Progress Report 2007 Italy

Society/Corporate: Regione Lombardia. Direzione Generale Culture Identità autonomie della Lombardia

Via Pola, 12-14

20124 Milano

Country: Italy

Web page:

Name: Ornella Foglieni - Soprintendente regionale per i beni librari


Phone: +39 2 6765 2647

Fax: +39 2 6765 2733

Mission Statement: Cultural heritage preservation and knowledge

Lombardia Beni Culturali (

It is a regional web site publishing the Regional Cultural Heritage Info Systems’ data –SIRBeC started in 1992 -; about 65.000 files of Cultural Heritage are available (catalogues of art goods and objects, architectures, archeological finds, prints and engravings, pictures, ethnic and anthropological pieces and sounds). SIRBeC’s catalogue is extimated to contain about 600.000 records. Descriptions are based on national standards.

Lombardia Storica (

It is a portal collecting historical and archival resources as old municipalities archives, historical sources and ancient medieval documents enhanced by Regione Lombardia, with the Statal Archive in Milan and other Government institutions (about 40.000 items) started in 2002 and technically supported by Universiy of Pavia..

In “Lombardia Storica” 300.000 records of archival inventories are now available and there is also the digitization of the most ancient medieval texts (8th-12th century) in the “Diplomatic digital Code of the Medieval Lombardy”,(5000 items) made with XML language marquer with a special DTD

Software used

The input records in the catalogue of “Lombardia Beni Culturali” is done with a stand alone Access application system s/w Sirbec. . Afterwards, data are collected in the central database managed in Oracle environment by Lombardia Informatica Spa – the institutional supporter for informatics for Regione . Thereafter the data are sent into PostgreSql tables where is operating a query-retrieval system and presentation with php.

The archive’s description data in the PLAIN project, part of “Lombardia Storica”, works in the same way: data capture in local environment collected by s/w Sesamo (Access application), data migration to the SIUSA –main national project managing data for archives- in Oracle environment , then to PostgreSql for queries.

Future projects:

A project is working since 2006 to integrate the different environments within a unique portal including all the Cultural Heritage information systems in Lombardy to assure:

Interoperability and easy access to different data bases

achievement of a remarkable scale economy

improvement of new services including English translation for presentation and query

connection with the national portal Cultura Italia and EU Culture Portal

connection with national projects: SBN and MANUS environment and the (Internetculturale Portal including BDI and MICHAEL )

Main catalog / Union Catalog for books: SBN – Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale Since 1986

Now: General search and link services including Digital library