Jews as ‘German’ and ‘Polish’: Shifting Meanings, Shifting Identities,” Conference on German-Jewish Culture in Galicia: Influence, Diffusion, and Transformation. Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences/Jagiellonian University. Opening Lecture. June 11, 2013.

“The State and the Galician Rabbinate: The Legal Context,”Book Launch for Haim Gertner’s The Rabbi and the City: The Rabbinate in Galicia and Its Encounter with Modernity, 1815-1867. The ZalmanShazar Center for Jewish History, Jerusalem, Israel. June 2, 2013.

Non-invited talks:

“Posthumous notes: The Austrian Censor in Joseph Perl’s Library.”

The 16th World Congress of Jewish Studies, July 28-August 1, 2013, Jerusalem Israel.

“Law, Religion, and the Enlightened State: Mendelssohn’s Views in the Context of the Habsburg Empire,” Conference on “Moses Mendelssohn: Jewish Enlightenment and Enlightened Religion,” University of Maryland, November 13, 2011.

“Galician Jews and the Habsburg Policy of Religious Toleration,” 2011 Lavy Colloquium, Johns Hopkins University, October 31-November1, 2011.

“Galician Haskalah and the Discourse of Religious Enthusiasm (‘Schwärmerei’),” Center for Advanced Judaic Studies, University of Pennsylvania, January13, 2010.

“Religion and Citizenship in an Enlightened State: Mendelssohn’s Views in the Context of the Habsburg Empire,” Conference on “Secularism and Its Discontents: The View from Jewish Studies,” Center for Advanced Judaic Studies, University of Pennsylvania, May 3, 2010.

“The Schism that Never Happened: The Case of Galicia,” International Conference on “Schism, Sectarianism, and Jewish Denominationalism,”Central European University, Budapest. October 13-15, 2009.

“Hasidism in the Habsburg Empire,”International Conference on “Toward a New History of Hasidism,”University College London,April 21-22, 2009.

“The Galician Roots of the Historiography of Polish Jewry,” International Conference on“Between Coexistence and Divorce: 25 Years of Research on the History and Culture of Polish Jewry and Polish-Jewish Relations,”Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus March 17-19, 2009

“The Haskalah in Galicia and the Discourse of Schwärmerei,” International Conference on“Jewish Enlightenment in the Czech Lands in a European Perspective,”Olomouc, Czech Republic, May 18-20, 2008.

Roundtable Panelist on “The Cultures of Academic Scholarship,” Conference on Rabbis and Rebbes - Artists & Intellectuals. Cultures in 19th and 20th Century Eastern European Jewry, Yivo Institute for Jewish Research,New York, March 9, 2008.

“Hasidism in Galicia in the First Half of the 19th Century and the Discourse of Schwärmerei,” Presentation in Weekly Seminar of the Study Group on “Towards a New History of Hasidism,” Institute of Advanced Studies, Jerusalem, Israel, December 13, 2007.

Discussant on Caught in the Thicket by David Assaf, Scholarly Colloquium, Haifa University, May 1, 2007.

“Taking it to the Streets -- Polish-Jewish Print Discourse in 1848 Lemberg,”Conference on “Poles and Jews in the Public Space: Mutual Perceptions,”Haifa University, December 18-20, 2006.

“Herz Homberg in Galicia Revisited,” “Haskalah in Transition: Time, Place, and People in the Jewish Enlightenment,” Third Wrocław Conference in Jewish Studies, Wrocław, Poland,

May 8-9, 2006.

“The Debate over Assimilation in Late 19th Century L'viv.” International Conference on “Insiders, Outsiders and Modern East European Jewry”in Honor of Professor Ezra Mendelsohn, Jerusalem. January, 2006.

“Acculturated Jewish Women in Krakow,” International Conference on “Women in Polish-Jewish Society: Myth and Reality,”Institute for the Polish-Jewish Studies, in association with the Polish Cultural Institute, London, December, 2005.

“Between Acculturation and Assimilation:Young Jewish Women in Fin-de-siècle Krakow,” International Conference on “Jews in Krakow,”Krakow, Poland, September, 2005.

“Between Reality and Prejudice: Russian Jewish Writers in Galicia,” International Conference in Honor of Prof. Jonathan Frankel, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, May, 2004.

“Assassination during the Revolution: The Poisoning of Abraham Kohn, the Preacher of the Lemberg Temple,” Annual Meeting of the Israeli Slavic Society, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, May, 2003.

“Hebrew in the Service of Polonization. The Case of the Galician Newspaper Hamazkir,” International Conference on “Jewish Culture and History in Eastern Europe,” Center for Advanced Judaic Studies, University of Pennsylvania, May, 2003.

“Jews and the 1848 Revolution in Galicia,” Center for Advanced Judaic Studies, University of Pennsylvania, February, 2003.

“The Road Not Taken: Attempts to Modernize Galician Jews, 1842-1867.”Meyerhoff Center for Jewish Studies. University of Maryland, College Park,March, 2002.

“Rabbis as Political Leaders in Galicia,” International Conference on “Jewish Politics and Political Leadership in Historical Perspective,”Bar Ilan University, January, 1999.

“The State and Orthodox Jewry: Changes in the Perception of the Institution of the Rabbinate,” Conference on “New Trends in the Study of Orthodox Jewry,” Institute for Advanced Studies, Hebrew University, January, 1998.

“The Family and the Crisis in Jewish Education in Galicia at the Dawn of the Twentieth Century,” International Conference on “The Jewish Family in Poland,”Hebrew University, June, 1996.

“‘A Time to Act for the Lord’: Orthodox Jewry’s Campaign Surrounding the Communal Statute in Galicia,” International Conference on“Between Bondage and Freedom,” Tel-Aviv University, June 1995.

ii. Refereed conferences.

“Nachman Krochmal in his Galician and Austrian Context,” Association for Jewish Studies Annual Meeting, Chicago. December, 2012.

“The Failure of a Hungarian Jewish Model: The Rejection of Schism in Cisleithania,” International Conference on “Jewish Life in the 19th and 20th Century Austrian-Hungarian Border Region,”Andrássy University Budapest, October 29-October 31, 2012.

“The Making of a Galician Maskil: The Forbidden Books in Joseph Perl’s Library,” Association for Jewish Studies Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. December, 2011.

“Moses Mendelssohn, Austrian Law, and the Jews of Galicia: On an Unrealized Initiative of Joseph II,” World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, Israel, August, 2005.

“Poles, Jews, and the Rhetoric of Brotherhood in 1848 Lemberg,” Association for Jewish Studies Annual Meeting, Chicago, December, 2004.

“`The Question of Daughters’ in Galicia at the Dawn of the Twentieth Century,” Association for Jewish Studies Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.December, 2001.

“Parental Woes: The Conversion of Jewish Girls to Christianity in early Twentieth-Century Cracow,” 13th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, August, 2001.

“Rabbis and Politics in Late 19thcent. Galicia,” Association for Jewish Studies Annual Meeting, Boston, December, 2000.

“The Secession That Wasn’t: The Failed Attempt to Create a Separate Orthodox Community in Galicia,” 12th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, August, 1997.

j. Fellowships, Prizes and Awards

2015 (spring)Fellow. Institute for Advanced Studies, Hebrew University. Member of the working group on Galicia: Literary and Historical Approaches to the Construction of a Jewish Place.

2013(spring)RASA Fellowship, University of Maryland.

2010 (spring)Fellow, Center for Advanced Judaic Studies, University of Pennsylvania. Research Group on Secularism and Its Discontents.

2007Guest Fellow. Institute for Advanced Studies, Hebrew University. Member of the working group on Hasidism.

2008Iwry Summer Fellowship, Meyerhoff Center for Jewish Studies.

2005Nevzlin Postdoctoral Grant, Hebrew University.

2002-2003Fellow, Center for Advanced Judaic Studies, University of Pennsylvania. Research Group on Eastern Europe.

2002 (spring)Postdoctoral Fellow, The Joseph and Rebecca Meyerhoff Center for Jewish Studies, University of Maryland at College Park.

2001Friedan Prize, Center for the Study of Contemporary Jewry, Hebrew University.

2001-2005Fellow, Center for the Research on the History and Culture of Polish Jews, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

1999National Foundation for Jewish Culture Fellowship.

1998American Council for Learned Societies – East European Fellowship.

1998Mendelsberg-Schilderkraut Foundation Fellowship

1998Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture Fellowship.

1997Mendoza Prize, Department of Jewish History, Hebrew University.

1997Institute for Jewish StudiesFellowship, Hebrew University.

1997Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture Fellowship.

1996Rosenfeld Foundation, Hebrew University Fellowship

1996Peninah Herzog Prize, Department of Jewish History, Hebrew University.

1996Institute for Jewish Studies Fellowship, Hebrew University.

1996Mark Uviler Award. Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture.

1995Institute for Jewish Studies Fellowship, Hebrew University.

k. Editorships, Editorial Boards, and Reviews.

Divisional Editor for Galicia, YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe, ed. Gershon Hundert (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008).

Reviewed 2 articles for Zion (2014)

Reviewed 1 article for Zion (2013)

Reviewed 1 article for Zion (2012)

Reviewed article for Nations and Nationalism (2008)

Reviewed book manuscript for Shazar Institute (2014)

3. Teaching, Mentoring, and Advising

a. Courses taught in the last five years, with approximate enrollments

JWST409A/HIST408Y: Literature and Jewish Life in Eastern Europe. 11 students on average.

JWST235/HIST283 History of the Jewish People II, 60 students on average.

JWST478M/HIST418D: Readings in Modern Hebrew: Hasidism and Its Opponents, 3-5 students.

JWST409E: Seminar. Jewish Enlightenment in it National Context, 7 students on average.

JWST419E/HIST419QSpecial Topics in Jewish Studies: Jews of Eastern Europe, 1580-1939.(Now offered as JWST370) 20 students on average.

JWST419G or R/HIST429X/RELS419R Religious Movements in European Jewish History, (Now offered as JWST347)18 students on average.

JWST478 Readings in Modern Hebrew: Major Texts of the Jewish Enlightenment.7 students on average.

Independent study courses with graduate students.

2009 Independent study with Michal Cohen (MA in Jewish Studies)

2012 Independent study with Kate Bailey (PhD candidate in History)

b. Course or Curriculum Development

After my first year here, I began using Microsoft Power Point in all my lectures, and many of my advanced classes involve reading selected historical and archival texts in Hebrew. I also designed a course on Habsburg Jewry for the Shazar Center, Jerusalem.

e. Advising

I advise informally several undergraduates per semester, as well as grad students in Jewish History.

f. Research advisor:

i. Undergraduate

2012-13 Departmental Honors student: Judah Kerbel (2012-2013)


2013- Doctoral Committee for Jagiellonian University, Poland, student, Alicja Maślak-Maciejewska.

4. Service.

a. Professional

i. Offices and committee memberships

2010-Board member of the Association for the Preservation and Study of Jewish Culture inGalicia and Bukovina.Israel.

2012- Member of the Steering Committee, the Project of the Jews in Galicia and Bukovina, Herzl Institute, University of Haifa.

2013 Invited expert for the workshop on "German - Jewish Culture in Galicia: Influence, Diffusion and Transformation,” Krakow, June, 11-13, 2013, co-organized by the Institute of Jewish Studies, Jagiellonian University, Krakow; Commission for the History and Culture of Jews, Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences; Martin Buber Chair in Jewish Thought and Philosophy, Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main; The Institute of History, Martin Luther University, Halle; Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv and Polish Association for Jewish Studies.

2013 Organizing committee Member for the Fifth International Conference for the Study of the Haskalah Movement: Revealers of Secrets – 200 Years of Galician Haskalah, Jerusalem, Dec. 22-25, 2013.

ii. Reviewing activities for agencies.

Reader for Book Manuscript

2006 Book on Jewish Orthodoxy in Israel, Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem

Anonymous Reader for Doctoral Thesis

2011 Hebrew University doctoral thesis on nineteenth century Jewish history.

Reviewer for Grant Proposals

2013 Referee for a Grant Proposal for a Jewish Studies Program at the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv to the Rothschild Foundation (Hanadiv), Europe.

2009Academy of Sciences, Vienna (for a research project on Jewish life in East Galicia).

2007Israel Science Foundation (for a research project on a Hasidic controversy in Galicia).

b. Campus.

i. Department

2013Member, Faculty Salary Committee, Meyerhoff Center for Jewish Studies

2011 Member, Yiddish Search Committee, Meyerhoff Center for Jewish Studies

2009Member, Scholarship Committee, Meyerhoff Center for Jewish Studies

ii. College

2013 (Fall) Collegiate Council, College of Arts and Humanities.

c. Community

2010Lecture on Conversion to Catholicism and Orthodox Society. Meeting of Rabbis in the Philadelphia Area.

2007Lecture on the Beginnings of the Bais Yaakov Education Movement. (For Beis Yaakov Teacher’s Seminary, Jerusalem).

2006 Lecture on Religious Education of Jewish Women. Shalom Aleichem House, Tel Aviv.