March 8, 2017

Present: John Schnebly, PresidentBoard Absent:Ellie Doub

Al MartinBrendan Fitzsimmons

Kathleen PooleGeorge Stone

Greg SnookKatherine Oliver
Margaret Trader

Staff Present: Mary Baykan

Kathleen O’Connell

Elizabeth Hulett

Sara McCall

The meeting was called to order at 12:00 p.m. by the President, Mr. Schnebly.


Quorum not present to approve January 18, 2017 meeting minutes.

Director’s Report

The Annual “State of the Library” commissioners luncheon will be held on March 21, 2017 here at the Fletcher. Requested poll of board members who will be attending.

State wide, libraries are not due to be cut on the Budget Reconciliation Finance Act (BRFA). Based on wealth and population formulas, we are expecting an increase in financing.

The WCFLparticipated in Washington County Day on February 1, 2017 and Maryland Library Day on February 14, 2017 in Annapolis.Thank you to Mr. Al Martin for attending our reception at Maryland Library Day in Annapolis. Both events were well attended.

Senator Edwards and Senator Serafini are co-sponsors of a bi-partisan bill to restructure governance of public libraries under the education law to a State Board of Libraries. There are several associations across the state that are supporting the bill. Ms. Baykan is meeting with Chairman Keiser to discuss the bill and ensure library mandates will be protected within the general budget.

Mr. Fitzsimmons represented the Board for the ribbon cutting of the Early Learning Center.

Assistant Director’s Report

Ms. O’Connell has been in contact with the Board of Education (BOE) for their support of the Summer Reading Club (SRC). The BOE is hoping to push the SRC to prevent the summer slide. This year, the school’s summer vacation will be approximately 13 weeks due to no snow days and starting after Labor Day. We have had up to 3,000 children involved in SRC.

Bester Community of Hope is working on Parent Cafes. We are working with Bester Community of Hope to advertise and expand the program. There have been meetings with minimal attendance. Plans are to hold the meetings at least once a month. The program provides parent engagement tools. The kids are involved in activities while the parents are engaged with structured questions for the parents to think about and have the parents come together to discuss and give advice to one another.

The Early Learning Center is fully operational and parents are using the facility regularly. The children’s department is working on repurposing the old toddler room into a space for the “tweens.”

We participated in the Point in Time Survey on January 24, 2017. We will also participate in the Youth Reach program which focuses on counting the 16-24 year old homeless population.

Ms. O’Connell reminded the Board that the Annual Fundraiser is approaching on April 8, 2017. This is a new time of year for us. So far, Ms. Wishard has garnered over $9,000 in sponsorships.

Associate Director, WMRL

Staff will be meeting with the salary survey consultants on March 9, 2017 to go over any changes to the initial report. DLDS is releasing IMLS funds back dated to October 1, 2016. WMRL is applying for these funds to cover the salary survey costs.

Garrett County selected Mr. Thomas Vose as the new County Library Director. Mr. Vose is from California and is expected to start April 1, 2017.

Financial Statement

Mr. Martin reviewed both the WCFL and WMRL Financial Statements of January 2017.

Mr. Martin advised that we were staying on top of the pledges receivable.

Quorum not present to approve the financial statements.

Old Business

Hancock Update

This week the architect is asking the county to pull permits and review the Deed documents to the county. The mayor and council is expected to sign the deed documents over to the county at their next town meeting.

This week also starts the process of reviewing the bid documents. Contractor selection is expected in mid-June 2017. The library will sign the contract. Probably in July 2017 the Notice to Proceed will commence. Construction will take approximately 14 months contingent on weather and/or other unknown factors. Fiscal Year 2019 should have substantial project completion.

There are several financing possibilities for Hancock additional funding. Financing options are being delegated to the Finance Committee to consider funding through the county (with the county trying to reduce their borrowing limits), collateralized loans, short term loan or line of credit. The Finance Committee will determine the most cost effective manner for completing the project with the least impact on the existing endowment balance.

New Business

Solar Panels

We will table until next meeting when Ms. Trader is present.

Board Comments

Congratulations to Ms. Pat Wishard for the funds raised for “A Taste of Knowledge”

Great job. Ms. Mary Baykan is an asset.

The next regular meeting is scheduled for Wednesday,May 10, 2017at 12:00 noon, Board Room, Administration Office, Alice Virginia & David W. Fletcher Branch.

Respectfully submitted,

