工業高 English Lesson Plan 1年生



Winter Holidays


/ This lesson is similar to the Summer Stories lesson. Students will learn some new vocabulary and sentences related to winter holiday activities. Then they will write short stories about their holiday plans. This time they will learn and use the future verb tense for their stories.


/ l  Winter Holidays A: Introduction, grammar and vocabulary, begin project.
Winter Holidays B: Students finish projects and make presentations.


/ l  Winter Holidays handout
l  Box & Ball







/ l  Ask students questions about what they will do during the winter holidays / ü  Keep it simple.


/ l  Briefly discuss future tense of verbs
Ø  Simple: will play, will go, will do, will be
Ø  Intentional: plan to, want to, hope to
l  Introduce simple sentences for talking about plans / ü  Relate to Japanese tsumori intention.


/ l  Repeat and translate vocabulary for winter holidays
Ø  do club activities
Ø  do homework
Ø  go snowboarding / skiing
Ø  go see Christmas lights
Ø  go Christmas shopping
Ø  go on a date
Ø  make a snowman
Ø  visit relatives
Ø  visit shrines / temples
Ø  write New Year’s cards
Ø  work at a part time job / ü  Students write on back of handout.
ü  Students repeat after ALT.
ü  Ask students for translations.
ü  Ask students for more examples of holiday activities.


/ l  Teachers demonstrate project: tell students their holiday plans in 3—5 simple sentences
l  Ask each other simple questions about plans / ü  Keep it simple and use example sentences from handout.

Student Projects

/ l  Each student writes 3—5 sentences about their holiday plans

Student Presentations

/ l  Each student presents their holiday plans to class
l  Ask simple questions about their plans / ü  Use worksheet examples.

Extra Activity

/ l  Box & Ball game to fill any extra time / ü  Use questions about holiday plans.
