
Board Meeting


Louisburg, NC 27549

Meeting Number: 2 Date: February 18, 2016

Supervisors Present:Ricky May, Vice Chairman

Carvel Cheves, Treasurer

Shirley Pendergrass, Member

Charles Mitchell, Member

Staff Present:William Byrum, District Conservationist

Cindy Phelps, District Administrator

Charles Bass, NC Ag Cost Share Specialist

Call to Order–Ricky May, Vice-Chairman, called the meeting to order at 9:15 am.

Conflict of Interest Statement – “Members of the board are reminded of their duty to avoid conflicts of interest during the transaction of district business and are asked to disclose any known conflict of interest or potential conflict with respect to matters to come before the district board. If any member knows of a conflict of interest or potential conflict, please state so at this time.”

Minutes and Agenda

Shirley Pendergrass moved to approve the January 2016 meeting minuteswith one correction: “District Officer Elections were held at the January meeting. Officers remained the same: Tom Gulley, Chairman, Ricky May, Vice-Chair, and Carvel Cheves, Treasurer”. Charles Mitchellseconded. Motion carried.

Shirley Pendergrass moved to approve February agenda. Charles Mitchell seconded. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report

Cindy Phelps presented the Treasurer’s report.

  • There are still several outstanding checks from the Awards Program last April
  • Board recommended to continue showing the checks as outstanding and follow up with parents to see if check is lost
  • Cindy discussed funding shortage in Travel and the upcoming Mid-Year DEA Executive Board meeting

Board recommended to continue submitting all training expenditures to county line item 606-0140 (Travel & Training)


NRCS Report

EQIP (Environmental Quality Incentives Program)

  • Twelve active contracts – 10 EQIP and 2 CSP
  • Of the EQIP contracts, 6 are Forestry, 2 crop, 1 pasture and 1 animal waste
  • Waiting to hear from 7 eligible applications for EQIP 2016 – approximately $165,000
  • 3 of these are crop, 3 forestry and 1 animal waste
  • One producer has completed his composter; another producer has installed the pipeline to completed the waste storage pond and is waiting for engineering approval


  • Working with producers on conservation plans

CRP (Conservation Reserve Program)

  • Sign up ends next Friday (February 26)

NC Ag Cost Share Report – Charles Bass

Request to Cancel Contract 35-2014-003

  • Carvel Cheves moved to approve cancelling contract. Shirley Pendergrass seconded. Motion carried.

Updated Board on 2015 Ag Cost Share status

  • 35-2015-005 – should have a Request for Payment at next meeting - Irrigation equipment is being purchased
  • 35-2015-008, 35-2015-009, and 35-2015-010 were all cancelled (all 28 mo. sod based rotation)

Reviewed status of 2016 contracts

  • Original Allocation $52,563; $40,265 already allocated to contracts; remaining balance of $12,298

Presented one Ag Wrap Application for Board Approval:

  • 25-2016-800 – Pond Repair
  • Carvel Cheves moved to approve application. Charles Mitchell seconded. Motion carried.

Spot checks will be coming up soon

Ag Cost Share Committee is proposing changing the way money is allocated to each District

  • Changes will be presented to the Soil & Water Commission on March 16
  • Allocations will be “performance based”
  • Board discussed the logistics of changing the current procedure for funds allocation

RCW begins June 26, 2016 – we hope to have several applicants this year

Area IV Envirothon will be March 17 in Nash County at Rose Hill Farm

State Envirothon will be held April 28-30 in Burlington

Old Business

Tar-Pam Local Advisory Committee payment

District submitted ‘Nutrient Strategy Watershed LAC Request for Payment Form”

  • Total payment for “2015 LAC Planning & Execution for Crop Year 2014” is $994
  • Carvel Cheves motioned to deposit funds in District account. Charles Mitchell seconded. Motion carried.

Franklin County 2016-2017 Budget

Budget materials have been received

Expenditures estimates are due to Manager by February 22

Budget requests are due March 9

2016 District Contests

Posters and Essays are in the office

Judging will be February 24 at 9:30 a.m. in this office

Budget Requests are due March 9

New Business

District Operational Agreement / Memorandum of Understanding

Submitted to Franklin County Manager and Division of Soil & Water

  • Pat Harris has signed it and forwarded it to NRCS
  • As of Feb. 17, still don’t have it back from them
  • Sent email correspondence to State Office to inquire of the status

Area IV Spring Meeting

Meeting will be on February 25 in Durham

  • If anyone decides to go, registration can still be paid at the door

MBCI Contract Monitoring

Presented contract for Board to review and approve

Other New Business

Charles Mitchell discussed the following items of interest:

  • Tree Giveaway will be March 19; asked the Board to consider donating again this year
  • Carvel Cheves moved to donate $100 to Cooperative Extension for Tree Giveaway. Shirley Pendergrass seconded. Motion carried.
  • Grain Bin Safety training will be from 12:00 – 5:00 at Steve Nelms farm on March 11
  • Successful Small Farms Conference will take place on February 27

Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.

The next regular meeting is scheduled forMarch 17, 2016 in the District Conference room.


Carvel Cheves,
