Honors English I

Animal Farm

Study Guide Packet


As you finish each reading assignment, complete the questions for that chapter in this study guide. You may be assessed for completion at the end of individual chapters or at the end of the novel. You may also have quizzes at the end of certain reading sections in which you may use this packet to help you. This will eventually become a great study guide for the test if you answer each question with detail, examples, quotes and page numbers (where applicable). It will be useless if you put in little effort.

Chapter 1

  1. What is the name of Mr. Jones’s farm when the story begins?
  1. Who had a strange dream he wishes to communicate with the other animals?
  1. Old Major tells the animals that he “understands the nature of life on this earth.” What three words does he use to describe the animals’ lives?
  1. Who does Old Major say is the only “real enemy” the animals have?
  1. What is the name of the song that Old Major teaches the animals at the end of his speech?

Chapter 2

  1. What are the names of the three animals who teach the others the principles of Animalism at the beginning of the chapter?
  1. What are the three reasons why animals are given more food after the Rebellion?
  1. Why doesn’t Old Major take part in the animal rebellion?
  1. What does Mr. Jones forget to do that triggers the rebellion?
  1. After the Rebellion, why does Snowball destroy the ribbons that were used to decorate the horses’ manes and tails?
  1. Which animals are the most faithful disciples of Animalism?
  1. After the animals have explored the farmhouse, what do they agree to do with it?
  1. After the Rebellion, the pigs milk the cows. What happens to the milk?
  1. What are the Seven Commandments?

a.  ______

b.  ______

c.  ______

d.  ______

e.  ______

f. ______

g. ______

Chapter 3

  1. Who is described as the hardest worker on Animal Farm?
  1. What is Boxer’s answer to every problem or setback?
  1. Which animal works the same after the Rebellion as before and will not express any opinion about it?
  1. Describe Animal Farm’s flag.
  1. Why does Snowball teach the stupider animals the maxim “Four legs good, two legs bad” instead of the Seven Commandments?
  1. What does Squealer say will happen when some of the animals complain that the pigs get all the milk and apples?

Chapter 4

  1. What do the neighboring farmers secretly wonder as they listen to Mr. Jones’s complaints?
  1. What do Snowball and Napoleon do to spread the news of what happened on Animal Farm?
  1. When Jones and his men attack Animal Farm, who joins them?
  1. From what book did Snowball get the idea of how to plan the defense of Animal Farm?
  1. What happens to Snowball when Jones sees him coming?
  1. Why is Boxer upset right after the battle?
  1. Which animals receive medals for their work in the Battle of the Cowshed?
  1. Why do you think Napoleon is not mentioned by name during the Battle of the Cowshed?

Chapter 5

  1. What do the pigeons report they see Mollie doing after she leaves Animal Farm?
  1. When Snowball selects a site for the windmill, what improvements does he claim the structure will bring to the farm?
  1. What means does Napoleon use to chase Snowball off the farm?
  1. After Snowball is gone, the terrified animals are dismayed to hear Napoleon announce a new method of making decisions for the farm. What is it?
  1. On the third Sunday after Snowballs expulsion, who claims to have originated the idea of the windmill?

Chapter 6

  1. What problem do the animals have to solve before they can build the windmill?
  1. After Napoleon’s takeover, what new saying does Boxer adopt?
  1. In order to obtain certain necessary materials, what new policy does Napoleon announce?
  1. Who is Mr. Whymper and why has Napoleon hired him?
  1. What reasons does Squealer give for the pigs’ move into the farmhouse?
  1. What change is made to the Fourth Commandment after the pigs move into the farmhouse?
  1. When the windmill collapses, whom does Napoleon blame?

Chapter 7

  1. What steps does Napoleon take to make the neighbors think there is no food shortage on Animal Farm?
  1. What does Squealer announce that Napoleon plans to do with the hens’ eggs?
  1. When the hens rebel, how does Napoleon stop them?
  1. What, according to Squealer, is Napoleon’s final “categorically” stated accusation against Snowball?
  1. What does Boxer do to the dogs when they attack him?
  1. What do the four pigs admit at the assembly where the animals are told to confess their crimes?
  1. What happens to all the animals to confess to crimes at the assembly?

Chapter 8

  1. How is the Sixth Commandment changed?
  1. What does Napoleon have inscribed on the wall of the big barn?
  1. What does Frederick use to pay Napoleon for the pile of timber?
  1. What do Frederick and his men do to destroy the windmill?
  1. What have the animals won after the Battle of the Windmill?

Chapter 9

  1. What does Boxer say is his one remaining ambition before his retirement?
  1. When the rations are reduced, who explains to the other animals that they are not really short of food?
  1. According to Napoleon, what is the object of the newly required weekly Spontaneous Demonstration?
  1. Who reappears on the farm in the summer after a long absence and proceeds to talk by the hour to anyone who would listen?
  1. What is written on the van that takes Boxer away?
  1. When the animals demand an explanation for what is written on the van, what does Squealer say?

Chapter 10

  1. In spite of the difficulties and problems they faced, what gave the animals on Animal Farm their sense of privilege and honor and kept them filled with hope?
  1. What are the words of the new song that Squealer taught the sheep?
  1. What is the shocking sight that Clover sees that causes her to neigh in terror?
  1. What is the only one Commandment printed on the barn wall?
  1. Whom do the pigs invite to make a tour of inspection of the farm?
  1. As the pigs and their guests toast each other, what does Napoleon say is his and the other pigs’ only wish?