Snapshots of Jesus

Speaker: Bo Flores

Below are some study questions that will help you and your Life Group dig deeper into this weekend’s sermon. We’ve included plenty of questions, but feel free to use just a few or to choose whichever questions best fit your group.

Bible Questions:

  1. Read John 2:1-11.
  2. Ask group members to read the passage again on their own. Give them 5 minutes to sit in the passage and make note of anything that stands out to them. What do you notice in this passage? What can we learn from this passage? What does this passage teach us about God? Then share your thoughts as a group.

Application Questions:

  1. Bo shared three main points in his teaching:
  2. Jesus is in the grace business.
  3. How does this statement encourage or challenge you?
  4. We can ask anything of Jesus when we yield everything to Jesus.
  5. How easy or difficult is it for you to come to God with your requests, both big and small, and why?
  6. How easy or difficult is it for you to yield everything to God when you bring Him your requests, trusting He knows what is best for you?
  7. Where in your own life do you need to be willing to ask God anything, but yield everything to Him?
  8. With Jesus, the best is yet to come.
  9. Do you really believe this truth? How does this encourage you with whatever hardship you might be facing today? How does this truth bring hope to you for today and for tomorrow?
  10. Invite your group to read the book of John throughout this 7-week series. One great way to do this is by using “The Book of John In Song” reading plan on the YouVersion Bible app on your phone. This reading plan includes 21 songs written by one of CA’s worship leaders, Tommy Walker – one song for each chapter of John.
  11. Ask your group to download the YouVersion app right now, find the reading plan and commit together as a group to read John throughout the series.

Closing & Prayer:[set aside 10-20 minutes for prayer]

Break into partners and pray for each other. Pray for the things shared in your group. Ask God for what you need, but pray that as you give Him your requests you would yield everything to Him.