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AMENDMENT v06.00/2017

Major amendments to Brisbane City Plan 2014 – Bulimba district neighbourhood plan amendments

Section 2.3A.4 of the Statutory Guideline1

Text and figure amendments

Part 1 – About the Planning scheme

Item No. / Section / Sub-section/ Table / Existing text/Map to be removed / Insert/Replace with/ Renumber/Relocate to / Reason /
1.  / 1.2 / Table 1.2.2—Neighbourhood plans precincts and sub-precincts / REMOVE:
NPP-004: Department of Defence site / INSERT:
NPP-004: Bulimba Barracks
NPP-004a: Riverfront recreation
NPP-004b: Community heart
NPP-004c: Residential interface
NPP-004d : Residential core
NPP-004e: Royal Australian Navy / Consequential amendment as a result of the inclusion of the revised Bulimba district neighbourhood plan. The revised Bulimba district neighbourhood plan reflects the changes resulting from the Bulimba Barracks Master Plan project.

Part 7 – Neighbourhood plans

Item No. / Section / Sub-section/ Table / Existing text/Map to be removed / Insert/Replace with/ Renumber/Relocate to / Reason /
2.  / 7.2 / – Bulimba district neighbourhood plan code
Application / REMOVE:
‘(d) Department of Defence site precinct (Bulimba district neighbourhood plan /NPP-004)’ / REPLACE WITH:
‘(d) Bulimba Barracks precinct (Bulilmba district neighbourhood plan /NPP-004):
(i)  Riverfront recreation sub-precinct (Bulimba district neighbourhood plan/NPP-004a);
(ii)  Community heart sub-precinct (Bulimba district neighbourhood plan/NPP-004b);
(iii)  Residential interface sub-precinct (Bulimba district neighbourhood plan/NPP-004c);
(iv)  Residential core sub-precinct (Bulimba district neighbourhood plan/NPP-004d);
(v)  Royal Australian Navy sub-precinct (Bulimba district neighbourhood plan/NPP-004e). / Consequential amendment as a result of the inclusion of the revised Bulimba district neighbourhood plan. The revised Bulimba district neighbourhood plan reflects the changes resulting from the Bulimba Barracks Master Plan project.
3.  / 7.2 / – Bulimba district neighbourhood plan code
Purpose / REMOVE:
Sections (7)(a) (i) to (x) / REPLACE WITH:
Amended Section (7)(a) to (k) / Consequential amendment as a result of the inclusion of the revised Bulimba district neighbourhood plan. The revised Bulimba district neighbourhood plan reflects the changes resulting from the Bulimba Barracks Master Plan project.
4.  / 7.2 / – Bulimba district neighbourhood plan code
Table for assessment development / INSERT:
‘If in the Bulimba Barracks precinct (Bulimba district neighbourhood plan/NPP-004)’ ‘PO14’, ‘PO15’, ‘PO16’, ‘PO17’, ‘AO14.1’, ‘AO14.2’, ‘AO14.3’, ‘AO14.4’, ‘AO14.5’, ‘AO15.1’, ‘AO15.2’, ‘AO15.3’, ‘AO15.4’, ’AO15.5’ ‘AO16.1’, ‘AO16.2’, ‘AO16.3’, ‘AO16.4’, ‘AO16.5’, ‘AO16.6’, ‘AO16.7’, AO16.8‘, AO17’
following ‘PO13’ and before:
‘If in the Godwin street precinct (Bulimba district neighbourhood plan/NPP-005)’ / Include revised Bulimba district neighbourhood plan code. The revised Bulimba district neighbourhood plan reflects the changes resulting from the Bulimba Barracks Master Plan project.
5.  / 7.2 / – Bulimba district neighbourhood plan code
Table for assessment development / RENUMBER:
‘PO14’, ‘PO15’, ‘PO16’, ‘AO14.1’, ‘AO14.2’, ‘AO14.3’, ‘AO15.1’, ‘AO15.2’ and ‘AO15.3’ and AO16
‘PO18, PO19, ‘PO20’, ‘AO18.1’, ‘AO18.2’, ‘AO18.3’, ‘AO19.1’, ‘AO19.2’, ‘AO19.3’ and ‘AO20’ / Consequential amendment as a result of the inclusion of the revised Bulimba district neighbourhood plan. The revised Bulimba district neighbourhood plan reflects the changes resulting from the Bulimba Barracks Master Plan project.
6.  / 7.2 / – Bulimba district neighbourhood plan code
Table building height / INSERT:
After the section “If in the Oxford Street precinct (Bulimba district neighbourhood plan/NPP-002) and before the section ‘If in the Godwin Street precinct (Bulimba district neighbourhood/NPP-005)’, the following:
·  New row: ‘If in the Bulimba Barracks precinct (Bulimba district neighbourhood plan/NPP004)’ ;
·  New row:
o  First column: ‘Development where in the locations identified as 2 storey on Figure f and in the:
§  Residential interface sub-precinct (Bulimba district neighbourhood plan/NPP-004c)
§  Residential core sub-precinct (Bulimba district neighbourhood plan/NPP-004d)’
o  Second column: ‘2’
o  Third column: ‘Not specified’
·  New row:
o  First column: ‘Development where in the locations identified as 3 storey on Figure f and in the:
§  Community heart sub-precinct (Bulimba district neighbourhood plan/NPP-004b)
§  Residential core sub-precinct (Bulimba district neighbourhood plan/NPP-004d)’
o  Second column: ‘3’
o  Third column: ‘Not specified’
·  New row:
o  First column: ‘Development where set back a minimum 10 metres as illustrated and where in the locations identified as 5 storey on Figure f and in the:
§  Community heart sub-precinct (Bulimba district neighbourhood plan/NPP-004b)
§  Residential core sub-precinct (Bulimba district neighbourhood plan/NPP-004d)’
o  Second column: ‘5’
o  Third column: ‘Not specified’
Under “If in the Godwin Street precinct (Bulimba district neighbourhood plan/NPP-005), beneath the row ‘Any development in this precinct’:
·  New row: ‘Notes—
o  Development of ground floor non-residential uses consistent with the intent and outcomes of the Active frontages in residential zones overlay code in the locations identified on Figure e as Active frontage – residential does not alter the maximum building height potential for residential development in the Residential core sub-precinct (Bulimba district neighbourhood plan/NPP-004d).
o  Non-residential development does not exceed three storeys in building height where mixed residential and non-residential development is proposed in the 5 storey portion of the Community heart sub-precinct (Bulimba district neighbourhood plan/NPP-004b).
o  Number of storeys is calculated from the lawfully changed ground level necessary to achieve appropriate overland flow and flood immunity in the Bulimba Barracks precinct (Bulimba district neighbourhood plan/NPP-004).’ / To include new outcomes for the development of the Bulimba Barracks site.
Consequential amendment as a result of the inclusion of the revised Bulimba district neighbourhood plan. The revised Bulimba district neighbourhood plan reflects the changes resulting from the Bulimba Barracks Master Plan project.
7.  / 7.2 / – Bulimba district neighbourhood plan code
Figures e and f / INSERT after ‘Figure d’:
·  New ‘Figure e—Overall outcomes, Bulimba Barracks precinct’; and
·  New ‘Figure f—Land uses and building heights, potential development areas, Bulimba Barracks precinct’ / To include new outcomes for the development of the Bulimba Barracks site.
Consequential amendment as a result of the inclusion of the revised Bulimba district neighbourhood plan. The revised Bulimba district neighbourhood plan reflects the changes resulting from the Bulimba Barracks Master Plan project.


Item No. / Section / Sub-section/ Table / Existing text/Map to be removed / Insert/Replace with/ Renumber/Relocate to / Reason /
8.  / SC2.2 Zone maps / Table SC2.2.1— Zone maps / INSERT:
new row at bottom of table
Column 1: ‘Not applicable
Column 2: ‘ZM-001’
Column 3: ‘Zoning map
Map tile 21’
Column 4:Gazettal date: ’19 May 2017’ / To reflect the effective date of these amendments.
9.  / SC2.3 Neighbourhood plan maps / Table SC2.3.1— Neighbourhood plan maps / REMOVE:
Gazettal date of ‘30 June 2014’ in column 4 of row for ‘Category: B’, Map number: ‘NPM-002.4’, Map Title: ‘Bulimba district neighbourhood plan map’ / REPLACE WITH:
Gazettal date of ’19 May 2017’ in column 4 / To reflect the effective date of these amendments.
Item No. / Section / Sub-section/ Table / Existing text/Map to be removed / Insert/Replace with/ Renumber/Relocate to / Reason /
10.  / - / Appendix 2 Table of Amendments
Table AP2.1—Table of amendments / - / INSERT::
New row:
·  ‘16 May 2017 (adoption) and 19 May 2017 (effective)’ in column 1 ‘Date of adoption and effective date’;
·  ‘v06.00/2017’ in column 2 ‘Planning scheme version number’;
·  ‘Major amendment’ in column 3 ‘Amendment type’;
·  ‘Major amendment to planning scheme (2.3A.4 of MAALPI) for the Bulimba district neighbourhood plan. Refer to Amendment v06.00/2017 for further detail.’ in column 4 ‘Summary of amendments’. / To reflect details of this package of amendments to the planning scheme.
Planning Scheme Map Amendments:
Zoning Maps
Item No. / Map number / Map title / Detail of amendment / Reason /
11.  / ZM-001 / Zoning map / Change the following lot from Special purpose (defence) zone to Emerging community zone:
·  Lot 1 on SP276395 / To support the new outcomes for the development of the Bulimba Barracks site.
Neighbourhood Plan Maps
Item No. / Map number / Map title / Detail of amendment / Reason /
12.  / NPM-002.4 / Bulimba district neighbourhood plan map / Insert revised Bulimba district neighbourhood plan map. / To show renaming of Precinct NP-004 from ‘Department of Defence site’ to ‘Bulimba Barracks’, change to precinct boundary to include additional lot: Lot 1 on RP179542 and addition of new Sub-precincts:
NPP-004a: Riverfront recreation
NPP-004b: Community heart
NPP-004c: Residential interface
NPP-004d : Residential core
NPP-004e: Royal Australian Navy