QLT Self Review and Revision Planning Document (v39/15/17)

SF State University, Academic Technology,

About This Document

This form is a diagnostic tool that faculty can use freely to self-assess their courses and plan their course revisions. This tool will help you identify areas to improve and track the progress of your revisions.

This document has two parts. The first part addresses the course demographics. The second part has 53 (plus 4 optional) course objectives for you to rate that are organized into 10 sections.

Core 24 Objectives Are Required

Of the 53(plus 4 optional) objectives, 24 are marked as "Core 24". These Core 24 objectives are considered most important. You should focus on meeting the Core 24 objectives first.

  • Course Overview and Introduction (8 objectives)
  • Assessment of Student Learning (6 objectives)
  • Instructional Materials and Resources Utilized (6 objectives)
  • Student Interaction and Community (7 objectives)
  • Facilitation and Instruction (8 objectives)
  • Technology for Teaching and Learning (5 objectives)
  • Learner Support and Resources (4 objectives)
  • Accessibility and Universal Design (6 objectives)
  • Course Summary and Wrap-up (3 objectives)
  • Mobile Platform Readiness – OPTIONAL – (4 objectives)

Beneath each objective and each section are places for notes on your revision plan and for describing how you meet the objective. It is best to write detailed notes about each objective and save this file in a secure and easily accessible place.

Keep This Document for Full QLT Certification

After completing your course revisions, you may apply for full QLT certification. There are many benefits to getting a course fully certified. As part of the application you must attach a completed copy of this completed document. The notes you provide will guide our QLT Peer Reviewer as they evaluate your course.

In order for it be fully certified, our Peer Reviewer must determine that your course meets at least 85% of the objectives (excluding the 4 optional objectives for Mobile Platform Readiness), including meeting all of the Core 24 objectives.


Visit more information about the QLT initiative. If you have additional questions, please email or call 415-405-5550.

Recommendations for Rating theObjectives

Step 1: Read each section title to better understand the category you will be assessing. Read each objective carefully. Those objectives marked with a star (*) belong to the Core 24. Examples are provided to promote clarity. Most of the objectives are simple and straightforward, while some require reflection on your pedagogic strategy or course design.

Step 2: Use the following ratings scale to effectively assess how well you met each objective:

  • Meets/Often or Always (1): Criterion evidence is clear and appropriate for the course
  • Does not meet/Rarely or never (0): No criterion evidence exists, or is present but not appropriate for course.
  • Objective does not apply to the course (NA)*: For example, it may be something only a fully online course would need and you are teaching a hybrid course.

*Core 24 objectives are required and cannot be marked as "Not Applicable"

Step 3: Describe how your course currently does or does not fulfill the objective. Be specific in describing where and how your course addresses the objective. This will help you organize your work and task list later when you are revising your course. If you decide that an objective is not applicable to your course, describe your reason.

Step 4: Write your ideas for how you could revise your course to fulfill the objective. Again, be specific, as this will greatly help you during the course revision process. If there are links to other resources you would like to refer to, copy them into this field. If you don't yet have a specific idea for how to fulfill an objective, prompt yourself to get support from a QLT mentor or AT staff. During the revision process, revisit this document often and keep track of your revisions.

Step 5:Finally, describe in detail exactly where to find evidence of having met this objective.

IMPORTANT! Be specific in describing exactly where in your course the evidence of having met the objective can be found. Peer Reviewers will use your comments in this field to inform their evaluations during the certification process.

Instructor Information

Your official name (in SF State directories and as the instructor of record):

College Name:

Department Name:

Your @sfsu.edu email address:

Course Information

Course Abbreviation, Course Number, and Section Number (e.g. ENG 214-05):

Academic Year and Semester (year and semester taught, e.g., Fall 2015-16):

Full Course Name/Title (i.e., Global Food Systems: Scarcity and Sustainability):

Is this online course part of the CSU CourseMatch program?



Type of course in terms of delivery:

Hybrid/Blended: 10–70% of the course activities or interactions take place in the online environment.

Online: 100% of the course activities or interactions take place in the online environment, though there may be practicum or class requirements that take place in a live environment.

Section 1. Course Overview and Introduction

Addresses the variety of materials and material formats the instructor has chosen to present course content and enable students to meet relevant learning outcomes and, when possible, the affordability of chosen course materials.

If you choose NA for any of the objectives, please also use the associated text box to explain why this objective does not apply.

1.1 (Core 24 REQUIRED)

Instructor uses course environment to provide clear and detailed instructions for students to begin accessing all course components, such as syllabus, course calendar, assignments, and support files.

Example: Welcome message or materials introducing course structure/ components is highly recommended.

Your Responses

Does not meet/Rarely or Never (0)

Meets/Often or Always (1)

For your own planning and tracking:

Describe how you might revise your course to better meet this objective.

For QLT certification and Peer Review:

Describe how your course currently fulfills this objective.

Describe where in your course evidence of having met this objective can be found. Please be specific.

1.2 (Core 24 REQUIRED)

Detailed instructor information is available to students and includes multiple formats for being contacted by students, availability information, brief biographical information, and a picture of the instructor.

Example: Instructor introduces him/herself to the class and provides more than one way to be contacted such as email, phone, and/or office hours (in-person and/or online).

Your Responses

Does not meet/Rarely or Never (0)

Meets/Often or Always (1)

For your own planning and tracking:

Describe how you might revise your course to better meet this objective.

For QLT certification and Peer Review:

Describe how your course currently fulfills this objective.

Describe where in your course evidence of having met this objective can be found. Please be specific.

1.3 (Core 24 REQUIRED)

Course description includes the purpose and format of the course, as well as prerequisite knowledge and competencies, if applicable.

Example: Instructor introduces the purpose of the course as well as explain the course format as either completely online or in person

Your Responses

Does not meet/Rarely or Never (0)

Meets/Often or Always (1)

For your own planning and tracking:

Describe how you might revise your course to better meet this objective.

For QLT certification and Peer Review:

Describe how your course currently fulfills this objective.

Describe where in your course evidence of having met this objective can be found. Please be specific.


Course etiquette expectations for various forms of course communication and dialog (e.g., chat, web conference, email, online discussion) are presented and clear to the student.

Example:Rules of conduct may include use of the language and formatting. See further at Netiquette: Make it Part of Your Syllabus. For blended or flipped courses, face-to-face etiquette and participation expectations (e.g., pair work, group work, discussions) are presented and clear to the student. Rules of conduct include expectations regarding listening, respecting others’ opinions, and contributing to pair and group work. To encourage student participation, the instructor may require students to complete an online post or quiz as a “ticket” for entering the face-to-face class.

Your Responses

Not applicable (NA)

Does not meet/Rarely or Never (0)

Meets/Often or Always (1)

For your own planning and tracking:

Describe how you might revise your course to better meet this objective.

For QLT certification and Peer Review:

Describe how your course currently fulfills this objective.

Describe where in your course evidence of having met this objective can be found. Please be specific.

1.5 (Core 24 REQUIRED)

Academic integrity or "code of ethics" is defined. Related institutional policies for students to adhere are clearly stated and/or links to those policies (e.g., online catalog; institution web page) is provided.

Example:Policies typically include cheating, plagiarism, and copyright. Instructor may also provide sample work that demonstrates plagiarism.

Your Responses

Does not meet/Rarely or Never (0)

Meets/Often or Always (1)

For your own planning and tracking:

Describe how you might revise your course to better meet this objective.

For QLT certification and Peer Review:

Describe how your course currently fulfills this objective.

Describe where in your course evidence of having met this objective can be found. Please be specific.


A list of technical competencies necessary for course completion is provided; identifying and delineating the role/extent the online environment plays in the total course.

Example:Technical competencies may include the use of Learning Management System, downloading and uploading, file management/sharing, communications tools, collaboration tools, discipline-specific software or hardware. In addition, instructors may want to point students to the CSU Stanislaus Online Readiness Self- Assessment.

Your Responses

Not applicable (NA)

Does not meet/Rarely or Never (0)

Meets/Often or Always (1)

For your own planning and tracking:

Describe how you might revise your course to better meet this objective.

For QLT certification and Peer Review:

Describe how your course currently fulfills this objective.

Describe where in your course evidence of having met this objective can be found. Please be specific.


Instructor provides samples of student work and provides opportunity to students to ask questions.

Example:Instructor can do a mock exercise, show an assignment, discuss readings, and review projects.

Your Responses

Not applicable (NA)

Does not meet/Rarely or Never (0)

Meets/Often or Always (1)

For your own planning and tracking:

Describe how you might revise your course to better meet this objective.

For QLT certification and Peer Review:

Describe how your course currently fulfills this objective.

Describe where in your course evidence of having met this objective can be found. Please be specific.


Instructor asks students to share their own learning goals.

Example:Instructor encourages students to share why they take the course, and asks about the relevancy of the course to their academic degree, daily life, and potential careers.

Your Responses

Not applicable (NA)

Does not meet/Rarely or Never (0)

Meets/Often or Always (1)

For your own planning and tracking:

Describe how you might revise your course to better meet this objective.

For QLT certification and Peer Review:

Describe how your course currently fulfills this objective.

Describe where in your course evidence of having met this objective can be found. Please be specific.

Section Comments and notes

Section 2. Assessment of Student Learning

Student Evaluation and Assessment refers to the process used to gather evidence of the achievement of the Student Learning Objectives/Outcomes (SLOs).

If you choose NA for any of the objectives, please also use the associated text box to explain why this objective does not apply.

2.1 (Core 24 REQUIRED)

All Student Learning Objectives/Outcomes (SLOs) are specific, well defined, and measureable.

Example:Learning Objectives are measurable and observable, e.g. define, apply, synthesize in Bloom’s Taxonomy. Note: If your course level objectives are mandated and not measurable, then module or weekly level objectives should be measurable and support course level objectives.

Your Responses

Does not meet/Rarely or Never (0)

Meets/Often or Always (1)

For your own planning and tracking:

Describe how you might revise your course to better meet this objective.

For QLT certification and Peer Review:

Describe how your course currently fulfills this objective.

Describe where in your course evidence of having met this objective can be found. Please be specific.

2.2 (Core 24 REQUIRED)

Grading policy is provided in a manner that clearly defines expectations for the course and respective assignments.

Example:Instructor provides late submission policy and scale, weights of respective assignments, and the corresponding letter grade if scores are accumulated at the end.

Your Responses

Does not meet/Rarely or Never (0)

Meets/Often or Always (1)

For your own planning and tracking:

Describe how you might revise your course to better meet this objective.

For QLT certification and Peer Review:

Describe how your course currently fulfills this objective.

Describe where in your course evidence of having met this objective can be found. Please be specific.

2.3 (Core 24 REQUIRED)

The learning activities (including the assignments and ungraded activities) promote the achievement of the SLOs

Example:Instructors explain how learning activities such as assignments or discussions contribute to the achievement of the stated SLOs.

Your Responses

Does not meet/Rarely or Never (0)

Meets/Often or Always (1)

For your own planning and tracking:

Describe how you might revise your course to better meet this objective.

For QLT certification and Peer Review:

Describe how your course currently fulfills this objective.

Describe where in your course evidence of having met this objective can be found. Please be specific.

2.4 (Core 24 REQUIRED)

The assessment instruments (e.g., rubrics) are detailed and appropriate to the student work and respective outcomes being assessed. This includes assessing modes of online participation and contributions.

Example:There are multiple ways for students to demonstrate competence or mastery. E.g., research project, paper, tests, presentations, or multimedia projects. Students are not just grades for online participation but the quality of their participation and contributions.

Your Responses

Does not meet/Rarely or Never (0)

Meets/Often or Always (1)

For your own planning and tracking:

Describe how you might revise your course to better meet this objective.

For QLT certification and Peer Review:

Describe how your course currently fulfills this objective.

Describe where in your course evidence of having met this objective can be found. Please be specific.

2.5 (Core 24 REQUIRED)

Throughout the semester, instructor provides multiple opportunities to give feedback on students learning and to help students “self-check” their learning.

Example:Activities may include but not limited to blogs for reflection, peer review, practice test and draft of term paper, module summary. Instructor effectively uses Learning Management System gradebook (or similar) for timely quantitative and qualitative feedback.

Your Responses

Does not meet/Rarely or Never (0)

Meets/Often or Always (1)

For your own planning and tracking:

Describe how you might revise your course to better meet this objective.

For QLT certification and Peer Review:

Describe how your course currently fulfills this objective.

Describe where in your course evidence of having met this objective can be found. Please be specific.


Throughout the semester, instructor provides multiple opportunities to solicit feedback from their students about their learning and on the course for the improvement of the course.

Example:Instructor may consider the use of surveys, discussion forums, or item analyses to collect feedback or attitudinal data (that goes beyond student learning outcomes) on the effectiveness or difficulty of the resources and activities (e.g., “Muddiest Point”), or item analysis of test questions in order to improve the course in the future.

Your Responses

Not applicable (NA)

Does not meet/Rarely or Never (0)

Meets/Often or Always (1)

For your own planning and tracking:

Describe how you might revise your course to better meet this objective.

For QLT certification and Peer Review:

Describe how your course currently fulfills this objective.

Describe where in your course evidence of having met this objective can be found. Please be specific.

Section Comments and notes

Section 3. Instructional Materials and Resources

Addresses the variety of materials and material formats the instructor has chosen to present course content and enable students to meet relevant learning outcomes and, when possible, the affordability of chosen course materials.

If you choose NA for any of the objectives, please also use the associated text box to explain why this objective does not apply.

3.1 (Core 24 REQUIRED)

Instructor provides students with adequate time and notice to acquire course materials.

Example:Instructor includes instruction in the syllabus or elsewhere in the course on how to acquire course materials including textbooks, and other types of external resources.

Your Responses

Does not meet/Rarely or Never (0)

Meets/Often or Always (1)

For your own planning and tracking:

Describe how you might revise your course to better meet this objective.