Final Exam Review
Worksheet #4

Driver Safety & Rules (Manual Chapter 3)

1.  In the event of a crash or sudden stop, use of seat belts can help to: (38) (3)

2.  Who is required by the GDL law to wear a seatbelt in the vehicle? (38)

3.  New Jersey law requires that a child must be seated in a child restraint device while riding in a car if: (40) (2)

4.  What should be used when changing lanes, turning, or slowing down? (49)

5.  The meaning of a hand signal when a driver’s hand and arm are downward is: (49)

6.  The meaning of a hand signal when a driver’s hand and arm are upward is: (49)

7.  When parking downhill on a street with a curb on your right, you car wheels should be: (51)

8.  When parking uphill on a street with a curb on your right, your wheels should be: (51)

Defensive Driving (Manual Chapter 5)

9.  You can reduce your chances of being involved in an accident by knowing and using the standard accident prevention formula- what is it? (82) (3)

10.  Emotions can have a great effect on your driving; if you are angry or excited what should you do before driving? (82)

11.  To avoid highway hypnosis when driving, it is good practice to: (83)

12.  The best way to “talk” to other drivers on the road is to use: (84) (2)

13.  It is good practice to keep a space cushion to: (85)

14.  The “3 second rule” can be used at any speed to help you: (86)

15.  If a vehicle is passing you, what should you do? (87)

16.  When are road surfaces most slippery? (87)

17.  Hydroplaning is a driving condition wherein tires lose traction on a wet road and float on a layer of water or slush; when this happens, you should: (88)

18.  In New Jersey, studded snow tires can be legally used between what dates? (89)

19.  When driving at night, be sure that you can stop: (90)

20.  When driving in the city, what should you do? (91) (3) (Speed, people, & seconds)

Other Road Users (Manual Chapter 8)

21.  To safely share the road with large trucks and buses, you must know what:

(135) (3)




22.  In adverse weather conditions, a truck takes longer to stop. This can be as much as: (135) (%)

23.  If the driver of a large truck or bus cannot see you in his rearview mirrors, where is your car located? (136)

24.  If you approach an intersection and a large truck is stopped for the traffic light, what should you do? (137)

25.  When sharing the road with large trucks or buses, what should you do?

(137) (Turn, Behind, Passing)




26.  When passing a large truck or bus, it is important to remember:

·  There are several no blind spots in which the driver can not see you.