2 Peter

Kay Arthur

Lesson 8

2 Peter 3:1-2

2P1:12-13- remind them of the qualities they are do have

10- be diligent

14-15- call these things to mind

2P3:3- why do we need to know?- the mockers are following after/ controlled by their own lusts vs. the desires and ways of Jesus; do we study and read the Word of God or on what makes me happy

v.4- Coming- people are not interested now; contrasted with the things spoken by the prophets and apostles

fathers- Abraham, Isaac, Jacob etc

Words spoken by Holy men of God:

  1. Adam and Eve- Garden- a.promise of Redeemer to come

b.pattern laid down- 6 days work, 1 day rest

  1. Enoch- prophet- Jude(vs.3-4- why Jude wrote) v.14- 7 generations from Adam; Enoch taken up then- father of Methusalah-
  2. Flood- 8 people saved- judgment; 2P3:4-5

-Heb 11:3- by faith- defined in v.1; world prepared by the Word of God // 2 P3:5

-Gen1- water down on earth, water in heavens, expanse in between; v.14,20-God said and it happened; in the beginning water covered the earth, God then took the water and collected it into bodies of water on the earth and into the heavens, the expanse is the present day atmosphere;

In the beginning there was no water in the earth, but God watered it from the springs in the earth; Gen 6 :5-7- God’s sorrow; v.11-12- violence; Ps 107:20- answer- What is my passion with my numbered days??

v.13- destroy the earth

-Scoffers don’t want to hear about His Coming- it is for judgment; Rev- to see and understand the things that

are to shortly coming to pass

-God used water above the atmosphere and the water that was submerged under the earth- great deep burst


-2P3:7- Gen:20-22- God would never use water to destroy again; G9:11- covenant

ungodly judged; we have everything pertaining to life and godliness; 2P2:4-9

-2P3:8-9- repentance- change of mind – leading to the change of life, the direction taken

“Sabbath is a sign between God and Israel forever”-

6 days of creation = 6000 years – 4000 years from flood to Jesus’ birth; 2000 years to follow…

Rev- when Jesus comes to earth, He will reign with the saints for 1000 years

Daniel 24- 70 weeks, TF- Israel will enter into its Sabbath rest

-the Day of the Lord encompasses the Coming of Jesus

-2P3:11- 12- day of Lord = day of God- only used here

-2P3:13- His promise stands because His Word stands

-2P3:14-15- cleanliness comes from the washing of the Word

How do we hasten the day: living righteously, godly; sharing truths with others

Christianity in Crisis Hank Hannegraph- distorted truth

-2P3:17-18- be careful by growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus