Science Fair Project Ideas (Science Buddies)

Forensic Science:

Biotechnology / A Juicy Project: Extracting Apple Juice with Pectinase
Biotechnology / A Magnetic Primer Designer
Biotechnology / Bacterial Transformation Efficiency
Biotechnology / Bioluminescence: Investigating Glow-in-the-Dark Dinoflagellates
Biotechnology / Catalytic RNA and Structure
Biotechnology / Column Chromatography: Can you Separate the Dyes in Grape Soda Using Space Sand™?
Biotechnology / Discovering DNA: Do Your Cheek Cells & a Strawberry Both Have DNA?
Biotechnology / DNA Fingerprinting
Biotechnology / Do-It-Yourself DNA
Biotechnology / Enzyme-Catalyzed Reactions— What Affects Their Rates?
Biotechnology / Enzymes
Biotechnology / Exploring DNA Damage: What Effect Do Ultraviolet Rays Have on Yeast Colony Growth?
Biotechnology / Expression Cloning
Biotechnology / Extracting Onion DNA
Biotechnology / Forensic Science: Building Your Own Tool for Identifying DNA
Biotechnology / Genetically Modified Foods
Biotechnology / Glitter-Go-Round: Snow Globe Science with a Centrifuge
Biotechnology / Liver Stinks!
Biotechnology / Mag-nificent Breakfast Cereal
Biotechnology / Molecular Scissors
Biotechnology / No Whey! Milk Protein Content Doesn't Change...Or Does It?
Biotechnology / Protein Fingerprinting
Biotechnology / Protein Structure and Function
Biotechnology / Purification Strategies
Biotechnology / Separating Mixtures: Can You Design a Device to Do It?
Biotechnology / Sizing It Up! How Scientists Separate Proteins
Biotechnology / Solubility of Proteins
Biotechnology / Spin Zone: Separating Butter with a Salad Spinner Centrifuge
Biotechnology / Turn Plants into Biofuel with the Power of Enzymes
Biotechnology / What is in this Water? Experiments with a Homemade Turbidity Meter
Biotechnology / What Makes a DNA Fingerprint Unique?
Biotechnology / What Makes Candies So Colorful? Investigate How Gel Electrophoresis Unlocks the Color Code!
Biotechnology / Who Done It? DNA Fingerprinting and Forensics


Chemistry / A Silver-Cleaning Battery
Chemistry / A Soluble Separation Solution
Chemistry / Analyze This! Make a Colorimeter to Measure the Concentration of Blue Dye in Various Liquids.
Chemistry / Are Enzymes in Laundry Detergents Effective Stain Removers?
Chemistry / Balloon Morphing: How Gases Contract and Expand
Chemistry / Big Pieces or Small Pieces: Which React Faster?
Chemistry / Bouncy Polymer Chemistry
Chemistry / Boyle's Law: Pressure vs. Volume of a Gas at Constant Temperature
Chemistry / Bring on the Heat! Investigating Exothermic Reaction Rates
Chemistry / Bubble-ology
Chemistry / Cabbage Chemistry
Chemistry / Can You Change the Rate of a Chemical Reaction by Changing the Particle Size of the Reactants?
Chemistry / Charles's Law: Volume vs. Temperature of a Gas at Constant Pressure
Chemistry / Chemistry of Ice-Cream Making: Lowering the Freezing Point of Water
Chemistry / Cold Pack Chemistry: Where Does the Heat Go?
Chemistry / Colorful Chemistry Creations: Make Your Own Sun Print with Color and Sunlight!
Chemistry / Crazy Crystal Creations: How to Grow the Best and the Largest Crystals
Chemistry / Create Your Own Chemistry Color-analysis Tools
Chemistry / Crime Scene Chemistry—The Cool Blue Light of Luminol
Chemistry / Crime Scene Chemistry: Determine the Identity of an Unknown Chemical Substance
Chemistry / Do Oranges Lose or Gain Vitamin C After Being Picked?
Chemistry / Dye Eggs Using Silk Ties for Egg-cellent Colors
Chemistry / Electrolyte Challenge: Orange Juice Vs. Sports Drink
Chemistry / From Dull to Dazzling: Using Pennies to Test How pH Affects Copper Corrosion
Chemistry / Get the Lead Out: Explore the Effects of pH on Lead Testing.
Chemistry / Getting a Bang Out of Breath Spray: Studying the Chemistry and Physics of a Small Explosion
Chemistry / Got Iron? Use a Color-based Test to Measure the Concentration of Iron in Water
Chemistry / How Do You Get Heat from a Supercooled Solution? Explore the Chemistry Within Hand Warmers
Chemistry / How Fast Does an Alka-Seltzer® Tablet Make Gas?
Chemistry / How to Make the Boldest, Brightest Tie-Dye!
Chemistry / Investigate the Kinetics of the Amazing Iodine Clock Reaction
Chemistry / Just Keep Cool—How Evaporation Affects Heating and Cooling
Chemistry / Keep Your Candy Cool With the Power of Evaporation!
Chemistry / Make Your Own Markers
Chemistry / Make Your Own pH Paper
Chemistry / Measure Luminescence in Glow-in-the-Dark Objects
Chemistry / Measuring Enzyme Activity: Yeast Catalase
Chemistry / Measuring Surface Tension of Water with a Penny
Chemistry / Measuring the Amount of Acid in Vinegar by Titration with an Indicator Solution
Chemistry / Minds of Their Own: A Chemical Reaction that Changes, then Changes Back!
Chemistry / More Solubility Ideas
Chemistry / Ooze: A Cornstarch Colloid
Chemistry / Paper Chromatography: Advanced Version 1
Chemistry / Paper Chromatography: Advanced Version 2
Chemistry / Paper Chromatography: Is Black Ink Really Black?
Chemistry / Plastic Deformation: Glass Transition of Some Plastics
Chemistry / Plop, Plop, Fizz Fast: The Effect of Temperature on Reaction Time
Chemistry / Polymer Absorbance: A Swell Project
Chemistry / Polymer Permeability: Which Plastic Wrap Prevents Evaporation Best?
Chemistry / Potions and Lotions: Lessons in Cosmetic Chemistry
Chemistry / Presto! From Black to Clear with the Magic of Photochemistry
Chemistry / Put Some Energy Into It! Use a Calorimeter to Measure the Heat Capacity of Water
Chemistry / Race Your Marbles to Discover a Liquid's Viscosity
Chemistry / Rocketology: Baking Soda + Vinegar = Lift Off!
Chemistry / Rusting Out: How Acids Affect the Rate of Corrosion
Chemistry / Salt Bridge Over Electrified Waters: How Electricity Changes pH
Chemistry / Salt Oscillator
Chemistry / Saturated Solutions: Measuring Solubility
Chemistry / Scintillating Scents: The Science of Making Perfume
Chemistry / See the Light by Making a Cell Phone Spectrophotometer
Chemistry / Shaking for Suds: Which Type of Water is the Hardest?
Chemistry / Skunk Attack! Test Different Remedies to Remove Skunk Odor
Chemistry / Solar-powered Chemistry: Study Chemical Reaction Rates in Ultraviolet Beads
Chemistry / Spaces Between Water Molecules: When 1 + 1 < 2
Chemistry / Study Chirality with a Homemade Polarimeter
Chemistry / The Chemistry of Clean: Make Your Own Soap to Study Soap Synthesis
Chemistry / The Chemistry of Hair Highlights
Chemistry / Turn Milk into Plastic!
Chemistry / Water to Fuel to Water: The Fuel Cycle of the Future
Chemistry / What Makes Ice Melt Fastest?
Chemistry / What's the Point of Boiling?
Chemistry / Which Orange Juice Has the Most Vitamin C?

Food Science:

Cooking & Food Science / 'Make Mine Medium-Rare': Heat Conduction in Steak
Cooking & Food Science / Burning Calories: How Much Energy is Stored in Different Types of Food?
Cooking & Food Science / Candy Chromatography: What Makes Those Colors?
Cooking & Food Science / Chemistry of Baking Ingredients 1: How Much Baking Powder Do Quick Breads Need?
Cooking & Food Science / Chemistry of Baking Ingredients 2: Can Baking Soda Substitute for Baking Powder in a Recipe?
Cooking & Food Science / Chemistry of Ice-Cream Making: Lowering the Freezing Point of Water
Cooking & Food Science / Choice Cheesecakes: Which Baking Method is the Best?
Cooking & Food Science / Cookies: Can You Blame the Burnt Ones On the Cookie Sheet?
Cooking & Food Science / Determining Iodide Content of Salt
Cooking & Food Science / Do Oranges Lose or Gain Vitamin C After Being Picked?
Cooking & Food Science / Dried Foods: The Science Behind Making Lightweight Snacks
Cooking & Food Science / Egg Substitutes
Cooking & Food Science / Egg-cellently Cooked Eggs: The Process of Soft-Boiling an Egg
Cooking & Food Science / Flavor That Food! Exploring the Science of Marinades
Cooking & Food Science / Fresh Whipped Cream That Lasts
Cooking & Food Science / From Bitter to Sweet: How Sugar Content Changes in Ripening Fruit
Cooking & Food Science / From Sauce to Solid: The Science of Cranberry Condiments
Cooking & Food Science / Gel Well: Which Additives Make the Strongest Gelatin?
Cooking & Food Science / Get Saucy with the Thickening Power of Starches
Cooking & Food Science / Great Globs of Gluten! Which Wheat Flour Has The Most?
Cooking & Food Science / Have Your Chips Lost Their Chomp? Understanding How Food Becomes Rancid
Cooking & Food Science / Hey, Do You C My Potatoes? Determining Vitamin C Amounts in Cooked Potatoes
Cooking & Food Science / Hey, There's Corn in My Candy!
Cooking & Food Science / Hot Pot: Choosing the Right Pot in Which to Cook Your Meals
Cooking & Food Science / How Can Tofu Pack Such a Flavorful Punch?
Cooking & Food Science / How Do You Make the 'Best' Cookie?
Cooking & Food Science / How Do You Take Your Tea? Make a Simple Electronic Device to Measure the Strength of Tea
Cooking & Food Science / How Far Can You Stretcha the Mozzarella: The Science of Making Cheese!
Cooking & Food Science / How Greasy Are Your Potato Chips?
Cooking & Food Science / How Sweet It Is! Measuring Glucose in Your Food
Cooking & Food Science / How Sweet It Is—How Much Sugar Is Really in That Soda?
Cooking & Food Science / Investigate the Vitamin C Level in Bell Peppers During Various Stages of Ripeness
Cooking & Food Science / Is That Really Bacteria Living in My Yogurt?
Cooking & Food Science / Is the Soup Ready? Measure How Much Water is Absorbed by Dried Beans
Cooking & Food Science / Kimchi Chemistry
Cooking & Food Science / Lactose, Sucrose, and Glucose: How Many Sugars are in Your Smoothie?
Cooking & Food Science / Mag-nificent Breakfast Cereal
Cooking & Food Science / Making Maple Syrup Candy: How Does Temperature Affect It?
Cooking & Food Science / Mean & Green: Fruit & Vegetable Hardening
Cooking & Food Science / Mixing Your Own Marshmallows: Finding the Right Ratio of Sugar to Corn Syrup
Cooking & Food Science / Oil and Vinegar Do Mix…When You Have an Emulsifier
Cooking & Food Science / Perfect Plating: Which Food Presentation Technique is Best?
Cooking & Food Science / Perfecting Pastries: The Role of Fats in Making a Delicious Pastry
Cooking & Food Science / Processed Cheese, Please! Get Your Grilled Cheese Oooey Gooey Instead of Oily and Gloppy
Cooking & Food Science / Save Those Spoiling Strawberries!
Cooking & Food Science / Shaking for Butter
Cooking & Food Science / Shimmy, Shimmy Soda Pop: Develop Your Own Soda Pop Recipe
Cooking & Food Science / Smashing for Mash: The Science of Making Memorable Mashed Potatoes!
Cooking & Food Science / Stand Up! Investigate the Effect of Different Bowls on Whipped Egg Whites
Cooking & Food Science / Steamy Standing Time: How Food Size Impacts Carryover Cooking
Cooking & Food Science / Stop Slumping: What Makes Foams Stand Up Straight
Cooking & Food Science / Sweet as Sugar: Comparing the Sweetness of Sugar & Sugar Substitutes
Cooking & Food Science / Tasty Arrangements: How to Position Food in Microwave Cooking
Cooking & Food Science / Temper, Temper, Temper! The Science of Tempering Chocolate
Cooking & Food Science / The Art & Science of Making Yummy Yogurt
Cooking & Food Science / The Curdling Properties of Different Milks: How to Avoid Little Miss Muffet's Curds
Cooking & Food Science / The Effect of Roasting on Color, Flavor, and Texture of Peanut Butter
Cooking & Food Science / The Freezer: It Keeps Your Carrots Awake at Night!
Cooking & Food Science / The Pasta Puzzle: How Much Water is Required to Cook Pasta?
Cooking & Food Science / The Sweet Beginnings of Caramelization
Cooking & Food Science / Top Crops: Finding Hidden Grasses and Beans in Processed Foods
Cooking & Food Science / Tough Beans: Which Cooking Liquids Slow Softening the Most?
Cooking & Food Science / What Do Different Baking Ingredients Do?
Cooking & Food Science / What's the Best Way to Guarantee Fresh Bread?
Cooking & Food Science / When Science is Sweet: Growing Rock Candy Crystals
Cooking & Food Science / Which Flour Has the Greatest Glob of Gluten?
Cooking & Food Science / Which Fruits Can Ruin Your Gelatin Dessert?
Cooking & Food Science / Which Orange Juice Has the Most Vitamin C?
Cooking & Food Science / You Say Po-tay-to and I Say Po-tah-to, but No Matter What, There's Starch in Those Taters!
Cooking & Food Science / You Want Fries With That? The Science of Crispy Potatoes
Cooking & Food Science / Yuck, What Happened to My Apple? How Food Wrappings Affect Spoilage

Environmental Science:

Environmental Science / A Matter of Degrees: How Does the Tilt of Earth's Axis Affect the Seasons?
Environmental Science / Acid Rain and Aquatic Life
Environmental Science / Air Particles and Air Quality
Environmental Science / Air Pollution
Environmental Science / Are There Bugs Under Your Feet?
Environmental Science / Are There Dangerous Levels of Lead in Local Soil?
Environmental Science / Biodiversity Survey
Environmental Science / Bug Vacuums: Sucking up Biodiversity
Environmental Science / Crystal Ball Math: Predicting Population Growth with Models
Environmental Science / Deforestation
Environmental Science / Disappearing Act: How Fast Do Different Biodegradable & Compostable Materials Decompose?
Environmental Science / Dust Busters: How No-Plow Farmers Try to Save Our Soil
Environmental Science / Ecological Footprint Analysis
Environmental Science / Electronic Pollution
Environmental Science / Feeding Earthworms: Do Different Diets Affect Them and the Soil They Enrich?
Environmental Science / Fish Markets and Sustainability
Environmental Science / Froggy Forecasting: How Frog Health Predicts Pond Health
Environmental Science / Get Down and Dirty: How Does Soil Change with Depth?
Environmental Science / Get Rid of Those Leftovers: How Much Organic Waste Can Composting Worms Eat?
Environmental Science / Getting Carried Away: Measuring Soil Erosion
Environmental Science / Going Green as You Clean: Are 'Green' Detergents Less Toxic Than Conventional Detergents?
Environmental Science / Heavy Metals and Aquatic Environments
Environmental Science / Here Today, Gone Tomorrow: Saving Migratory Animals
Environmental Science / Home Sweet Biome: How Do Plants Grow in Different Environments?
Environmental Science / Household Water Usage
Environmental Science / How Does Soil Affect the pH of Water?
Environmental Science / I'm Trying to Breathe Here! Dissolved Oxygen vs. Temperature
Environmental Science / Invasive Species
Environmental Science / Is it Getting Hot in Here? Investigate the Greenhouse Effect