1. Which male tennis star won two Grand Slams in the 1960s? Rod Laver
  2. Which TV sitcom was filmed in Holmfirth, West Yorkshire? Last of the Summer Wine
  3. Which two electronic companies developed the compact disk in 1979? Sony and Philips
  4. Who preceded Tony Blair as leader of the Labour Party? John Smith
  5. Who wrote ‘The Lady of the Lake’? Sir Walter Scott
  6. Called a ‘cupcake’ in the U. S. A., what is it called in Britain? A bun (incorrect – a fairy cake)
  7. What were the first names of composers Rogers and Hart? Richard and Lorenz
  8. How many universities are there in Scotland: 14, 16 or 18? 14 (UHI not yet a university)
  9. What was the surname of the brothers who played against each other in the 2010 F. I. F. A. World Cup? Boateng (Kevin Prince plays for Ghana, Jerome plays for Germany) (Half brothers)
  10. Which shipping area lies directly north of Shannon? Rockall
  11. The U. S. state of Georgia was named after which British monarch? George II
  12. Which seventies/eighties pop group had a hit with ‘Love is Live’? Hot Chocolate
  13. Maths: angles are measured in degrees and which other measure? Radians
  14. In 2010, Cheryl Cole contracted malaria in which country? Tanzania
  15. Who was the Governor of the Bank of England in 2009? Mervyn King
  16. What is the medical name for bad breath? Halitosis
  17. Which of the Seven Dwarfs comes first alphabetically? Bashful
  18. According to the Bible, the Ten Commandments were engraved on how many tablets? Two
  19. In 2010, how was David Mundell unique in Scottish politics? Only Scottish Conservative M. P. at the 2010 election
  20. Who headed up the Iraq Inquiry from 2009?Sir John Chilcot
  21. Who was elected Prime Minister of Australia in June 2010? Julia Gillard
  22. Which actor played Idi Amin in the 2006 film ‘The Last King of Scotland’? Forest Whittaker
  23. In Greek mythology, what was the food of the gods? Ambrosia
  24. At which ground does England always play their last test match of a series? The Oval
  25. Which two prime numbers are between fifty and sixty? Fifty three and fifty nine
  26. In which English city is the De Montford Hall? Leicester
  27. Who played the title role in the TV series ‘Lovejoy’? Ian McShane
  28. Who had a U. K. No.1 single with ‘Yellow River’? Christie
  29. Who chaired U. E. F. A. in 2010? Michel Platini
  30. In the 1990s, Michael Foale was the first Briton to do what? Walk in space
  31. What was H. M. Prison Manchester previously named? Strangeways
  32. What name is given to the reproductive organ of a flower? Pistil(pistil is female part, stamen is male part)
  33. Which U. S. comedy series ran for 256 episodes between 1972 and 1983? M. A. S. H.
  34. How many bones are there in one human ear? Three
  35. Baroness Warsi became chairperson of which British political party in May 2010? Conservative Party
  36. Who was the longest-serving presenter of ‘Family Fortunes’? Les Denis
  37. In theory, what are the fewest number of moves to win a chess match? Two(even a rank beginner would find this difficult!One example: 1. g4 e5 2. f3 Qh4 check mate)
  38. Where would you wear a cummerbund? Around the waist
  39. Katrina Bryan starred in which children’s TV series? Nina and the Neurons (Also:‘See You, See Me’ 2004)
  40. Garston and Wavertree are constituencies in which English city? Liverpool

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