Anatomy 30-Skeletal System

You can find the names on the Penn St Anatomy website http://www.bio.psu.edu/people/faculty/strauss/anatomy/skel/skeletal.htm.

1. Label the numbered parts of the compact bone tissue model below.

1 - Lamellae rings
2 - Osteon
3 - Central (Haversian) canal
4 - Lacuna with osteocyte
5 - Periosteum with Sharpey's fibers
6 - Perforating (Volkmann's) canal
7 - Endosteum lining medullary cavity
(Note: canaliculi radiate out from the central canal to the osteocytes in the lacunae)-

2. Label the following bones and their structures on the pictures (skull).

A. 8 Cranial Bones:

1. Frontal bone (1): supraorbital foramen, frontal sinus, coronal suture

2. Parietal bone (2): Sutures – sagittal, coronal, squamous, and lambdoidal

3. Temporal bone (2): squamous suture, external auditory meatus, processes – mastoid, zygomatic, styloid,

4. Occipital bone (1): lambdoidal suture, foramen magnum

5. Sphenoid bone (1): sella turcica

6. Ethmoid bone (1): superior & middle nasal conchae

B. 14 Facial Bones:

1. Mandible (1): mandibular condyle

2. Maxillae (2 fused)

3. Palatine (2 fused)

4. Zygomatic (2)

5. Lacrimal (2)

6. Nasal (2 fused)

7. Vomer (1)

8. Inferior Nasal Conchae (2)

C. Hyoid bone

D. Ear ossicles – malleus, incus, stapes

Anterior and lateral view

Inferior view (mandible removed) Internal cranial floor view (skull cap removed)

3. Label the following terms about vertebral Structure:

- general: body, vertebral foramen, spinous process, transverse processes, facets

- Cervical: Atlas (C1) lacks a body, transverse processes, transverse foramen, Axis (C2) odontoid process (dens)

- Thoracic, Lumbar vertebrae

- Sacrum: 5 fused vertebrae, articulates with ilium - Coccyx: 3-5 fused bones

- Intervertebral discs

4. Rib cage: label the following on the rib cage pictures.

- Sternum: manubrium, body, xiphoid process

- True ribs, False ribs, Floating ribs

1 - Atlas (C1)
2 - Dens of Axis (C2)
3 - Vertebra prominens (C7)
4 - Thoracic vertebra
5 - Lumbar vertebrae / 1 - Lumbar vertebra
2 - Intervertebral disc
3 - Spinal nerve exiting intervertebral foramen
4 - Sacrum
5 - Coccyx

Atlas (C1 cervical vertebra) /
Axis (C2 cervical vertebra)

Thoracic vertebra /
Lumbar vertebra


Rib Cage (anterior view) /

Rib /
Rib & Vertebra

5. Identify the following bones and their markings.

- Clavicle (collar bone)

- Scapula (shoulder blade): spine, acromion, coracoid process,

- Humerus (upper arm): head, necks, greater and lesser tubercles, trochlea, capitulum, olecranon fossa, coronoid fossa

- Radius (lateral forearm bone): head, styloid process, ulnar notch

- Ulna (medial forearm bone): olecranon process (posterior), coronoid process (anterior), trochlear notch, radial notch, head, styloid process

- Carpals (8 wrist bones): [scaphoid, lunate, triquetral, pisiform, trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate]

- Metacarpals (5 hand bones): numbered 1 (base of thumb) to 5 (base of little finger)

- Phalanges (14 finger bones): numbered 1 to 5, and named proximal, medial, and distal

Scapula (posterior view) /
Scapula (lateral view)


Humerus proximal end, lateral side /
Humerus distal end, anterior side /
Humerus distal end, posterior side

Ulna proximal end, anterior /
Ulna distal end, anterior /
Radius proximal end, anterior /
Radius distal end, anterior

Hand – dorsal side /
Hand – palmar side

6.Identify the bones for the lower appendicular skeleton

- PELVIC GIRDLE –3 fused bones – ilium, ishium, pubis

- Ilium (superior): spines, greater sciatic notch,

- Ishium (inferior, posterior): obturator foramen

- Pubis (inferior, anterior): articular surface (pubic symphysis),

- Femur: fovea capitus, head, neck, greater and lesser trochanters, medial/lateral condyle, medial/lateral epicondyle

- Patella (knee cap)

- Tibia (medial shin bone): medial/lateral condyles, medial malleolus (medial ankle bulge)

- Fibula (lateral lower leg bone): head, lateral malleolus (lateral ankle bulge)

- Tarsals (7 ankle bones): tallus (superior), calcaneus (heel), [navicular, cuboid, cuneiforms]

- Metatarsals (foot bones): numbered 1 (base of big toe) to 5 (base of little toe)

- Phalanges (14 toe bones): numbered 1-5, and named proximal, medial, and distal

Os Coxa (lateral view) /
Os Coxa (medial view)

Femur proximal, anterior view /
Femur proximal, posterior view

Femur distal, anterior view /
Femur distal, posterior view

Tibia proximal, anterior view /
Tibia distal, anterior view

Fibula proximal, anterior view /
Fibula distal, anterior view

Foot superior view /
Foot lateral view

7. Identify the following structures in a Synovial joint:

Knee (anterior) / Knee (posterior)
1 - Quadriceps tendon
2 - Patellar ligament
3 - Medial meniscus
4 - Lateral meniscus
5 - Medial collateral ligament (MCL)
6 - Lateral collateral ligament (LCL) / 1 - Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)
2 - Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL)
3 - Medial meniscus
4 - Lateral meniscus
5 - Medial collateral ligament
6 - Lateral collateral ligament