Unified Field Theory of Metahuman Abilities

I wrote this up in response to the ‘Abilities don’t make sense’ post, and I think that it makes sense, staying within the boundaries of what can be proved using the scientific method (which can be a narrow viewpoint, but at the same time, remarkably useful for coming to reasonable conclusion). Here it is, with some improvements:

I think that the idea of a ‘Matrix’ where we can ‘change the code’ is pointless to speculate about, as it is impossible to prove either way and raises more questions than it answers. I also don't think that it is just the 'next step in human evolution', as it does not aid survival or reproduction in any big way, which must be true for evolution to occur (although telepathy could possibly be used to attract someone to you, why would any other ability evolve?). At the same time, however, it is too widely spread (and has been around for too long) to be a random, recent mutation. I think that as to how metas affect many different things, we have to split up abilities into two basic types. One is for abilities like precognition, telepathy, etc.: those that only exist as a function of the mind, not affecting the physical world beyond how the Meta acts on it. These are the most difficult to explain, but I will get to those later. The other type is for abilities that directly affect the physical world (e.g. telekinesis, pyrokinesis, atmoskinesis, etc.). I believe that these can mostly be explained by a manipulation of kinetic energy. Think about it: in telekinesis, this is self-evident as it is energy of movement that you are providing and controlling; in pyrokinesis you influence heat, and the same occurs in cryokinesis but the inverse is true. Heat is simply the vibration of particles: what we call heat energy is really kinetic energy occurring at a molecular level. In controlling the weather, wind patterns could be altered relatively easily which would then affect cloud movement, etc. (this explains why a relatively small amount of energy is needed to achieve the movement of thousands of particles of water vapour that form clouds; all you do is alter the wind. This also explains aerokinesis). As to how we influence this energy, it is possible that the Meta acts as a transducer does in a circuit, ‘transforming’ one type of energy into another (in this case, electrical impulses which take place in the brain being converted into kinetic energy (or, as in the case of electrokinesis, staying the same but moving elsewhere). This can also be linked to telepathy - stimulating electrical impulses in the brains of others, or 'reading' them to 'hear' what it is that people are thinking. Precognition can also be explained (to a point) by this, as the future depends on what people will do, and how current events will work out. This could be the subconscious mind ‘reading’ other people and understanding how events will transpire to work out logically (but without knowing that that is what it is doing) what the future holds. As for strange symbolism that appears in some precognitive people’s dreams, I suspect that they are either reading too much into what is just a normal dreamor are creative by nature, so are more likely to perceive their precognition in a heavily symbolic way.

If people don’t believe that humans can act as transducers, bear in mind that we don’t fully know how some transducers work. A quartz can convert kinetic energy into electrical energy, so why not the other way around. A possibility for the way that electrical energy from the mind is sent out as kinetic energy is that the human body is surrounded by a field of electrical energy generated by the cells (like the traditional image of an energy ‘aura’ surrounding a person). If this were to be manipulated, it could be able to send energy out of the body into something else, to cause the effects that many Metas report.

So, what do you think? Could this be the reason for Metahuman abilities?

Please message me if you have any questions about my theory, or how it relates to an as yet unmentioned ability.