Talent Show Host Application

Due: February 9th in Room 314!

Name ______

Cell Phone ______Email Address______

Have a Co-Host in mind? Their Name: ______

Thank you for your interest in the upcoming Talent Show! As we begin to plan our Talent Show, we are looking for two hosts. (Please keep in mind, the hosting position is only open to Seniors). A host needs to be outgoing, willing to perform in front of a large crowd, and able to attend all rehearsals (no exceptions!). The actual Talent Show is March 12th at 7 pm. Our two dress rehearsals will be on March 10th and March 11th after 7th period until the run-throughs finish. The hosts will be working with the producers to develop a script for the show to decide how you plan to entertain the crowd in between acts. Lastly, you will sign a contract stating that you will follow the script exclusively.

This application is due Monday February 9th to the door of room 314. Thank your for applying. If you have any questions, please email .

1. What qualities and experiences do you have that makes you a candidate for this position?

2. What interests you in hosting the talent show?

3. Do you have anything else that you want us to consider when choosing a host?

Talent Show Host Contract

If you are chosen to be in the show, you will have to behave appropriately on stage. We understand that some elements of hosting or performing in the Talent Show may be unplanned or spontaneous due to the crowd, but as a performer you are expected to be appropriate at all times. Any foul language or gestures said or performed by a performer will result in disciplinary action. By signing below you agree that you will be true to your commitment as a performer if chosen, and that you will act appropriately on stage during the show.

Your audition video must be an accurate performance of what you plan on doing on stage at the show. You agree to submit a detailed description of your entire performance including all music titles, lyrics, scripts, act descriptions and costume descriptions electronically (to ) by February do not deviate from this description, unless given permission by Ms. Gog or Ms. Searing

Host Signature: ______Date: ______

Please Print Name Neatly: ______

Thank you for applying and look for our email by February 13th! We may or may not ask to meet with you and your hopeful Co-Host after school or after lunch one day to talk face to face. Thank you again and good luck!