3rd National Mental Health Nursing Conference

“Embedding Recovery Principles in Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing Practice: Learning from Experience”

Wednesday 27th September 2017


Dublin Castle

The Office of the Nursing and Midwifery Directorate (ONMSD) are hosting a National Mental Health Nursing Conference in Dublin Castle on September 27th 2017 and would like to invite nurses working in the area of mental health to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentation in concurrent sessions.

Oral presentations will be 20 minutes each and should be based on mental health clinical nursing interventions, leadership, quality improvement initiatives, examples of good practice or evidenced based practice initiatives, service user outcomes, or service innovations that are currently taking place. The oral presentations should be submitted under one of the following categories:

·  Innovations to Support Recovery Practice

·  Outstanding Specialist and Advanced Mental Health Nursing Practice

·  Excellence in Education and Research

Poster presentations should be based on mental health quality initiatives, examples of good practice or evidenced based practice initiatives, service user outcomes, service innovations that are currently taking place.

The abstract (250 words maximum) should be typed in Times New Roman, Font 12, 1.5 spacing in the following format. All abstracts and papers to be presented should demonstrate person centred language.

Submission Format:

Title of oral/poster Presentation / Please start with a clear title for the oral/poster presentation
Oral or poster
Presentation / Please tick if oral or poster presentation
Oral presentation □ Poster presentation □
Theme (please tick one) / ·  Innovations to Support Recovery Practice
·  Outstanding Specialist and Advanced Mental Health Nursing Practice
·  Excellence in Education and Research
Presenter(s): / Name:
Mental health service/
Mental health service/
Main Contact Person:
Contact Details: / Name:
Tel. No.:
Oral/Poster Abstract:
Briefly (max 250 words) outline your initiative using the following headings:
(a) Introduction and Background to the initiative
(b) Aims/Objectives: describe the specific purpose of the initiative
(c) Description of the initiative: Identify the key steps carried out, the tools used, and the timeframe
(d) Outcomes/Results: of the initiative e.g. the end measure/improvement of the initiative
(e) Plan for sustainability/future plans: Implications for psychiatric/mental health nursing and outline the plan for the future.

Submissions will be reviewed by the National Mental Health Conference Steering Group.

Please e-mail your submission to: by Monday 24th July 2017