6th Grade Band Syllabus

2017 – 2018

Date:Monday, August 7th, 2017_____

Teacher: Brandon Landry______

Course Name: 6th Grade Beginning Band

Course Number: 53.0330000______

Department: Connections______


Planning Period: 4th Period______

Tutoring Days/Times: 8:05am to 8:25am Daily


Students will:

  1. Continue to learn and develop new musical skills;
  2. Produce characteristic sound for their instrument;
  3. Produce accurate melodic and rhythmic patterns;
  4. Learn appropriate rehearsal an audience behavior;
  5. Continue to develop strong self-discipline and a great work ethic; and
  6. Perform music individually and as a group.

Required Materials:

To successfully complete this course, you will need

  • Instruments (all parts, including mouthpiece and sticks, reeds, oils and grease)
  • Method Book “Essential Elements” Book 1
  • Combination Lock for Band Locker, Band Director must have the combination.
  • 3 ring binder with clear plastic sheet protectors (will be handed out in class/part of band fees)
  • Agenda
  • Pencil (required every day! No Pens!)
Online Resources:
  • Percussionists: Use the Education Resource Center
  • All Instruments: Smart Music, At home practice resource
  • All Instruments: Essential Elements, At home practice resource

Class Schedule:

  • 6th Period, Brass and Percussion
  • 7th Period, Woodwinds
  • This is a FULL year class.

Important Dates: Student Report Time for Concerts is 30mins before start of concert.

1)Thursday, 8/18/2017: Band Fees Due (All Grade Levels)

2)Tuesday, 9/5/2017, In Class: Instrument Tryout Day. (6th Grade Band)

3)Thursday, 9/7/2017, 6pm in YMS Café: 6th Grade Band Parent Meeting/Instrument Rental Night

4)Monday, 9/25/2017, 7:00pm, Douglas County HS: DC National Anthem Rehearsal, 8th Grade Band.

5)Tuesday, 9/26/2017, 6:30pm, Lithia Springs HS Stadium: Douglas County Marching Band Exhibition, Ticket Price TBA. 8th Grade Band Performance.

6)Tuesday, 10/05/2017, 7pm, YMS Gym: 7th & 8th Grade Band Concert.

7)Thursday, 11/09/2017, Time TBA, at Alexander HS: Douglas County Honor Band Auditions. (7th and 8th Grade Band Members). If selected, more details to come.

8)Saturday, 12/02/2017, Time TBA, Excel Christian Academy: All-State Band/District 7 Honor Band Auditions. If selected, more details to come.

9)Monday, 12/11/2017, 7pm, YMS Gym: Full Band Concert (All Grade Levels and Groups).

10)February 1st—3rd, 2018, DC Honor Band at Chapel Hill HS: For students who are selected for the DC Honor Band. Schedule TBA.

11)February 15th—17th, 2018, District 7 Honor Band at Heritage HS/Ringgold HS: For students who are selected for District 7 Honor Band.

12) Tuesday, 03/12/2018, 7pm, AHS Auditorium: Pre-LGPE Concert for 8th Grade Band

13) Possible LGPE Performance Dates for 8th Grade Band: March 13th or 14th, 2018 at Carroll County Performing Arts Center. Date/Time is TBA until February 2018.

14) Thursday, 03/15/2018, 7pm, YMS Gym: Full Band Concert (All Grade Levels and Groups)

15) Saturday, 04/21/2018, Time TBA, Paulding County HS: District 7 Solo & Ensemble. (7th and 8th Grade Band Members)

16) Saturday, 04/28/2018, Model HS, Rome, GA: District 7 Clinic Band for 6th & 7th Grade Band Members. Students will be selected by Director.

17) Tuesday, 05/15/2018, 7pm, YMS Gym: Full Band Concert (All Grade Levels and Groups)

Landry’s Laws:

Students must be responsible for the following (NO EXCUSES).

  1. Be on time.
  2. Be quiet.
  3. Have your stuff. (Instrument, Pencil, etc…)
  4. Have a POSITIVE ATTITUDE to TRY (90% of Success).

Restroom Policy:

  • Students will be allotted three restroom passes per nine weeks. Students can use their pass after the first 15 minutes of class. After the students has used all three passes they will not be allowed to go to the restroom unless it is an absolute emergency.

Classroom Procedures:

  1. Enter the band room quietly. You must be in your seat when the bell rings. Once the director steps onto the podium and gives the students permission to get their instrument, they will have two minutes to be ready to start rehearsal. During the two minutes the student should assemble their instrument, obtain music, a music stand, and a pencil; and then look on the board for the Warm-Up of the day. WW’s make sure you have extra reeds. Brass have valve oil. Percussionists should set up all equipment and music during the two minute preparation period. Announcements will be made at the beginning or end of class and will also be written on the board.
  2. Students must write down their agenda message and homework assignments on a daily basis.
  3. Talking will not be tolerated during a rehearsal.
  4. The purpose of rehearsal is for you to learn the parts of others and how they relate to yours, not to learn your individual music!
  5. Unpack your instrument and store cases in the instrument room in students’ lockers.
  6. Students must not play their instrument until they are instructed to play.
  7. Students must have permission to leave their seat.
  8. Students who must leave the room for “personal emergencies” must have their agenda signed by the teacher prior to leaving.
  9. Students must be quiet and ready to play when the director is on the podium.
  10. If a section or a student is not being worked with they must air-play on their instrument and practice their music.
  11. Dismissal will be done by section and chosen by whichever section is the cleanest and quietest. Students must wait to be dismissed by the teacher; the bell does not dismiss the student.

Grading Policies:

  1. Classroom Participation – 50%: Based on participation and willingness to complete work, share and offer answers to questions asked during class and having all required materials for each class. Five points will be deducted for violations of the classroom participation rules.
  2. Practice Records – 10%: Every student will be responsible for documenting their individual practice time outside of band class. Each student is asked to practice a minimum of 20 minutes a day outside of band during the week. As with any activity, you get out of it what you put into it. Band will not be fun unless you practice. There are many values in the study of music as a discipline that transfer to other areas of life. Although this will not immediately happen, persistent practice will lead to enthusiastic, driven practice. Remember: “Perfect practice makes perfect!”
  3. Theory Tests, Quizzes, and Performances – 40%: Throughout the year students will be given a variety of written and instrument performance based pass-off tests. These tests are designed to track your students’ progress and to make sure that they are staying on the right track.
  • Late Work Policy: Refer to the YMS Grade Level Policy, as it will be the same.
  • Group performances (Concerts/Festivals) are MANDATORY and count as two test grades.
  • Students must stay for their entire concert/festival. Leaving early will result in an automatic letter grade reduction.
  • Concert Attire: Students are required to wear YMS Music Dept. Polo Shirt, Black Dress Pants with Black Belt and Black Dress Shoes.
  • If a student misses any performance (Concert/Festival), he/she will receive an automatic zero for a grade. In order to make up the missed performance the student will have to play all of the concert music for a formal evaluation by the director the next day the student is at school. ***Students will only be able to make up their performance if their absence is excused. Students with unexcused absences will not be able to complete the make-up and they will have to accept their zero.***

Grading Scale:

A = 90% - 100%

B = 80% - 89%

C = 71% - 79%

D = 70%

F = 0% - 69%

Discipline Plan:Same school wide.

Band Fee:Due Date – Friday, August 18th, 2017

  • The Band Fee for the school year will be $40.00 for each individual band member. If the student is in Band and Chorus then the fee is$25.00 per ensemble for a total of $50.00. The Band Fee will cover the following: 1. Band Member Polo Shirt for Performances. 2. Band Member T-Shirt. Printed music for concerts/festivals. 3. Educational supplies and equipment for the classroom for student use. Checks payable to YMS.

Instrument Rental/Purchase Process:

  • Students may choose to Rent or Purchase an instrument to use in band. Instrument Rentals through an instrument rental company are paid monthly and the fee varies based on the instrument. I primarily use Music and Arts ( as my rental and maintenance company for the school (You do not have to use this company). If you choose to purchase an instrument, you can buy them new or used. There are many brands of instruments out there and I have a list of quality instruments that will be best suited for your student. Please, contact me before making any purchases or rentals to be sure that you are getting the instrument that is going to perform best for your student ()

School-Owned Instrumental Rental:

  • Each student who uses a school-owned instrument is completely responsible for the care of the instrument. A $75.00 fee will be assed for the year. This fee will go toward the instrument cleaning cost and any general repair work caused by normal wear and tear. If an instrument is damaged due to negligence, the student is responsible for the entire cost. An instrument check-out form must be filled out and on file with the director. School owned instruments are in limited supply and they will be distributed by seniority and individual need.
  • All students are encouraged to take private lessons throughout the year. As one might expect, private lessons on a musical instrument are the best way to improve performance skills. The one-on-one approach allows the student to benefit from individual attention as opposed to being one in a class of more than forty. A recent survey of students in the all-state band revealed that approximately 80 percent of the students in band study privately. Students are generally more inclined to practice diligently for a weekly music assignment, and this discipline increases the student’s enjoyment with the instrument. Many of the music stores in the area offer private lessons for instruments. As the band director I will be more than happy to assist in the selection of a private teacher.

Parents’ Responsibility to the Band:

  • It is the responsibility of every parent and guardian to see that the policies outlined in the syllabus are followed and that the form in the back is signed and returned. This states that you understand the policies set within and that any questions are to be directed to the band director by making an appointment. Each parent is responsible for the attendance of his or her child at all band functions. It is the responsibility of each parent to see that the child practices his or her own instrument daily. The hands of the director are tied without the help of parents.

Contract of Mutual Consent

I,(Print Name)______the undersigned student, accept membership in the Yeager Middle School Band and understand I am responsible for all policies set forth in the band and school handbook. I fully agree to carry out my responsibilities to the very best of my ability.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

I,(Print Name) ______the undersigned parent or guardian, have read and understand the policies as set forth in the band syllabus and school handbook. I also grant full permission for my child to be an active member of the Yeager Middle School Band. In addition, my child has full permission to attend all band functions. Furthermore, I understand that I must meet all financial obligations.

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

Contract Due Date: Monday, August 14th, 2017, at the beginning of your class period. Students will place their contracts in their class period drawer at the front of the classroom.