Meeting Minutes – Wednesday 16 October 2013
Meeting Opened / 7.35 pm
Present / D McAuliffe, A Trenery, P Shortis, L Scholz, G Manton, T Martin
Apologies / J Trenery, D McGuinness, G Simmonds, A Cudars
Accept Previous Minutes / Moved: P Shortis
Seconded: L Scholz
Presidents Report / David Koren advised Deed of Delegation had been updated to include the minor amendments.
David Mc also spoke to David Koren regarding funding, D Koren advised that when the Sports Park submitted a budget forecast there maybe the opportunity for more funding.
David Mc will develop a planned maintenance schedule, A Cudars has provided an OH&S template to assist with development of the maintenance schedule.
Treasurer Report / tabled
Bookings / Bookings levels are good, although there are concerns that people/groups are staying longer than the booked period of time.
Action: David McAullife to talk to the main offenders
Correspondence In / Painting quote from John Ward
Correspondence Out / Nil
Action No. / Subject / Action By
6 / Volunteer Wall
Action: Install Volunteer Names / Dave McAuliffe
7 / Strategic Plan
All major user group plans received progressing this to Sports Park Plan is a big task. Suggested a specific meeting be convened concentrate on progressing the plan
1. Review responses and develop a maitrix, send to committee members
2. Committee meet to develop Sports Park Plan / Tracee Martin
9 / Instructions Required for Heating and Cooling System
Instruction have been completed but may need to be updated.
Action: Instructions need to be laminated – Ongoing / Geoff Simmons
11 / Cricket Club - New Shedding
Ongoing – possibly completed by first weekend in November
Action: Nil
12.02.04 / YRC Lease
Ongoing – with Council’s Recreational Department.
Action: Request update from David Koren. / Tracee Martin
12.06.05 / Lawn Area
Lawn still not planted. Discussion followed, committee decided the funds could be re-directed to a higher priority activity.
Action: Remove from Agenda / Tracee Martin
12.08.02 / Repairs
Successful tender for the repairs to the stadium is Adam Galvin. Stadium will be out of action for two weeks, currently waiting for the work to commence.
Action: Nil – waiting for council to commence work / Ongoing
12.12.01 / Risk Assessment – Asbestos Report
Action: Waiting for Steve Murphy to provide test results and report / David McAuliffe
12.12.04 / Speed Humps
Support for speed humps was approved at the December meeting. Concern raised about who is responsible for maintaining the road, discussion followed.
Action: Find out who is responsible for maintaining road / James Trenery
12.12.07 / Agreement for Casual Users
Reviewed a number of facilities, Barutha Hall most comparable.
Action: Review and compare other hire costs, and advise of any major discrepancy as part of booking officer role – ongoing. / Completed
12.12.09 / Rent on Bins
Action: Confirm new arrangements with JJ Richards, assess best locations for bins and purchase chains for to secure binds / Completed
13.02.02 / Discussion regarding Fitness for All, what they book and what they pay for.
Action: Follow up with Judy as to what Fitness for All are booking and paying for.
Fees were owing, payment arrangements made to clear debt. Treasurer to monitor.
Action: Organise a bolt for the stadium door, also do repairs following the break in. / Completed
13.02.03 / We need to look at advertising in Yackity Yack, Facebook Website and the YCEN Notice Board and the Community Radio.
Action: Organise free advertising
Amanda Trenery submitted to Yackity Yack / Completed
13.02.04 / Casey Plumbing subcontractor to North East water contracted to inspect grease trap. David advised that the Sports Park does not requiring pumping at this stage.
Action: David McAuliffe write to NE Water advising there are no hazards and this will close the matter – ongoing. / Completed
13.02.05 / Complaints have been made about the noise in the facility when meetings are being held.
Action: Geoff Manton to buy A3 size laminated posters “No Noise” to display when meetings are in progress / Geoff Manton
13.02.07 / Emergency Lighting
Council has engaged Bruce Parker to repair lights. Bruce to provide written report when repairs are complete. Leave on the agenda until confirmed repairs complete.
Action: Lighting to be repaired immediately
Bruce has been engaged to maintain on an ongoing basis, therefore this is not need for YSP to inspect and report / Complete
13.03.02 / Insurance
Need to identify assets for Insurance.
Action: Review and update asset list. Ongoing / Amanda Trenery
13.03.03 / Action: Amanda to request internet banking information from WAW Credit Union. On-hold
Can be removed from agenda.
13.03.04 / Amanda to make contact with Carmel Kelly to reconcile football club accounts.
Action transferred to Allan Wapling at previous meeting
Action: Contact Carmel Kelly / Allan Wapling
13.03.05 / The council meetings are held upstairs about once a month, a complaint was received that this venue is the most expensive of all venues. Discussion followed.
Action: Andrew to advise council they only have to book for the period they are here – ie 5 hours would only be $100. Clarify how long they want it.
Amanda advised the council they could hire on an hourly basis / Complete
13.03.06 / Action: Amanda to send out annual User Groups accounts. / Complete
13.04.02 / Maintenance Schedule
Geoff Manton proposed a maintenance schedule be developed eg. Air conditioning equipment and carpet cleaning etc.
Action: Develop maintenance schedule / David McAuliffe
13.05.01 / Defibrillation Equipment
Insurance claim paid. Stolen defibrillator returned. Determine if there is a way of testing the returned defibrillator.
Action: Find out if Defibrillator can be tested / Geoff Manton
13.05.02 / Close in under stairs for additional storage
Quote received $1500, this is to come through the committee.
Action: Quote to be provided to the committee – only verbal received. Ongoing / Paul Shortis
13.05.03 / Hockey will continue for the 2012/2013 for a fee of $300. 2013/2014 year will be as per other major user groups. This arrangement includes amenities, canteen, grounds etc...
Hockey also requested storage for BBQ and Catering Boxes. Les Scholz to discuss with the Cricket Club and liaise direct with Shirley Pilkington
Action: Les & Shirley to liaise regarding storage / Complete
13.05.04 / Fees
A review of fee payment needs to be considered. Committee members to go back to respective clubs to gauge their response to bringing fees in line and paying in advance rather than arrears.
Amendments discussed at September meeting
Action: Discuss fee proposal with respective clubs
Amanda to update Fee structure and Terms & Conditions
All groups agreed to fee proposal
Fees in general discussed. Users’ fee to remain the same until a budget is determined. Major fund raiser to be considered as an alternative to raising user fees.
Action: Nil / Complete
13.05.05 / Folk Festival – Solar Panel
Matt Charles Johnson to make presentation to Committee regarding solar Panels. Ongoing
13.05.06 / Key (Code Box)
Key security was discussed and decided that the key code would be changed monthly. A notice is to be displayed on the front and back door advising contact details for David McAuliffe
Action: Code to be changed monthly
Email all User Groups
Advice council that keys are not to be handed out
Notice on Front and Back Door re: contact
Code to updated June / All actions completed
13.05.07 / Net Set Go Fees
Amanda unsure of the fee arrangement for Net Set Go and requested previous minutes be reviewed to confirm current arrangements.
Action Review previous minutes / Completed
13.05.08 / Men’s Shed Wooden Seats
Shorty advised the Men’s Shed are making wooden seats and selling them, did the Sports Park want to order any. Discussion followed. Need to find out price of seats before making an order
Action: Request Price
Unsuccessful in grant application to purchase seats / Completed
13.05.09 / Car park Lighting
Very dark in the car park and the logs are difficult to see in the dark
Action: Look at lighting options - ongoing
Put Reflectors on end of logs / David McAuliffe
13.05.10 / YRC Toilets
Yackandandah raised the issue insufficient toilet facilities at the far end of the Sports Park. This area was not used solely by the riding club buy many people walking dogs, riding bikes with children etc. Discussion followed. It was determined that this should be raised as part of the Strategic Plan
YRC reported they were proposing to install a toilet in the club rooms. Discussion followed. Unable to install a septic system in that area due to the proximity to the creek. YRC will explore other options
13.05.11 / Tradies List
David McAuliffe declared a conflict of interest and left the meeting for this agenda item.
Geoff Manton tabled a list of preferred Tradesman for completion of maintenance at the facility.
Motion: The following list of businesses be accepted as the preferred tradesman for maintenance works at the sports park;
Plumbing: David McAuliffe
Electrical: Bruce Parker and Col Shippard
Joinery: AC & MA Galvin
Excavator: GSB Constructions
Jim’s Test & Tag
Moved: Geoff Manton
Seconded: Amanda Trenery
Action Establish a works value
Establish a Trades Person List / Completed
13.05.13 / Website
Action Contract Daniel Stokes regarding update of website / Paul Shortis
13.09.01 / Pump Track
Suggested talking to the YOBBO’s group to gain their support. David suggested he attend meeting with Chris Westwood.
Action: Gain support from YOBBO’s
Attend meeting with Chris Westwood - ongoing / David McAuliffe
13.09.03 / Yack Night Netball
Requested to become a user group
Action Need to establish costs to offer user group
On Hold – User Group Definition needs to be determined so that fee structure can be established. Consideration given to determining differences between “User/Maintainer” and “User Group”
Action: Determine User group definitions / Committee
13.09.04 / Instrument of Delegation
Action Feedback to be provided to David McAuliffe.
Determine if Constitution will be relevant
Delegation signed by Council and is to be implemented from the date signed. / Completed
13.09.05 / Setting Budget
James reported $3000 in arrears on current income, further thought by all members and decision for next meeting
Action Seek Assistance from Council to set budget / James Trenery
13.09.06 / Notice Board
Notice Board to be purchased to advertise timetable of various users
Action: Purchase notice board - ongoing / Amanda
13.09.07 / Lighting covers in Stadium
Lighting Covers in the stadium need to be replaced
Action Replace covers - ongoing / David McAuliffe
New Business
13.10.01 / Painting
Quote received to paint the inside of the facility. Budget to be completed so that the committee can decide when this work can commence.
Action; complete budget / Refer 13.09.05
13.10.02 / AGM
Date set for the AGM – 20 November 2013
Action: Advise Council as per Deed of Delegation / Tracee Martin
13.10.03 / Public Toilets
The need for public toilets has increased with expansion and growth of the Sports Park.
Action: Contact Council to ascertain how the Sports Park can either secure funding for public toilets or have it included in Council’s capital works program / Tracee Martin
13.10.04 / Dropbox – Google Drive
Investigate document storage
Action: Investigate various options such as Drop Box, Google Drive etc. / Tracee Martin
Meeting Closed: 10.00 pm
Next Meeting: AGM 20 November 2013
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