College of Southern Nevada



Academic Year / 2015-16
Academic Support Unit / CSN Library
Department: CSN Library
Date Report Completed: 4/19/17
Completed by: Beth Schuck
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 5863
Mission(Academic Support Unit Mission Strategies)
From your 3-year assessment plan, list the assessment strategies pursued during the current academic year to support the mission of CSN.
Assess one shot library instruction impact on Information literacy student learning outcomes
Assess reserve collections to determine if they support student learning and success
Assess library website usability
Assess library facilities space utilization
Assess library sponsored event impact (baseline year)
Assess library faculty impact on profession (Baseline year)
  1. List the planned activities from the previous action plan and provide a narrative report on the activity results.
  2. Describe the direct impact to support student learning and/or impact to institutional effectiveness/improvement.
  3. Indicate any follow-up actions that are still needed for activities revised or not completed.
  4. Indicate how the activity results have been shared and discussed (internally and externally) with stakeholders.

The previous assessment plan included completing the ACRL’s program Assessment in Action(AiA) project; implementation of an analytics tool for the recording of reference interactions; Instructional team discussions of assessment approaches for one shot instruction and a space utilization study at the NLV campus. See the complete AiA project report and data here:
Based on student survey feedback, the lack of seating and computing at the Charleston library continues to be a major issue-affecting students. Continuing follow up with CSN facilities related to space renovations for the CH and NLV campus libraries are in progress. Staff training and implementation occurred for the analytics software. The library instruction team moved closer to using an unified approach to assessment of one shot library instruction. The library past and current assessment plans were shared via the library website and with the library advisory committee.
Academic Support Unit Activity/Services Completion
Total number of students attending/seeking activity/ servicesfor current AY / See Library Data Dashboard online
Total number of students completingactivity/services for currentAY / See Library Data Dashboard online
Academic Support Unit Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
  1. List each Academic Support UnitSLOs
  2. The performance criterion that you use to determine achieved, partially achieved or not achieved
  3. Report the percentage of students that achieved, partially achieved or did not achieve each SLO
  4. Attach evidence of how SLOs were assessed and determined.

Academic Support UnitSLOs / Performance criterion
(How will you determine achieved, partially achieved or not achieved?) / % Achieved SLO / %
Partially Achieved SLO / %
Not Achieved SLO
Assess one shot library instruction impact on information literacy related course outcomes / Evaluate course assignment(s) outcomes based questions during IL session or Information literacy quiz scores or faculty survey
Achieved 100% score or positive impact on student retention over time / Yes
Assess impact of Reserve collections on student learning and success: Full Report attached. / At least 90% of students rate the service as one they would recommend
Reserve collections provide access to 100%of 100 level general education core course textbooks
Circulation of reserve collection grows year over year / 100
Assess space utilization of library facility (Charleston library this year) / Increase in Circulation data from study rooms year over year
Increase in laptop checkouts year over year (baseline year)
10% Decrease in noise/space complaints year over yearas measured by annual user survey and direct complaints received by library administration / Yes
N/A / No.
Assess library faculty impact on profession
Full report Attached / Increased participation at National or regional events; (baseline year of measurement) / n/a
Complete Web Site Usability testing.
Full report Attached. / Student volunteers will complete tasks on website thereby identifying confusing arrangement or wording. Website updates are prioritized based on tasks determined to be confusing.
85% of student satisfaction and self reported usability questions from annual survey rated as good or higher. And steady or increasing rating over time. All feedback compiled was used to make website improvements and data driven decisions. / Yes
Assessment Measurement Tools
Describe the performance and usability of the direct and indirect assessment measurement tools. Indicate performance gaps and possible need for improvement.
The library’s annual user survey is administered online by Institutional Research who also creates reports and analysis of the data for each question. The user survey has statistically significant participation rate and questions are repeated year over year for consistency and reliability of the survey data over time. IR staff assisted with creating unbiased survey questions.
Circulation data for study rooms, laptops and reserve are accurate and taken from the library’s integrated library system.
Information literacy outcomes are measured in different ways including an Information literacy quiz(internally developed questions) and by examining teaching faculty assignments and student performance on said assignments. As more capstone course assignments are developed, the library will attempt to integrate measures or a role into those courses which would supply a more direct assessment method.
Having asignificant library presence in the capstone courses and with the general education student learning outcomes is a department goal and priority; however it takes the cooperation and focus of teaching faculty as well as consistent outreach and participation of library faculty.
An alternative would be to utilize a national normed information literacy test as part of degree requirements. This would also provide direct assessment, however it is not financially feasible at this time.
Mission Alignment
Describe how theAcademic Support Unitassessment results support the CSN values. Indicate performance gaps and possible need for improvement
Libraries traditionally have provided services and resources in support of student success. Quantitative data about the use of these resources and services are collected each year, analyzed for change over time, and communicated to a variety of campus and national offices. In addition, CSN libraries frequently monitor student satisfaction data and poll our users on their satisfaction with the libraries. The libraries demonstrate a range of support for student enrollment and success. Library staff serve as a key element in a student’s support network. Social support and connection with an institution’s staff has been shown to improve retention especially in non-residential colleges. The library’s mission statement was revised in summer 2016.
CSN Library Services facilitate student success by fostering discovery and critical thinking through:
  • Exemplary instructional programs that support student learning, civic engagement, ethical use of information, and lifelong evidence-based decision making
  • Providing equitable access to diverse viewpoints and quality resources
  • Welcoming and highly qualified staff committed to supporting the needs of the CSN community
  • Cross-departmental and community partnerships that enrich the College experience
  • Positively impacting the student experience through innovative technology accessible within inclusive and engaging virtual and physical spaces
The full assessment reports for each project are available on the J;Drive and attached to this report.
Activity/ServicesImpact & Review
Briefly summarize the Academic Support Unit activity/services components. Describe the overall impact of the activity or services in relation to planned outcomes. Provide an overall summary indicatinghow the academic support unit and activities/services support student learning. Indicate any performance gaps and possible need for improvement.
Please see the library’s website for current dashboard of usage and satisfaction data.
The CSN libraries support student success in many ways as outlined above.
In addition, specific examples of this support include:
  • Provide student support during finals and midterms (stress relief events)
  • Friendly faces/caring contacts with students to assist in making connections on campus
  • Well qualified staff to engage credibly with students
  • On campus student employment opportunities
  • Simplify campus processes and help navigating campus services (setting up email, adding money to print accounts, registering for classes, locating offices, or navigating financial aid processes)
  • Help to students who are online via embedded librarian or online chat services
Library spaces are often jammed with students a critical aspect of support. There are many components to our facilities including study space for long hours, group and quiet study space that inspires learning; and a central space for student collaboration that satisfies both social and academic needs. Simultaneously the library is a third space for students on campus to study and socialize between classes and a home away from home. It is safe, secure and staffed by experts. Student success is a major core value for the college and one that is central to every library activity.
Two performance gaps are easy to identify and suggest solutions. Implementing the National survey of student engagement Information Literacy module would provide reliable data on student learning related to those general education outcomes related to critical thinking and inquiry. Pairing those test results with CSN alumni surveys to determine the impact of the libraries on their career performance would provide a rich environment for assessment of library impact. The NSSE IL module is not expensive and could be implemented as part of that existing college process.
Understanding the impact of the library’s instruction program by tracking student participation in course-embedded instruction over time is a necessary component of a fully integrated program. Using a card reader or some other method to record any student interaction with library faculty, whether in a course related instruction session or a separate research consultation could provide data on the impact of these services. Consulting with library faculty on research techniques and information literacy outcomes is basic to our library instruction and reference values and should be measured more directly to ensure these programs are supporting student success.
Action Plan for Improvement
  1. Complete the Action Plan for Improvement to address the gaps or areas of improvement identified in your report.
  2. Indicate planned activities, the purpose of the activity and how it addresses a strategy for improvement.
  3. List the action steps needed and a target date where the activity will be evaluated for progress or completion results.

Planned Activity & Purpose / Strategy for Improvement / Action Steps / Target Date
Continue to expand knowledge of and culture of assessment in the library instructional team in order to increase direct measure of impact on student learning
Share library space and noise challenges with college administration in order to identify possible renovations / Emphasize positive improvements and faculty autonomy in this work
Positive outreach with key administrators to strengthen knowledge of this user issue / Offer pro. Development on these topics via office of assessment; host discussions on assessment; host UNLV workshop on assessment; support team lead in this work
Invite key facility staff to visit CH library and share direct student feedback with them. / Summer and Fall 2016
Fall 2016
Report and Disseminate Results
  1. Indicate those internal and external stakeholders that need to know and should know your assessment results.
  2. Describe any stakeholder feedback and the impact of that feedback to the program.

Internal stakeholders include Academic Deans, President’s leadership team; other academic affairs support units, department chairs and members of the library advisory council. Feedback is gathered from each of the above via in person meetings with the Director of libraries and via the annual library user survey.
Stakeholder feedback is routinely gathered by the Director and shared directly with library staff and faculty. In addition, library faculty teams use feedback to shape initiatives and library improvements. The Annual user survey results are shared with library faculty and staff and posted on library website for external audiences. Feedback is used in service improvement, facility enhancements, equipment requests, and library planning and/or service changes.
Review / Signature / Date
Unit Coordinator:
Asst./Assoc. Vice President:
Director- Office of Assessment:
