Minutes of the Kensworth Parish Council Meeting

held at Kensworth Village Hall on Thursday 9th June 2016

Present: Chairman J Worboys, Parish Councillors J Bradley, C Browne, G Blackburn, I Lowery, Clerk Maxine Whiting, 4 members of the public


Apologies were received and accepted from Chairman P Mitchell, Parish Councillors J Murray, P Woods & A Sinfield-Green.


There were no declaration of interests.


It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 12th May 2016 were a correct record and signed by the Chairman


Packhorse Pub caravan reported to CBC planning enforcement. They have attended location, however no people present when they have been. CBC Enforcement will continue to visit, however landowner is poorly at present. Parish Council concerned by the eyesore it creates.

Website has been updated with all council policies, procedures and financial reports etc.


Resident complained about cold callers. Clerk to investigate what effectiveness and use the ‘No Cold Calling’ signs have.

Resident asked why double yellow lines have not been completed at The Chilterns. Councillors informed that CBC highways are aware and will require vehicles to be removed to allow lines to be completed. Parish council agreed however their implementation have made the corner much safer.

Resident complained about the wording of the CBC bus consultation and was disappointed Ward Cllrs weren’t present. Residents concerned if the X31 service is cut or stopped, many people would be cut off. Councillors urged residents to complete the CBC consultation.

Resident complained about parking near the junction of Poplar Road and Common Road.


No Ward Councillors present.


Tau Chamboko has been appointed as the Bedfordshire Police Rural Liaison Officer to work with parish councils. Clerk has sent a list of meeting dates and updated the website with his contact details and forwarded to the Parish Link.


CB/16/01339/FULL Kingsclere, Common Road, Kensworth, Dunstable, LU6 2PN

Amendments to proposed redevelopment of existing stables to a detached three bed bungalow – overall design improved and proposed dwelling moved away from boundary.No comment


Caddington Parish Council hope to arrange a meeting with CBC Nigel Young and head of planning enforcement to discuss current situation at Greenvale and what actions enforcement are taking on current breaches of planning application. Kensworth Parish Councillors P Mitchell and P Woods will be invited to attend and kept informed at all times.

Councillors are concerned that the large vehicle and caravans parked in front of Jockey Farm on Watling Street are both dangerous and unsightly.


CBC Principal Highways Officer Steve Lakin relayed the parish’s request for a 20mph limit outside of Kensworth Lower School on Common Road to the CBC Transport Strategy Team. Steve Brewer, CBC Principal Strategic Transport Planner sent the below email response on 6th June to the Clerk which was forwarded to Parish & Ward Councillors and the School.

To ensure transparency and fairness there is a need to prioritise interventions, such as 20mph speed limits/school safety zones, to inform the rolling programme of Sustainable Modes of Transport to Schools (SMOTS) schemes. Also with a limited LTP budget spread across several individual strategies prioritisation is essential to ensure value for money.

As part of the development of the SMOTS Strategy all CBC schools will be considered in the prioritisation process. The schools will be prioritised based on their accident record and potential for modal shift. Other considerations such as, commitment to a school travel plan, local congestion (traffic flow and speeds), additional funding source, school expansion programme and the Travel to School Policy, will inform which schools are prioritised.

The schools with the highest scores are then studied in more detail in terms of issues and interventions and a programme of schemes are then put forward for LTP funding.

Your request will be considered in the next prioritisation process which will inform the LTP SMOTS programme for 2017/18.


The Graphic Edge delivered final printed copies to Cllr P Mitchell on 23rd May and distribution to the whole of the village has been completed by Councillors. The closing date for returns is 31st July 2016. Clerk has received 109 completed returns to date and will collate and forward all completed returns to TMD in August for data analysis. Analysis will hopefully be conpleted for the 8th September meeting.

It was AGREED that if not all householders are in agreement, additional copies can be completed.

CBC Local Plan Call for Sites submissions are available to view on their website and Clerk has received maps on paper copy for both Kensworth and Central Beds as a whole for Councillors to view. CBC have advised only an estimated 4-6% of the land that has been submitted will need to be allocated to deliver the new homes that are needed. CBC will be holding Local Plan public events over the summer. In addition there will be a consultation on the site assessment criteria from 30 June – 29 July. Once approved, the criteria will be used to shortlist the sites. At this stage, sites have not been considered and provided by CBC for information only. The opportunity to comment on the shortlist of sites will begin in December when CBC publish the first draft of the Local Plan.


Clerk submitted the completed Community Right to Bid for Assets of Community Value nomination form for The Farmer’s to CBC on 13th May. In order to be considered, further details are required by CBC including greater detail of the clubs and sport teams that use the pub, with the name of the team, how many members, how often they meet at the pub etc. Also need details of any community events/days (e.g. summer BBQ, Easter egg hunt, Christmas carols, fireworks etc.) that they organise.

It was AGREED to withdraw the Community Right to Bid nomination for the Farmer’s Boy until the new tenants have settled in and greater detail of community events etc. can be gained.

Clerk to investigate criteria to get buildings listed.


The annual safety inspection report has been carried out by Rospa. There are no high risks items & Chairman P Mitchell and Vie Chair J Worboys will walk round.

Clerk has spoken to litter picker regarding complaints.


Cllr Mitchell had emailed the following report in her absence:

Following the visit to the gypsy sites on the A5 where we met three owners of private residential sites, I requested a copy of the sites layouts and the contact names of the owners of these sites from the CBC Gypsy and Traveller Liaison Officer, Rachael Bridges, unfortunately this does not exist! However there will be a review and count of Gypsy sites in CBC, sometime in July, and a document will be produced and sent to me. I look forward to receiving this information which will be circulated to all Councillors. Clerk to contact Blair Cow re Clayhall Road land to ensure gates are kept locked.

I have received confirmation that the Luton Airport Air Noise Monitor will be located in my front garden from 24th June for 10 weeks. I hope that the wind is in the right direction to provide some good readings for evaluation by the airport authority. I have requested copies of their findings once the data has been analysed.

We have had a burglary in the village in the last two weeks, the house was left in a dreadful mess but only cash was stolen. There are no suspects so far but it is thought to be youths searching for cash for drugs. I have notified the ASB team of recent activities of the gypsy boys who are still in the village most days and their appearance at the house of a local drug addict, based on information from several residents. I am hoping that these people will be banned from the village but it is taking some time to achieve this.

I received an email from a local resident concerning the travelling gypsies trying to access Slip End community areas and I passed this information to the clerk and the village hall to ensure that the gate to the recreation ground is closed and locked at all times. My husband added a chain and bolt to the hinge end of this gate to ensure it could not be lifted off its hinges. We must all be vigilant on the recreation ground and allotments as access into the Clayhall site is through the allotments gate.

I received notification from a resident about an accident involving a Kensworth resident on the Road up to the Downs, when a tree fell across the road causing the driver to swerve and end up in the ditch. The resident was ok but the car was a write off! Whipsnade and Kensworth PCs should contact CBC to urge them to review the trees and ditches on this stretch of road.

I have reported to CBC the white van parked on the grass verge at the entrance to the Ridgeway, which appears to have been abandoned, it has not moved for four weeks and is causing an obstruction that the resident of 41 Common Road is finding difficulty in exiting their driveway as they are unable to see any vehicles coming into the Ridgeway.

I would like the clerk to contact Village Garden Services about the paved community areas in Russell Close which need treating with weed killer as the weeds between the slabs are about one foot high in places and it looks very untidy. AGREED.

We have an issue for discussion about the allotments. Jamie reported a leak from the tap on the allotments which needs an urgent repair, this is in hand. We have also received an urgent request from UK Power Network for permission to cut back tree branches that are overhanging power cables on the edge if the allotments field. AGREED to grant permission for reduction in height of branches overhanging cables, but not to fell tree. Clerk to seek advice from CBC tree officer Andy Jones.

Clerk to request School to cut the allotments side of their hedge.

I am sorry to be missing the council meeting but as I am in hospital at the moment having a planned operation I am unable to be there, thank you to John for chairing the meeting for me.


CBC Temp Road Closure B4541 Dunstable Road Fri 29/7 Mon 1st Aug resurfacing IOW Lane to Land Park Lane – 24/5 email fwd Cllrs & parish link & put on website

194 Common Rd Kensworth query re questionnaire – Clerk replied

CBC Local Plan Call for Sites submissions available online – 26/5 fwd email & weblink to Cllrs

LBC Local Plan submission documents now available for inspection

Police and Crime Panel 2 independent vacancies – 23/5 fwd email Cllrs

Appointed Tau Chamboko as Rural Liaison Officer, Beds Police – 16/5 Clerk emailed meeting dates

CBC Local Plan Call for Sites copies of maps

Chiltern Society Summer 2016 magazine

CBC library opening hours review – 7/6 fwd email Cllrs


It was RESOLVED by full council to authorise the following accounts for payment and two authorised signatories were instructed to sign the below cheques:

01/06/2016 / DD / BT / Village Hall CCTV / £ 22.31
01/06/2016 / SO / Maxine Whiting / Clerk salary & expenses / £ 620.00
09/06/2016 / 101908 / Maxine Whiting / Clerk balance salary & expenses / £ 105.04
09/06/2016 / 101909 / Bedfordshire Pension Fund / Pension contributions / £ 227.58
09/06/2016 / 101910 / HMRC / PAYE & NI / £ 165.93
09/06/2016 / 101911 / Anthony Bishun / Litter picking / £ 111.60
09/06/2016 / 101912 / The Graphic Edge / Printing Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire / £ 552.00
09/06/2016 / 101913 / Playsafety Ltd / Rospa annual play area inspection / £ 79.80
09/06/2016 / 101914 / Village Garden Services / Invoice maintenance & recreation / £ 802.50


Bonfires following complaint from Ridgeway, NP Questionnaire responses, No Cold Calling.

Meeting closed at 8:35pm.

2 Signed by Presiding Chairman ------

14th July 2016