Senate Meeting

May 24th, 2007

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Contact Person: Student Government Office Manager

348 Memorial Union

(530) 752 – 3632



6:10, Mee Room

April 22, 2011

Senate Bill #

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I. Call to Order

Meeting is called to order at 6:10 PM.

II. Quorum Roll Call

[Espinoza, Bush, Alday arrived late]

III.  Presentations

[Lee applauds]

Thongsavat: Good evening. I am happy to report the State of our Association is strong. However, that is not to say we do not have many challenges, which require a swift and responsible plan of action.

Some of these challenges include the aftermath of Picnic Day, the budget fiasco in Sacramento, and our very own ASUCD budget.

But before I get into the orders of the day, on behalf of ASUCD, I would like to extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Scott Heinig during this incredibly difficult time. It is unfortunate such a young, bright, and promising individual had to pass so soon.

Let us make sure we honor the life of Scott but with that same sentiment acknowledge the incident and Picnic Day are independent. For all of those who contributed to making Picnic Day a fun, safe, and welcoming aggie tradition, I cannot express how much I appreciate your efforts. Because of a collective and collaborative approach, we have the opportunity to continue to have discussions of Picnic Day’s future. I promise to make sure the student voice is strong and represented in all Picnic Day matters, as long as we are UC Davis, I want to make sure Picnic Day is a part of our student life.

I would like to especially thank Vice Chancellor Wood, Brett Burns, Paul Cody, Charlie Colato, the Picnic Day Board, Rebecca Sterling, Jesse Nabel, the City of Davis Police Department, UCDPD, AggieTV and my staff, for making direct impacts to ensure Picnic Day’s success.

In terms of the state budget difficulties, the Executive Office will lead in an aggressive advocacy and outreach effort within the University, UC Regents, and Sacramento. Bree and I have continually advocated on all levels of leadership to make sure students, especially those who will be hit hardest will be protected. Bree and I have been in discussions with a host of administrators, student leaders, legislative staff, and elected officials, state and local, to develop a comprehensive lobby approach different from any existing proposal. We must ask ourselves, if we do not lead then who will, if we do not provide an avenue for student voice, then how can students express their frustrations.

So how can we as an Association protect against the unforeseen, help students in the present and those who will come after us. How do we ensure student life and the University as we know continues to thrive and grow? With the hard work of Don, my goal is to present Senate a budget that answers those very concerns. We will heavily focus on our units with unyielding support. This starts with changing the status quo and implementing business models for units like Entertainment Council, AGTV, Picnic Day, reforming units like the Experimental College, Book Exchange, and entering partnerships of low risk but high reward with CampusCred and By growing and investing in our units, we will be able to provide student jobs that provide hands on experience as well as managerial and leadership opportunities. My goal is to have a sustainable budget, one which looks towards responsible growth and not short term political spending. Progress may not be as evident in the first years, but it is my hope a few years down the road, our fellow students are able to reap the benefits.

Lastly, I would like to thank Mark Champagne for his relentless stewardship of ASUCD. As many of you know, after 32 years of service Papa Bear has announced his retirement. We have an unprecedented obligation to ensure we continue in the spirit of Mark’s hard work, student first interest, and humility in our leadership. I ask Senate and all student leaders to live up to his commitment of service.

Against, the challenges we face are sobering, but I ask you all to join me in confronting these issues head on, with an uncompromising tenacity to mitigate and solve the concerns before us.

I respectfully submit.

IV. Status of Legislation Previously Passed

V. Introduction of New Legislation

Authored by: SARTI
Co-authored by: Sterling, Repicky
Introduced by: STERLING
Referred to: B&F

An ASUCD Senate Bill to allocate $920.00 from Senate Reserves to purchase an HP Laser Wireless Printer for the ASUCD Senate Office.

Authored by: DIAZ-ORDAZ

Co-authored by: Ramirez, Ramirez, Vergara

Introduced by: Diaz-Ordaz

Referred to: AAC, ECAC, B&F

An ASUCD Senate Bill to allocate $2,000 from Senate Reserves to fund the 1st annual S.P.E.A.K. Scholarship during AB 540 Awareness Week, put on by Scholars Promoting Education, Awareness, and Knowledge (S.P.E.A.K.)

Authored by: MOOSAVI

Co-authored by: Shu, Bennett, Rombi

Introduced by: Moosavi
Referred to: IAC, EPPC, B&F

Senate Bill #

Page 26

An ASUCD Senate Bill to establish the creation of a new unit, ReStore.

Authored by: PERCOCO

Co-authored by: Cano

Introduced by: Moosavi

Referred to: IAC

An ASUCD Senate Bill to require Special Committees to report to the ASUCD Senate.

Authored by: Lee

Co-authored by: Ho, Moosavi, Thongsavat

Introduced by: Lee

Referred to: IAC, B&F

An ASUCD Senate Bill to authorize the creation of the ASUCD Entertainment Council Large Show Reserve.

Authored by: CANO

Co-authored by:

Introduced by: Martin

Referred to: IAC

An ASUCD Senate Bill to further distinguish legislative and initiative ballot measures in the Election Codes.

Authored by: CANO

Co-authored by:

Introduced by: Moosavi

Referred to: IAC

An ASUCD Senate Bill to properly establish procedures for special meetings for subordinate bodies.

Authored by: CANO

Co-authored by:

Introduced by: Moosavi

Referred to: IAC

An ASUCD Senate Bill to mandate various guides of ASUCD to be displayed on the ASUCD Website.

Authored by: CANO

Co-authored by:

Introduced by: Moosavi

Referred to: IAC

An ASUCD Senate Bill to establish a guide for members of the public at ASUCD Senate meetings.

VI.  Public Discussion

Yani: I think as Senate, I think we should look at keeping a specific person named Justin Gold to interfere with our affairs. He is not a senator, he needs to go away and tell us to stop coming back to UCSA. I seriously think as a senate, we need to stop giving credence because he should not be talking to us. He is a representative of the administration and it is disgusting to do so.

Lee: I share your distaste but at the same time, I don’t think, there’s a lot of people that speak and say things that I don’t like. He hasn’t broken any rules or anything like that. I share a lot of your feelings but I don’t think it’d be appropriate for us to elbow him out. He has a right to come to senate and talk if he wants to. He has his right.

Yani: I know he has that right, but he can’t divorce his right to the chancellor. I am very passionate about this and I was very tempted to talk to Fred Wood and tell him to keep your dog on a shorter lease because Justin is overstepping his boundaries by far, he is still a representative of the administration. what he is doing is flat out wrong.

Provencher: I’d like to believe that senate isn’t as easily swayed to exclude him from the conversation. We’re all intelligent enough to make our own decisions. I acknowledge your concern, but it’s not a huge problem.

Yani: I do believe that everyone is intelligent enough also but trust his intentions, or mistrust rather. I just think it’s highly, highly inappropriate. I think this is something that needs to be thought about when people are dealing with him.

Bush is elected as temporary protemp.

Bush: This will probably be my highlight of my senate life.

Dias: If anyone has a car in the mu parking lot, I’d appreciate if people could help me carry boxes after senate.

Montelongo: Thank you, Madame vice president? Presiding officer? I just wanted to reiterate what the students of color said earlier. Everyone is seriously welcome and encouraged to come. If anyone wants to go, just throwing it out there.

Cano: I just wanted to remind the table to please establish their office hours. There are two senators on this end! And that end! We do not want a repeat of last year with the aggie writing editorials. Sometimes I just want to drop by people’s office hours to see if they’d actually there.

Lee: I don’t know if you’ve noticed but there’s been a lot of talking and Bree’s getting really frustrated. I’m not the best person to be giving this advice, but yes.

Martin: That is what I was going to speak on. Additionally, just a couple of reminders, if I wasn’t stuck here, there are no electronics at the table but if you’re just on facebook, please don’t. Bree and I have discussed that it’s disrespectful for half the table to get up and socialize in front of the table. It seems like you aren’t paying attention to the speaker and I’m sure you wouldn’t like that either.

Lee: There will be a bill that I want to inform al of you on because I think it’s a pretty major change which involves creating a new restricted reserve for EC. It’s for them to keep and only withdraw only under the condition that the show is at least revenue neutral. The goal is for EC to grow an account to invest in shows, make money off of, grow from, and hopefully generate the ability to put on more shows without an increased subsidy. It’s a really great opportunity for us to do it. it will come from unrestricted capital reserves. It’s a pretty big decision but it will avoid us having to suspend bylaws for specific things. I’ve been working with Darwin, Don and Adam on it so I’m really excited to see it.

Yani: I was wondering if one thing you could do is when paying capital reserves back, a lot of concerns people might bring up is taking 100k and the subsequent reduction in general fund revenue so.

Lee: I know you’re a former controller but technically, there are a ton of reserve accounts that don’t show up. They’re technically apart of capital reserves but they’re kind of walled off.

Yani: They still generate interest we can use. The way it works is that all the other ones go into their own accounts.

Repicky: Just as Justin Gold as a administration rep, I wouldn’t go as far as Yani, but he isn’t just a student using his public right voicing his concern because he doesn’t represent the administration but then again, he is a student. He deserves to have his voice heard.

Lee: Tomorrow is UC Davis Decision Day, there will be thousands of admitted students. we’ll have a table and I’m sure Sabrina will elaborate on that. I bring it up because you know Davis is moving up a little each year so it’s really important to be friendly and make them feel welcome. Say hi to the strangers and I’m giving a tour tomorrow at 11 so please don’t harass me.

Bush: So you want us to see you on your tour and wave ecstatically as if we like you! That is false advertising!!

Lee: Well just wave at them and say hi. Anyway I’ll drop that topic. I was talking to matt earlier today and something that’s occurred to me is I don’t understand why we don’t submit with just an id number. Essays should be graded fairly anonymous. I think it’s a pretty good idea.

Provencher: I think it’s a great idea, it’s what they do when I studied abroad in England. I know I’m such a big deal. I think it’s a great idea and I’d love to work with you on that.

Martin: A couple of things: I’m working on getting recycling bins for this floor and possibly more composting bins. Something that came up that this room and Garrison room aren’t technically ASUCD space but campus union space. I spoke briefly to Adam about it and I feel if we use it, we should recycle. I’m going to talk to campus union and see if they’d cover it, probably not but that’d be cool. If we got stickers or an ink stamp that said property of ASUCD type of thing to put on stuff so I got recycling bins to put that on, something like that. Anyway, about what Andre said, seriously, be nice. It did for me.

Espinoza: And just if you’re on campus, check out the dorm areas, they always have activities going on so just be hella aggie pride.

Cano: I wanna bring back something brought up earlier about decision day. In socal, they rent out the long beach convention center and to find outreach, we could get our information there somehow while still being here. Darwin and Eli need to establish office hours.

VII. Public Announcements

Amanda: I just wanted to make an announcement of a conference some students are interested in hosting next year, which is the students of color conference started 23 years ago and since we started again 3 years ago. It started as a space for students to take action on the crisis in the UC system. From the hate crimes that have been happening state wide, this is crucial for UC students. we’d be creating a space for dialogue and not only would be creating connections with other schools but also outreaching to other high schools and areas around Davis. However, we cannot do this with only a planning committee of ten students so we’re looking towards many other student bodies to come and help us. With that said, we’re also looking for support form our student government body so our next meeting is next Wednesday at 8 pm in wellman 1 and I have fliers for all of you.