Boosting Biosecurity Defences - Biosecurity Research and Development Fund

Guidelines for applications - Round 2

The Boosting Biosecurity Defences - Biosecurity Research and Development (R&D) Fund is made possible by Royalties for Regions and led by the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia (DAFWA).

The call for round 2 expressions of interest openson Monday 12 October 2015 and closesat 9am on 9 November 2015.

Biosecurity R&D Fund

The $3.2 million Boosting Biosecurity Defences R&D Fund providesinvestment for innovative solutions to better manage significant pests and diseases that impact on Western Australia’s (WA) agriculture and agrifood industries. Round 1 resulted in $2.5 million dollars being awarded across 7 successful research projects. The remaining $700,000 is now available for round 2.

General focus for Round 2

The focus for Biosecurity R&D fund round 2 is more specific than for round 1, and looks to fill particular biosecurity research gaps. Drawing from the experience of round 1, and in consultation with the WA Biosecurity Council and others, round 2 is targetinggrains biosecurity research and projects whichdeliver to the left hand end of the generalised invasion curve (see below),and whichbenefit WA biosecurity.

Figure 1 - Generalised invasion curve showing the interventions or actions appropriate to each stage of invasion[1]

Specific focus for Round 2

Three specific areas of research focus have been identified, aimed at: improving the surveillance of high-risk grains pests; applying systems and tools to predict emerging pests and diseases; and improving community engagement and stakeholder awareness of biosecurity threats. Applications must address one of these three areas of focus.

Research focus 1 – Improved surveillance, identification, diagnosis and reporting for high risk grains pests and diseases that have potential to threaten the export of WA grains; the research should build on existing knowledge of biology, ecology and taxonomy. The research focus includes:

  • Exotic pests and diseases to WA that have potential to threaten the WA export grain markets.
  • Local (endemic) pests and diseases that that have emerging potential to threaten the WA export grain markets.
  • Local (endemic) pests and diseases that make identification/diagnosis of exotic grains pests and diseases difficult.

Research focus 2 - Research which reviews, analyses and provides recommendations on contemporary tools and/or systems (e.g. scanning or foresighting systems) that can best provide WA with information to understand and predict new or emerging pests and diseases that might impact on the grains industry in WA. The work should include:

  • National and international review of contemporary scanning or foresighting tools and systems.
  • Focus on tools and/or systems that are most appropriate for understanding/predicting the greatest potential to be a threat to WA grains biosecurity.
  • Exploration of likely WA scenario/s.
  • Clear justification in terms of relevance to WA for: choice of suite of tools/systems reviewed, choice of example pests and diseases to test system/s; and final recommendation/s.

Research focus 3 – Research which provides review, analysis and recommendations about communication and engagement strategies that are: most likely to raise stakeholder and community awareness of grains biosecurity threats; are practical and cost effective; and influence changes in behaviour to enhance collaboration and participation in biosecurity activities in WA. The work should include:

  • National and international review of biosecurity engagement strategies.
  • Focus on strategies that have greatest potential to raise awareness of, and change behaviour around, key grains biosecurity threats to WA at left hand end of invasion curve (prevention, early detection, surveillance and diagnostics).
  • Exploration of likely WA scenario/s.
  • Recommendation on the most appropriate suite of strategies, based on the review and analysis, with clear justification in terms of relevance to WA.

NB: If this focus does not suit your project, another opportunity will be available soon through the DAFWA-led Agricultural Sciences Research and Development Fund. (This is not linked to the Boosting Biosecurity Defences R&D Fund.) The Australian GovernmentRural Research and Development for Profit program also provides an alternative opportunity for funding support.

Criteria to be addressed

The focus of each application must be on:

  • Grains biosecurity; and
  • Prevention, preparedness, early detection and eradication (the left hand end of the invasion curve); and
  • WA industry biosecurity benefits; and
  • One of the above three areas of research focus (Note – final selection of projects may not address all three areas)

Other criteria

  • Projects that work in collaboration with other groups/organisations will be considered favourably.
  • Projects in which the total co-contributions (cash and in-kind) match or exceed the requested funds amount will be considered favourably.
  • It is expected that projects will build on knowledge from existing research.
  • Proponents must demonstrate their capacity and capability to undertake the work and manage the funds.
  • Each project is able to apply for up to $350 000.
  • Projects must be completed no later than 31 March 2018 (maximum 2 years).
  • Interested research organisations, education institutions, government agencies, not for profit organisations, community, industry and producer groups and other organisations are encouraged to apply – with the understanding that a high level of scientific rigour is expected in the research design and implementation.
  • Individuals are not eligible.
  • The group or organisation applying must have an Australian Business Number (ABN).

Application process

Applications from eligible organisations must be submitted online using the standard form through the Smarty Grants web link. Those unable to access Smarty Grants can contact Jenny Crisp (see below for contact details).

All applicants will be notified by email that their application has been received.

The completed application must be submitted before 9am (WST) on Monday9 November 2015.

Successful projects will be selected through a competitive merit-based process.

Applications will be assessed against the selection criteria by an assessment panel made up of WA Biosecurity Council members (external to DAFWA), who will provide recommendations to DAFWA.

A two-stage selection process will be used:

  • Stage 1 Expression of Interest – the assessment panel will assess each expression of interest and recommend a shortlist of projects to progress to stage 2.
  • Stage 2 Full Project Proposal – the assessment panel will assess each full project proposal and recommend project/s to fund.

Projects may be wholly or partly funded, and may have conditions or recommendations attached that need to be addressed before funding is granted.

All applicants, whether successful or not, will be notified in writing.

Decisions on funding are final.

The Minister for Agriculture and Food; Fisheries will formally announce successful projects.

Round 2 timeline

Oct 12 2015 / Call for round 2 expressions of interest opens (online using ‘Smarty Grants’)
Nov 9 2015 / Round 2 call for expressions of interest closes (4 weeks after opening)
Nov/Dec 2015 / Assessment of expressions of interest (WA Biosecurity Council)
Dec 2015 / Successful EOI’s invited to develop full proposal
Jan 18 2016 / Full proposal submissions due
Jan/Feb 2016 / Assessment of full proposals (WA Biosecurity Council)
Feb 2016 / Recommendations and final selection made
Mar 2016 / Contracts documented, negotiated, finalised

Further information

Additional details can be found on the Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia website

Alternatively, contact Ms Jenny Crisp, DAFWA:
Telephone: +61 (0)8 9368 3254


[1] Developed by the Victorian Department of Primary Industries Invasive Plants and Animals Policy Group