June Meeting Minutes

June 11th, 201410:00am-12:00pm

University Center 332/333

Welcome & Call to Order

President Singleton called the meeting to order at 10:03am.

Roll Call

Maggie Linder,Secretary, took attendance.

Attendees:Becky Maier, Brandie Terpe, Chelsey Porter, Chuck Harris, David Crowley, Denise May, Denise Nelson, Geri Fox, Gloria Phillip, Grace Harris, Hannah Singleton, Jennifer Zellmer-Cuaresma (late), Jimmy Stevens, Kathy Reeves, Kristine Csorosz, LisaMarie Hyslop, Maggie Linder, Maria Mangold, Matthew Filer, Mike Maas, Paulette Nooney, Renee Valley, Rochelle Krahn, Rozlyn Haley, Sandi Nelson, Shaunagh McGoldrick (late), Judy Wellert (Administrative Associate)

Excused:Andi Armstrong, Angela Weisenburger, Gary Hagler, Jaylene Naylor, Jefferson Heath, Maryann Robison, Molly Fishburn-Matthew, Roger McDonald

Absent: Natalie Hiller-Claridge, Kelly Wasson

Approval of March Minutes

President Singleton presented the minutes of March 12th, 2014.Minutes approved.

Financial Report

Judy Wellert presented on behalf of Financial Officer Hagler. There is a general operating funds (about $180) that must be used by Friday, 6/13. Judy will purchase some office supplies. Financial Report approved.


New and continuing Senators took turns introducing oneself to the entire Staff Senate.

Special Orders

Election of Executive Officers

Senator May listed the current self-nominated officers. Senator Mangold nominated Senator Maas as Fundraising Chair. Senator Maas accepted. Senator May called for self-elections that were not submitted electronically. Election Results:

Maggie Linder, President

Matt Filer, Vice-President

Maria Mangold, Secretary

Rochelle Krahn, Finance Officer

Andrea Armstrong and Geri Fox, Co-Chair Public Relations Officer

Mike Maas, Fundraising Officer

Committee Reports

Staff Senate Committee Reports

Senator Fox reported on CVC, referring to the committee report that was sent out electronically.

Senator Mangold reported on the Fundraising Committee.

Senator Nelson reported that one student the Scholarship Committee nominated for scholarships will not be full time next year, so will not receiving the monetary scholarship.

No report from Senator Fox from Staff Awards, but she offered to chair the committee.

Senator Harris reported on the Survey Committee. He wanted to say what a great job that President Singleton and Judy Wellert did for getting UM to complete the student success survey requested by the BoR, noting that other university’s used our survey questions. Senator Harris recommended Staff Senators read raw data. Senator Zellmer-Cuaresma proposed the results be posted online. President Singleton noted that we should resend the employee satisfaction survey to gage the change in the environment by next Fall.

In Senator Naylor’s absence, Judy Wellert reported that the credit card payment site is still evolving.

University Committees

Senator Mass reported on the University Council on Student Assaults Committee meeting on May 19th.

Senator Mangold noted that there is presentation, held by the hiring committee, for the Provost of Global Leadership this afternoon.

Unfinished Business

Tracking of Fundraising Transactions

Fundraising Chair, Senator Mangold, tabled the discussion about managing fundraising funds until a Financial Officer is present.

Changes to Bylaws

Bylaws were posted for public review and comment after being presented to Staff Senate in May meeting. Motion to approve changes, seconded. Motion passed.


Senator Armstrong has declined to further sponsor SB-1, withdrawing SB-1 13/14. Senator Maas plans to propose SB-1 14/15.

New Business

Committee Duties

Senator Mangold and Judy Wellert proposed that current committee chairs should list and analyze what the duties and time constraints for each committee are in preparation of the July Retreat. Senator Phillips amended that the information, once collected, should be distributed via email before the July Retreat. President Singleton asked that committee chairs expound upon the duties in the bylaws for each committee and give an idea of a senator’s time dedication, and sent to Judy Wellert within two weeks.

MUSSA/BoR Update

Senator Mangold referred to the survey and compiled survey results that were dispersed electronically. Senator Mangold referred to her notes “MUSSA Meeting with Montana University System (MUS) Board of Regents (BOR)” that were also dispersed electronically prior to the meeting. Senator Mangold reported that BoR was very interested in advising in regards to student success, and President Engstrom approached her to discuss the NACADA meeting at UM next spring. Senator Mangold would like to draft a policy language for formal adoption next year by BOR for the advising best practices. Senator Mangold requested to go back to MUSSA with the best practices to present to the BOR meeting. President Singleton noted BOR normally has MUSSA on the meeting topics in January and May.

July Retreat

Senator Filer and Senator Linder proposed to have retreat from 9:00am-1:00pm on July 9th. Motion approved.


Meeting adjourned at 12:00pm.

Next meeting: July 9th,9:00am-1:00pm, GBB 119.