This Young Life Covenant signed by you and an accountable team member will serve as a guide and reminder of the commitment we make to our Lord and to young people. Our focus in Young Life is threefold, and in this order:

1.  Our own personal development in Christ

2.  Our outreach to non-Christian young people

3.  The maturing process of Christian young people

RESPONSIBILITIES OF A YOUNG LIFE LEADER: Leadership requires a minimum of 10 hours per week. The commitment is for 24 months. Read the statement carefully. If you agree with them, put your initials on the line.

1._____ I will seek to maintain a growing personal relationship with Jesus Christ (including prayer, Bible Study and fellowship).

2._____ I understand that being a Young Life leader means that I will be an example to young people of what it looks like to follow Christ. I agree to uphold the morality and lifestyle of Jesus Christ.

3._____ I have read and agree with the YOUNG LIFE PURPOSE STATEMENT.

4._____ I have read and agree with the YOUNG LIFE STATEMENT OF FAITH.

5._____ CONTACT WORK (2 times per week): Spending time building friendships with kids is vital to my ministry so I agree to spend 2 times (approximately three hours) per week (outside of meetings) at the school or neighborhood.

6._____ CLUB (3 hours per week): At Club we are able to demonstrate and verbalize the Christian faith. I agree to attend each Club and to actively participate in both planning and carrying it out.

7._____ TEAM MEETINGS: To effectively minister to kids, our volunteer team must grow in our relationship with each other. I agree to attend each team meeting for praying, planning, etc.

8._____ LEADERSHIP (3 hours monthly): It is important for all the Young Life leaders in Greensboro to meet for encouragement and training. I agree to attend each Leadership meeting and occasional special leadership weekend.

9._____ CAMPING (at least one weekend camp and one week long camp each year): I understand Young Life is a year round ministry. I agree to counsel kids at one weekend camp and to participate in some way in summer camps and programs (i.e. getting kids to go to camp, counseling them, etc.).

10_____ SUMMER MINISTRY: I will stay in contact with kids either directly in the form of activities and summer campaigners or by phone calls, email or letters.

11._____ CHURCH: Young Life feels that our leaders, staff and committee must be active participants in a local church. I agree to be an active member in the local church of my choice.

12._____ PRAYER: Prayer is an all-important ministry so I agree to be faithful in prayer for all aspects of our ministry.




(Accountable Team Member)