Admissions Policy

This policy applies all pupils in the school, including in the EYFS

Last revised April 2012
Date for revision August 2014
Fiona Lewis



Skippers Hill is essentially a non-selective school which admits pupils of varied ability from the ages of 3 – 13. The school admits children of all races and denominations.

The school admits children with learning difficulties or disabilities as long as they are able to cope with the social and academic expectations of the school. The School will do all that is reasonable to comply with its legal and moral responsibilities under the “Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001”, in order to accommodate the needs of pupils or prospective pupils who have disabilities for which, with reasonable adjustments, the School can cater adequately. (For further detail, see our Disability Policy.)

The School is committed to being an Equal Opportunities Education provider and is committed to equality of opportunity for all members of the school community. The school recognises and accepts its responsibilities under the law and opposes discrimination on the basis of:

  • Gender
  • Marital or civil partnership status
  • Pregnancy and maternity
  • Any gender reassignment
  • Race
  • Disability
  • Sexual orientation
  • Religion or belief or lack of
  • Age
  • Learning difficulties
  • Language

Parents of prospective pupils are expected to provide details of any medical conditions, learning difficulties or disabilities of which the school should be aware. It is the school’s policy to contact the Head of any previous school or nursery to request latest reports and assessments.

Registered pupils are invited to spend an introductory day with their class,where they will be informally assessed to ascertain that they can cope with the curriculum and happily interact socially with peers. This process is referred to as “Interview and assessment” in the Terms and Conditions.

Entry and Registration

Children are admitted through :

  • The Kindergarten
  • The Junior School (Reception to Year 2)
  • The Prep School (Year 3 to Year 6)
  • The Upper School (Years 7 and 8)

Application for entry should be made on the Application for Admission Form,which is enclosed with the Prospectus, and sent to the Headmaster’s Secretary (Registrar) with the registration fee, currently £50.00. This is required on application for a place at the school and is non-returnable. Prospective pupils are then placed on an entry list for the appropriate term.

Acceptance and Deposit

Once a place has been offered parents are asked to complete the Form of Acceptance and return it to the school with the deposit, currently £250.00, to confirm acceptance of the place offered. The deposit is not returnable if the child does not take up a place at the school. The deposit will form part of the general funds of the school until it is returned to the parents without interest when the child leaves, less any outstanding amounts due to the school. Non payment of the deposit may result in the child’s place being forfeited. Correct payment of the deposit will reserve the child’s place in the school and forms a binding contract. If after acceptance of a place at Skippers Hill, parents subsequently decide to withdraw their child from entry, the school must be informed by the first Friday of the previous term to entry. Failure to provide this notice will result in the school being owed one full term’s fees in lieu; if sufficient notice is given only the deposit will be retained.

Fiona Lewis


April 2012