Baw Baw Shire Council

Community Development Grants


1.  What is the Baw Baw Community Development Grants Program?

Baw Baw Shire Council has a proud history of working in partnership with the community and volunteers to meet local needs. One of the ways Council supports community and volunteer groups is through the annual Community Development Grants (CDG) program which delivers funding for programs and activities that reflect our community’s priorities and vision (as set out in Council and Community Plans), strengthen communities and provide opportunities for enhanced participation in public life and community groups, provide benefits to the local and/or the Baw Baw community and contribute to the social, cultural, environmental and economic development of our community.

2.  Categories of funding

Youth, Community Events and Programs (maximum $3,000 per application)

The Youth, Community Events and Programs category provides financial support to conduct festivals, community, sporting, cultural and major events, developmental programs and programs for disadvantaged groups with community being the primary focus. Events and programs for youth aged 12-25 are encouraged.

Minor Capital Works (maximum $10,000 per application)

The Minor Capital Works category provides for financial support for minor repairs, renovations (including disability access) and equipment, to buildings, clubrooms, sporting and other community facilities in consultation with Baw Baw Shire Council. The Community Group must contribute $1 for every $1 from Council, of which community’s contribution must be a minimum of 50% cash and the balance in-kind e.g. a group applying for a $10,000 grant must contribute a minimum of $5000 in cash, while the remaining $5000 can be in volunteer labour or materials. There is no limit to your total project cost.

Environment Programs (maximum $2,000 per application)

The Environment Programs category provides financial support for activities that will enhance a community group’s capacity to run or promote programs with a direct benefit to the environment. Examples include: tree planting, water quality testing equipment, environmental newsletters etc. (Plants or tree guards can be funded under the Rural Environment Tree Planting Program).

3.  Who can apply?

To be eligible for funding under the Community Grants Program, applicants must:

·  Be a ‘Not for Profit’ community group, organisation or club.

·  Be incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act OR supported by an Incorporated Association that is deemed to be non-profit, as classified by the Australian Taxation Office (section 103A(2) (c) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936).

·  Have their own Public Liability Insurance.

·  Have complied with all terms and conditions including the submission of a satisfactory acquittal report for all previous Baw Baw Shire Grants.

·  Provide an ABN or an Auspice Organisation ABN. If an auspice is required, complete auspice details.

4.  What will not be funded

·  Items that are part of an organisation’s core business or normal operating expenses e.g. insurances (such as public liability), utilities, rental of business premises etc.

·  State wide organisations or projects.

·  Projects that are the funding responsibility of other levels of government (projects that have broad community benefit will be considered).

·  Projects that duplicate other local service responses unless need, coordination and cooperation is evident.

·  Projects that could be funded from other sources e.g. fees, sponsorships.

·  Private profit-making organisations.

·  Individuals.

·  Fundraising activities, where the purpose is to give grant funds to a third party immediately.

·  Applications which are received after the close of the program.

·  Projects/activities that have already started.

·  Single purpose use facilities where little or no public access is available or encouraged, or programs or activities not designed to attract or appeal to the broader community.

·  Applicants who have any outstanding debts to Council or overdue acquittals.

·  Applications that focus on achieving political or religious outcomes.

·  Applications for facilities designed for gaming machines or primarily for the sale of alcohol.

·  Activities that have already been supported by this CDG program on three occasions. Contact Council’s Events Officer to discuss other funding sources.

5.  What are the funding conditions?

·  Each group may submit one application only.

·  Applicants must provide all information as required on the application form.

·  Applicants must provide evidence of their own significant contribution to the project, either in cash or in-kind (labour or materials etc).

·  Applicants must provide evidence of all necessary permits, approvals and insurance requirements.

·  Applications must be supported by any relevant land or building owner and/or manager. (Funding may be granted conditional on demonstrating that permission of the relevant land or building owner and/or manager has been obtained.)

·  For projects connected to Council owned facilities, applicants must discuss their application with Council prior to submitting the application and any works that are required to meet the Building Code of Australia and Council standards.

·  Events on Council land and/or at a Council facility must comply with Council’s events processes.

·  Events held on private or Crown land must seek appropriate permissions and comply with all relevant requirements, i.e. permits such as Permit for Places of Public Entertainment (POPE) etc.

·  Organisations are required to enter into a funding agreement with Council. The funding agreement details the project purpose and accountability requirements.

·  Funds must be spent on the project as described in the funding application and within 12 months of the funding becoming available.

·  Requests to vary the details or scope of the funded program must be submitted in writing for approval by Council.

·  Successful applicants must complete a funding acquittal within 30 days of the agreed completion date.

·  All unspent funds must be returned to Council. Failure to do so will forfeit any future financial assistance from Council.

·  Established projects/events/programs must be self-supporting once consolidated.

·  Projects/events/programs which have received three rounds of funding from this CDG program are no longer eligible.

·  Council may impose other special conditions on any successful applications.

·  Funded organisations are required to acknowledge the Baw Baw Shire Council in all promotional or publicity material for the funded project. The logo must be applied in adherence with the style guide. For a copy of our logo and the style guide please request an electronic copy from .

·  Organisation’s that are holding a launch or event for the project for which they have been funded and are planning to invite the Mayor/Councillors and/or Council Officers, are required to ensure their invitation is sent at least 4 weeks prior to the event. The relevant Council officer must be notified of this invitation.

·  The funded organisation must take out and maintain throughout the Term (and any Extended Term) standard insurance policies.

·  The funded organisation must comply with all relevant laws and conditions as outlined below and with all other State and Commonwealth legislation:

o  Consumer Affairs Victoria:

o  Fair Work Act 2009:

o  Equal Opportunity Act 1995:

o  Disability Discrimination Act 1992:

o  Victorian Disability Act 2006:

o  Racial and Religious Tolerance Act 2001:

o  Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014:

o  Public Liability Insurance:

o  Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006:

6.  Process for assessment

a)  Applications will be assessed by Council officers to ensure eligibility. Council officers may request further information from applicants.

b)  Eligible applications will be reviewed by the Grants Assessment Panel which comprises one Council officer and up to three community representatives selected by an approved Council mechanism.

c)  Advice may be sought from other local funding bodies, such as Community Banks, to ensure local funds are applied to as many projects across the Shire as possible.

d)  Council will receive recommendations from the Grants Assessment Panel and will make the final determination on funding at a public Council Meeting.

e)  Applicants will be notified accordingly.

7.  Assessment Criteria - How will CDG be assessed?

The guidelines against which each application will be assessed by the Grants Assessment Panel are:

·  The amount of local community involvement in running the program or event.

·  The size and significance of the program or event.

·  The number of people who will have access to attend and benefit from the program or event.

·  The extent to which the event is socially inclusive, and open to participation by, a wide range of community members including those who might be disadvantaged.

·  The range and/or significance of the benefits to be delivered.

·  The extent to which the activity delivers on Council and Community Plan outcomes.

·  The extent to which a similar activity is already occurring in the community.

·  The evidence which shows the community need for the program.

·  The ability of the organisation to effectively plan, manage and deliver the activity.

·  The need for support from the CDG program, how the money will be used and how any profits from the activity will be used.

·  The volunteer hours and other in-kind support the organisation will contribute.

·  For ongoing activities, the extent to which the applicant has planned for the long term sustainability of the event.

·  The planned evaluation to monitor the success of the activity.

·  The extent to which the overall objectives of the CDG Program are being met.

·  The contribution of the activity to municipal environmental and sustainability objectives.

·  For proposals involving a site, the importance of the site to the local and municipal community.

Council Plans can be accessed on Council’s website ( Copies may also be viewed at each Council office.

8.  Key dates for Community Development Grants

Applications open / 6 July 2015
Information session/s for applicants at West Gippsland Art Centre / 6.30pm 14 July
Assistance making online applications / During July
Applications close / 14 August 2015
Assessment by Grants Assessment Panel / August
Council meeting to determine successful applications / 14 October 2015
Formal notification to all applicants / 23 October 2015
Grants celebration / 27 October 2015

NOTE: The CDG program is reviewed each year for continuous improvement and changes are made. All applicants are strongly encouraged to attend an information session to become aware of any changes (see the Council website for times and locations). Assistance is available if you contact Council’s Grants officer, see below.

9.  Information to be included with application

1.  The applicant organisation’s Australian Business Number.

2.  GST status.

3.  One written quote for all expenditure items valued at $500 to $3,000, 2 quotes for over $3000.

4.  Written evidence of all confirmed sponsorships and other contributions.

5.  Certified copies of the applicant organisation’s last year’s audited financial statement.

6.  A letter from the relevant land owner, manager or Section 86 Committee of Management indicating their support for the application and use of their land or facility.

7.  A Certificate of Incorporation for the applicant (or auspice) organisation.

10.  How to submit an application

·  Applications must be submitted online via Council’s webpage:

·  Assistance will be available to community groups that do not have access to, or knowledge of, computers and the internet.

·  Applicants will receive an email confirmation receipt of their application with a PDF copy.

11.  How will I know whether my application has been successful?

All applicants will receive an email from Council advising if their application has been successful or not.

After the presentation/celebration event emails will be sent to successful groups with details such as Funding Terms and Conditions statement, Invoice templates and Agreement for completion and return, specific conditions and actions for your activity that apply to your project/event/program and acquittal form.

All applicants will be invited to a special presentation event to celebrate and network together.

If you have any queries or require assistance, please contact the

Grants Officer on or

(03) 5624 2411 during office hours.