Pakistan Telecommunications Company Limited
Scope of Work
O&M Support Contract for Load Balancer Software maintenance and operations.


1. Introduction 2

Scope of Work (SOW) 3

Responsibility Matrix 5

Support Services Definitions 6

General 6

Definitions 6

Helpdesk 24/7 6

Basic Customer Service Request (CSR) handling 6

Emergency Handling 6

Remote Connection 6

Emergency On-site 6

Software updates 6

CD 6

BD 6

Fault/Defect/Failure: 7

Response Time: 7

Remedy: 7

Remedy Time: 7

Restoration: 7

Restoration Time: 7

Written Report: 7

Final written Report: 7

Turnaround Time 7

Alarm/Fault Classification 8


Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) is the largest telecom provider in the country for wired and wireless, phone and internet based services. PTCL is hosting different business applications/ DBs to achieve business goals.

PTCL is responsible for providing infrastructure for various enterprise applications, including but not limited to:

- Billing



- Settlements

- Microsoft Exchange

- eDoc, etc

In order to provide high-availability for the applications, PTCL has acquired Application Load Balancers over a period of time in different projects. Currently 2 brands are in production, namely A10 Networks TH series and Brocade ADX series.

To get an optimum experience for the users of applications, a converged approach is needed, with understanding of each application, security environment as well network topology and ongoing changes.

PTCL needs expert services for the ADC domain, preferably on-site Engineers who can undertake responsibility for the multi-vendor and multi-domain requirements.

Scope of Work (SOW)

PTCL expects the following tasks/ duties to be undertaken by the Resident Engineers:

  1. High level and low level Design
  2. Design andimplementationplan Documentation
  3. Initial configuration and network handover
  4. L2 support activities
  5. Multi-domain coordination within PTCL teams
  6. Day to day Configurations and maintenance of Load balancers.

The expected approach to be taken is :

  1. - Detailed coordination with various application owners to develop documentation for deployment architecture, HA and DR approach, Security Requirements.
  2. - Detailed coordination with Network teams and develop documentation for IP, Latency and Transport.
  3. - Propose per-application ADC design parameters.
  4. - Get requisite approvals and sign-off on design from different teams.
  5. - Test the design in a staged environment.
  6. - Coordinate with Principal Manufacturer’s support (A10 and Brocade) if required.
  7. - Coordinate maintenance windows for migration / deployment of design in production with minimal downtime.
  8. - Assist PTCL IT team in detailed complaint investigations.

o.  - Escalate issues including bugs or un-expected behaviour to the right team, whether it’s the application team, the network team, or the principal manufacturer.


Service Item / SLA
Service Availability Period / Response Time / Restoration Time/ after Arrival / Resolution Time (Design Related) / Resolution
Time, Other
(Subject to OEM Support)
Technical Support Service / Helpdesk / Email
Interface / 7*24 / NA
Non-fault Enquiry/New Service Design / 5*8 / 2 BD / For Non-fault Enquiry, provide answer in 10 CD
TAS (Technical Assistance Service) / Emergency / 7*24 / 30min / 2 hours / 7CD / 60 CD
Major / 7*24 / 2 Hours / 3 Hours, 85% :
3 BD,100% / 10 CD,85%;
21 CD,100% / 90 CD,85% ;
120 CD,100%
Minor / 5*8 / 1 BD / 15 BD,85%;
30 BD,100% / 30 CD,85%;
45 CD,100% / 120 CD,85% ;
180 CD,100%
Information sharing / 8x5xNext Business Day
Report Time from Restoration / Emergency:5 working days; Major:2 weeks; Minor:3 weeks
Maintenance Meeting and Reporting / Quarterly
Remote Technical Audit Service / 1 times/year

Responsibility Matrix

S.NO / Task Description / Vendor / PTCL
1 / Installation & Configuration of New ADC OS releases / Responsible / Support
2 / Problem escalation to Vendor via Ticketing system or phone call as per defined severity / Responsible
3 / Issue SR Acknowledgement / Responsible
4 / Provision of Data and Problem Details / Support / Responsible
5 / Problem Logging and Tracking / Responsible
6 / Top Issue Escalation to OEM / Support / Responsible
7 / Follow up Till Closure / Responsible
8 / Maintaining Local Engineers / Responsible
9 / Quarterly Analysis Report and Review Meeting / Responsible / Not required
10 / Customer support Director (4 visits per year) / Responsible
11 / Installation and maintenance of OS/Software updates / Responsible / Approve
12 / Assistance with troubleshooting of problems / Responsible / Approve
13 / Answering technical questions / Responsible
14 / On-site assistance at the NOC/site numbered visits / Responsible
15 / Provision and Maintenance of VPN / Support / Responsible

Support Services Definitions


Support services include software maintenance and configuration services. Accordingly, this document sets out for these services the standard requirements in terms of service elements, SLAs/KPIs and other key terms and conditions.


Helpdesk 24/7

Helpdesk service is proposed to be provided on 24/7 basis for routine queries and minor faults. Critical faults to be escalated via phone call.

Basic Customer Service Request (CSR) handling

The CSR handling process gives Customer a single interface for all kinds of operation and maintenance requests, technical requests etc. All CSRs in the Basic CSR handling is to be submitted by Customer via a web based interface if possible, otherwise. via e-mail

Emergency Handling

The Emergency Handling service element is to cover an emergency situation. An emergency situation is one that could have considerable commercial and economic consequences. Further elaborated in Alarm definitions

Remote Connection

A remote connection one established following approval by the customer for permission to establish a remote connection between Vendor and customer’s system while solving an emergency or high priority service request.

Emergency On-site

This service element will be applied under specific circumstances where is necessary for Vendor to visit Customer on site to solve an emergency situation

Software updates

Software update means a Software correction to be provided by the Vendor following respective components Opensource software release cycle and project requirements either as a single patch, a patch packet or a correction release for Software covered under this contract.


Calendar day


Business day


Fault/Defect/Failure means any adverse and material deviation from the Specifications and/or any hidden defect according to the laws and regulation in place in the considered market.

Response Time:

The Response Time is the time between a Fault being reported by PTCL to Vendor until a response by the Vendor to PTCL stating that the work on the Fault has commenced.


Remedy shall mean the action(s) required to solve a problem by limiting its effects. The Remedy may cause restrictions in System performance. A Remedy is achieved once the effect of a Fault is remedied for the time being whereas the cause of the Fault is not finally solved yet.

Remedy Time:

The Remedy Time is the time between a Fault being reported by PTCL to Vendor until a notification by The Vendor to PTCL stating that the notified Fault has been remedied.


Restoration shall mean the action(s) required to prevent the reoccurrence of a problem and/or any underlying causes of a problem. This may not be a Software Update; however it must address the root cause of the problem. When a Restoration is implemented, the System is restored to the state it was in before the problem occurred.

Restoration Time:

The Restoration Time is the time between a Fault being reported by PTCL to Vendor till a notification by vendor to PTCL stating that the notified Fault has been finally solved, provided restoration required change in hardware or policies at PTCL’s side where the time taken by PTCL to address the issue at hand will be deducted from the total restoration time.

Written Report:

Initial Written Report, to be provided by the Vendor, is detailed information regarding the possible root cause of a Fault, work to be undertaken and the estimated time to solve the Fault.

Final written Report:

The Final written Statement to be provided by the vendor is a conclusion with additional information to the prior given Written Report(s). This information shall include the clear root cause and possible prevention toavoid such a Fault or a similar Fault in the future. If investigations reveal that a certain fault lies in the arena of inherent limitation of hardware or software it shall be deemed as resolved without any liability on Vendor.

Turnaround Time

The turnaround time shall be measured between the date and time when vendor has received SR and the date and time of acknowledgement of the said SR.

Alarm/Fault Classification

Severity Level / Description of classification
Emergency / Emergencies are applicable for business critical systems, i.e. the Customer’s business suffers significantly. The following situations are classified as severity level emergency and require urgent immediate response:
Either :
- a Complete node (or system) Failure – the node does not handle any traffic and a manual intervention is needed to restore the exchange; or
-  a major disturbance, example Cyclic restarts – disturbance in the system’s functionality resulting in a capacity decrease of more than 30% (of the entire system or an individual node);
The above apply irrespective of time of day or day of the week
Major / Situations that may result in emergencies if not attended to immediately. Major problems or disturbances that require immediate response. The following situations are examples of severity level ‘major’:
-  large restarts / with reload or short system/subsystem outages (total > 2 minutes in any 24 hour period)
-  Storage issues related to logging
-  System security updates
-  Security breaches
-  frequent (but not constant) system crashes
Medium / Severe problems or disturbances affecting a specific area of functionality, but not the whole system. Serious disturbance with impact given to end-user service. The following situations are examples of severity level medium:
-  Small restarts or processor restarts
-  Alarm failures
-  a disturbance degrading performance of the system and/or parts of the system with minor impact to the system
Minor / General consultation and minor problems that have a minor effect on the functionality of the product. The following situations are examples of severity level minor:
-  disturbances that do not affect traffic or causes any loss of service
-  operational queries


PTCL IT tends to acquire maintenance of load balancers through SLA for the period of 1 year. Load balancers are of 2 brands.

I A 10 Networks TH Series and

Ii A 10 Networks ADX Series.

Detail of required works are mentioned in Scope of the Work attachment.

Submission of bids is required from registered vendors of PTCL as per following Terms and conditions;

1  Vendors must be registered in PTCL.

2  Taxes may be mentioned separately in bids along with quoted cost of the works in PKR.

3  PTCL reserves the rights to reject any of all bids without mentioning any reason.

4  Payment will be made on Quarterly basis at the end of each quarter.

5  Penalty will be imposed @ of 5% of quarterly payment in case of delayed rectification of minor faults on each occurrence and 10% of quarterly payment in case of delayed rectification of major faults on each occurrence.

6  Technical bids and Commercial bids be placed in separate envelopes marked as Commercial bid and Technical bid (3 copies of each). Name of the bidding firm company may be mentioned on envelope.

7  Conditional bids will be rejected.

8  In case of any technical query please send email on and for its reply.

9  Address for submission of bids is as under:

SM IT Planning & Budgeting,

Room No. 07, Ground Floor, Technical block,

PTCL CDDT Building , Sector H-9,


Ph: 051 4865354

10  Las date for submission of bids is 19th August 2016.