"Goethe-Zertifikat A1: Start Deutsch 1" Examination Application Form

Date of Examination: 29.04.2016, 05.05.2016

The Goethe-Zertifikat A1: Start Deutsch 1 requires very basic language skills. The examination corresponds to level one (A1) on the six-level scale of competence laid down in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. In order to achieve this level of competence, a minimum of 200 45-minute teaching units is recommended, depending on your previous knowledge and learning requirements.

For the Goethe-Zertifikat A1: Start Deutsch 1 an age of 16 years or over is recommended.

Examination structure: "Goethe-Zertifikat A1: Start Deutsch 1" consists of the following parts:

1. Listening (about 20 minutes) 2. Reading (25 minutes)

3. Writing (20 minutes) 4. Speaking (Testingroups, 15 minutes).

Exam date: 29.04.2016, 05.05.2016, 9:00 - 10:05 Written Exam; 10:30-13:00 Oral Exam

Attention: Please, arrive at the exam venue 45 minutes before the examination starts, i.e. no later than 8:15.

Location: Shanghai Jing’an District College, Building 1, Jiaozhou Lu 601

Registration Deadline: The number of participants is limited. Registration accepted until April 12, 2016.

Please read carefully:

l  You can come in person to our main office to apply for the examination, or send us the registration form by mail. Along with the signed registration form you will need to hand in a copy of your passport or identity card, two recent photos (two inches, color) as well as the registration fee (which can be paid directly in the language office, or by bank wire);

l  On exam day, please bring as well your exam confirmation letter which you have earlier received via email.

l  In addition to the examiners, only exam candidates are allowed in the examination room during the exam.

l  The following will lead to exclusion from the exam: anyone who cheats in connection with the exam; anyone who brings or uses unauthorized resources to help him/herself or provides them to others; or anyone who by his or her behavior disturbs the orderly administration of the exam.

l  Bags or mobile phones are not allowed in the examination room. For the time of the written exam, your belongings will be safely locked in a separate room.

l  Prior to the exam we will check your ID or passport. Please bring your original identification, since copies or other documents will not be accepted. As part of the identity verification process, a photo of you will be taken before the exam starts. Please, have your passport or ID ready for inspection for the entirety of the exam.

l  In the written part of the examination, you will receive the test sheets and an answer sheet. Please make sure to transfer all your answers onto the answer sheet, because only answers marked on that sheet will be graded. Participants cheating, using unauthorized resources or making these available to others will be excluded from the exam. In the event that an exam participant should be excluded from the exam for one of these reasons, as a rule, the earliest date upon which the exam may be repeated shall fall three months after the date of exclusion from the exam.

l  Please use a fountain pen to write on the answer sheet. Please do not use a pencil on the answer sheet.

l  There are no restrictions regarding the number of repetitions of this exam. It can, however, be repeated only as a whole (The Goethe-Zertifikate B1 and C2 can be taken/repeated in parts).

l  On the website of Goethe-Institute http://www.goethe.de/lrn/prj/pba/bes/sd1/mat/enindex.htm you can find

Set of model exams for practice

Exam guidelines

Terms and conditions for exam administration

Information for exam candidates with special needs

Important information

1.  About one week prior to the exam participants will receive an electronic exam confirmation in your email that contains specific details regarding time and place of the exam. Please print this confirmation and bring it on exam day along with your passport or ID-card. (original documents only)

2.  Only students currently enrolled in one of the language classes at the Goethe language learning center enjoy the preferential “internal price” for Goethe-exams in Shanghai. Public classes must include a minimum of 80 units, private classes at least 20 units. All prepaid exam charges will be fully reimbursed at a handling fee of 80 RMB if participants withdraw one week before the exam or earlier. Invoices already issued must be returned in this case. Participants withdrawing less than one week before the exam will not be reimbursed. One week before the exam or earlier, participants can also shift their original exam appointment to the following exam period at Goethe-Jinchuang (usually two months later). If participants decide to shift their exam to a later time, subsequent cancellations or further time suspensions will not be granted.

3.  Results and grades of „Start Deutsch 1“ and „Goethe-Zertifikat A2” exams can be usually obtained on the afternoon of the working day following the exam date. B1, B2 and C1 exams take a processing time of 10 work days before results and grades will be released anonymously on the website of the SLZ where participants identify their data through their examinee’s number http://shanghai.goetheslz.com/en/exam-results. The essays of the „writing module” of the Goethe Certificate C2 are sent to the Goethe-Institute in Munich for evaluation. The result is returned to us about 1 month later. If other modules in addition to the “writing module” were taken on the exam day, the results will be jointly announced after about 1 month.

4.  A1 as well as A2 certificates will be issued within 5 work days after the exam, B1, B2 and C1 certificates take 15 work days. Certificates can be personally obtained during office hours in Julu Lu 628, providing adequate identification, such as passport or ID. Third parties collecting certificates on behalf of the examinee need to produce a copy of that person’s passport or ID in order to receive the certificate.

5.  Through a courier service, certificates can also be delivered to examinees’ homes at the recipients’ expenses. The appropriate forms will be provided on exam day or at the Goethe-Jinchuang SLZ reception desk in Julu Lu 628. A1 and A2 certificates will be mailed two weeks after the exam. B1, B2 and C1 certificates will be sent off four weeks after the exam. If this option is selected, recipients are requested to note down the courier code for their own files in order to contact the courier company directly for questions regarding the delivery.

6.  Appeals against the results of the exam or against the administration of the exam are regulated by paragraphs 19, 21 and 22 of the exam guidelines of the Goethe-Institute. Further questions regarding appeals can be directly addressed to Goethe-Jinchuang via email or phone: Tel.: 021- 62897762

Please, fill out the exam registration form correctly and deliver a copy of your valid passport or ID card as well as two color passport photos of a high quality. If examination fees have been wired to our bank account, please, bring a copy of the transfer voucher as well. These documents need to be submitted to our registration desk in person, by mail or email ahead of the time for applications. (Address:Julu Lu 628, 200040 Shanghai )

Examinees’ information

Last Name / First Name
Gender / Date of Birth
Place of Birth / Nationality
ID Number
Exam level / Preferred date of examination

I herewith confirm that I have read the exam guidelines, the terms and conditions for exam administration Start Deutsch 1 and the important information regarding this exam as stated above.

Date: Signature:

Declaration of consent

Within the context of visa applications regarding foreign spouses relocating to Germany (Ehegattennachzug), the Goethe-Zertifikat A1: Start Deutsch 1 is recognized by German embassies and consulates as proof of basic German language skills that are required by respective visa regulations. For certain visa application procedures (e.g. immigration of spouses, study), the German diplomatic missions abroad require proof of the applicant's knowledge of German and, if appropriate, additional information to verify the certificates provided.
By submitting this Declaration of Consent, the candidate gives his/her consent for the following personal information and information about the examination taken to be provided to the relevant diplomatic mission (please mark):
Personal information (name, date of birth) Copies/scans of passport Photo of the candidate
Details of examination taken: certificate number, examination result, examination registration documents, examination documents
The candidate may withdraw his/her consent at any time with future effect.
Consent is given voluntarily. If it is not given or is revoked, the candidate may nevertheless take the examination.
The candidate declares the following in this connection:
"I ______(first name and surname) hereby give the Goethe-Jinchuang Language Center Shanghai permission to provide the personal information and information about the Goethe-Zertifikat A1 : Start Deutsch 1 examination I have taken specified above to the German Embassy / the German General Consulate in ______for verification in the visa application process."
Place, Date Signature
On executing my signature below, I hereby authorize the Exam Center to transmit and store my personal data (“Data”), which I provided under the terms of my registration, in the central customer database housed in the headquarters of the Goethe Institute e.V. in Munich, Germany (“GI-HQ”) and there to combine this Data with any other Data previously provided and stored there.
Furthermore, I consent to the use of my Data by the Exam Center and the Goethe Institute for purposes exceeding those outlined in the executed agreement, namely for market research, advertising and any marketing associated with the range of services offered by the Exam Center and the Goethe Institute, in particular to send me relevant requests or advertisements (“Information”), such as, but not limited to, information about new course offerings at the Exam Center or the Goethe Institute. Such Information will be sent to me in the mail using the postal address I provided - and if I stipulate - may also be transmitted to me via telephone, fax, e-mail and/or text message (SMS) using the Data I have provided.
Data concerning the exams I have taken may also be transmitted to the Goethe Institute for storage and use in the central examination archives (for a maximum period of 10 years) and used for verification purposes and to issue replacement certificates, as required. To the extent that the Data relates to exams, which entitle my foreign spouse to subsequently immigrate to Germany, I hereby authorize the Goethe Institute to confirm, at the request of the German authorities, the authenticity of a certificate I have submitted to a government agency.
Neither the Goethe Institute nor the Exam Center will use my Data for any additional purposes not otherwise specified in this consent agreement. In addition, neither the Goethe Institute nor the Exam Center will not provide any Data to a third party, unless there is a reasonable suspicion of fraud with regard to the Data.
I have been informed that I may revoke my authorization for my Data’s use for market research, advertising and marketing purposes at any time.
Place, Date, Signature
Yes, I would also like to receive information via Email/ SMS/ telephone/ fax
Place, Date, Signature
Right of Revocation
You may exercise your above-mentioned right to opt out right now or at anytime later in what follows:
o I herewith immediately revoke my authorization for my Data’s use for advertising and marketing purposes.
Place, Date, Signature

Goethe-Jinchuang Sprachlernzentrum Shanghai

Julu Lu 628, 200040 Shanghai

86 21 6289 7762

上海锦创歌德德语培训 上海市巨鹿路628号 邮编:200040