Phantom and Europe NationalChampionships
8th, 9th & 10thSeptember 2017
TheOrganisingCommittee (OC) is Highcliffe Sailing Club (HSC) working in collaboration with the Phantom and Europe UK Class Associations (BCA) and Royal Yachting Association (RYA)
1.1Theregattawill begoverned bytherules asdefined inTheRacing Rules ofSailing (RRS).
1.2AppendixA will apply.
1.3Thesailing instructionsmayprovidechangestothe RRS.
Noticesto competitorswillbeposted onthe officialnotice board located in the lobby of HSC
Anychangetothesailinginstructions willbe posted before10:00 hours onthedayitwilltake effect, exceptthat anychange to thescheduleof races willbeposted by20:00 hours onthedaybefore it willtake effect. A changewillbe indicatedbythedisplay offlagL atthe signalingmast.Flag Lwillberemoved at the closure oftheprotesttime exceptthatifthe starting timeofraces forthefollowingdayis changed,flag L willremainuntilatleast20:00 hours. Anychangeto theseSI’s willbe numbered
4.1Signalsmade ashorewillbedisplayedatthemastlocated at the western end of the club house.
4.2Whenflag APis displayedashore, ‘1 minute’ is replacedwith‘notless than60minutes’inthe race signalAP.
Date / Time / Race/ event8th Sept / 13:00pm / 1 & 2
9th Sept / 11:00am / 3, 4, 5 & 6
10th Sept / 10:30am / 7 & 8
5.1The race scheduled is in 5.
5.2There shall be no warning signal after 3pm on 10th September 2017
6.1TheClassflag willbe the Class flag for the phantoms and the Class flag for the Europes
Approx 1 mile south of the entrance to Christchurch Harbour within Christchurch Bay
8.1Attachment Ashowsthecourse options.
8.2Therace committeemay displaytheapproximate compass bearing ofthefirstleg.
8.3If a race is shortened at mark 3 a boat must pass mark 3 to port and then cross the finish line. A safety boat may display the S flag in the vicinity of mark preceding the last mark of the lap to make competitors aware of this.
9.1Marks 1,2 and 3 shall be large orange tetrahedrons. The starting mark shall be a danbuoy with orange flag. The finish mark shall be a danbuoy with blue flag. Alternative marks will be orange cylinders.
10.1Raceswillbestartedbyusingrule26withthewarningsignalmade five(5)minutesbeforethestartingsignal.
10.2Thestartinglinewillbebetweena staffdisplayingan orangeflag ontheracecommittee signalboatat the starboardend and the start mark described in 10.1
10.3The Europe Class shall follow the Phantom Class, although the race officer has authority to alter this at his discretion
10.4A boatstartinglaterthan4minutesafter herstartingsignalwillbescored DidNot Startwithouta hearing.ThischangesruleA4.
11.1Tochangethe nextleg of the course, the racecommitteewillmovethe originalmark(orthefinishingline)toanewposition or lay an alternative mark.
Thefinishinglinewillbebetweena staffdisplayingablueflag on aracecommittee boatatthestarboard endand a dan buoy at the port end as described in 10.1
13.1Ifno boathas passedMark 1 within30minutes afterthestartingsignal,therace maybe abandoned.
13.2Thetargettime forarace willbe 35 or 45 minutes. Failureto meetthe targettimewillnotbe grounds forredress.This changes rule62.1(a).
13.3Boats failingtofinishwithin20 minutes afterthefirstboatsails thecourse andfinisheswillbescored DidNotFinish(DNF)withouta hearing.Thischangesrules35,A4andA5.
13.4Thetimelimitforeach racewillbe90 minutes.
13.5A racethathasbeenabandonedmaybere sailedatthediscretionoftheracecommittee.Raceswillbenumberedin theorder inwhichtheyarecompleted.
14.1Protestforms are availableatthe race office.Protests and requestsforredress orreopeningshallbe deliveredthere withintheappropriatetime limit.
14.2Theprotesttime limitis 90 minutesafterthe lastboatofherfleethasfinishedthe lastrace of the day
14.3Noticeswillbe postedno laterthan 30minutesaftertheprotesttime limit toinformcompetitorsofhearings inwhichtheyarepartiesornamedaswitnesses.Hearingswillbeheldin the protestroom,locatedattheraceoffice,beginningatthe timeposted.
14.4Noticesofprotests bythe race committeeorprotestcommitteewillbe posted toinformboatsunderrule 61.1(b).
14.5On thelastscheduledday of racing a requestforreopeninga hearingshall bedelivered
(a)withinthe protesttime limitifthe requesting party wasinformed ofthe decisionon theprevious day;
(b)no laterthan30 minutesaftertherequestingpartywasinformedofthedecisionon thatday.
14.6On the lastscheduledday of racing a requestforredress basedon a protestcommittee decisionshallbedeliveredno later than30 minutesafterthedecisionwasposted. This changes rule 62.2.
15.1The Low point scoring system will be used.
15.2Whenfewerthanthree(3)raceshavebeencompleted,aboat’sseriesscorewillbe the total ofher race scores.
15.3Torequestcorrectionofanallegederrorinpostedraceseriesresults,aboatshallcomplete ascoringenquiryformavailableattherace office.
16.1A boatthatretiresfrom a raceshallinform the racecommitteeas soonas possibleand beforeleavingtheracearea,andshallnotifytheraceoffice atonceon comingashore.
16.2IfanyoneoftheracesignalsAPoverA,AP overH, NoverH,or N overA is made ona race committeeboat,all boats shallreturn toshoreimmediately.
16.3While afloatit is strongly recommendedto wearadequate personalbuoyancyunderallcircumstances.
Boats shalldisplayadvertising if suppliedbythe OC.
A boatorequipmentmaybeinspected atany timeforcompliancewiththeclass rulesand sailinginstructions. On the water, a boatcan beinstructed by an equipmentinspectorormeasurerfortheevent toproceed immediately toa designatedareaforinspection
19.1All supportboatsshall be registered withtheOA beforelaunching.
19.2Exceptin caseofemergency,teamleaders,coachesand othersupport personnelshallstayatleast50 metersoutsideareaswhereboatsare racingandshallnotcommunicate withboatsfromthetimeofthepreparatorysignaluntilallboatshavefinishedor retired or the racecommittee signalsa postponement, generalrecall orabandonment.
19.3Supportboats should beprepared to offer assistanceto competing boatsin theeventofadverse weatherifrequested todo so by therace committee.
Trash maybe placedaboard supportandracecommittee boats.Apenalty ofbreakingrule 55maybe lessthan qualificationiftheprotestcommittee so decides.
Exceptinan emergency,aboatshallneithermake radiotransmissions whileracingnorreceive radio communicationsnotavailabletoallboats.Thisrestrictionalsoappliesto mobile telephones.
22.1Prices and trophies shall be awarded at the prize giving ceremony in the club house on the final day of the event
Competitors participatein the regatta entirelyattheirownrisk
Eachparticipatingboatshallbeinsured withvalidthird-partyliability insurancewithaminimumcoverof£3,000,000 perincidentorthe equivalent.
Phantom Course Options
Course A will be 1p, 2p, 3p, 1p, 3p, 1p, 2p, 3p Finish
Course B will be 1p, 3p, 1p, 2p, 3p, 1p, 3p, Finish
Course C will be 1p 3p (repeat until shortened course flag is raised)
Europe Course
1p 2p, 3p, 1p, 3p, 1p, 2p, 3p Finish