Job Description

  1. Qualifications:

Custodian foreman must be at least 18 years of age and, given the rigors of the job, in good physical health. Maintenance foreman must be able and willing to perform lifting and physical chores both inside and outside. Maintenance foreman must be able to read and write sufficiently to follow instructions, identify materials from their labels, understand directions for use and make written reports when necessary. Custodian foreman must be capable of doing light to medium physical labor, including the ability to move 75 pounds without injury or discomfort.

II.Employment Terms:

Twelve month position, in most cases. Benefits outlined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

III.Reporting Level:

Custodian Foreman is supervised by and report to the Supervisory of Buildings and Grounds. Overall responsibility is to the Superintendent’s Office.

VI.Job Functions:

The Custodian Forman at HHS/HACTC is expected to perform many of the same tasks as the custodial crew. This position includes additional compensation that is offered for increased responsibility in carrying-out the following duties.

A. The Custodian Forman is responsible for the overall condition and cleanliness of the HHS/HACTC complex. Toward this end, the following tasks are expected:

  1. Daily inspection of cleaning operations. Where deficiencies are found, the appropriate personnel will be notified and the situation corrected. Routine reports regarding this task will be made to the supervisor of buildings and grounds.
  2. Recommendations will be made to the supervisor of buildings and grounds regarding ways to improve building cleanliness and correct problem areas.
  3. Recommendations will be made to the supervisor of buildings and grounds regarding cleaning procedures and products.
  4. Monitor cleaning supplies and products district-wide and notify the supervisor of buildings and grounds when additional supplies are needed.
  1. The Custodian Forman is responsible for supervision and limited evaluation of custodial staff in the complex. This shall include:
  1. Supervise and oversee all custodial staff in the complex. This shall include at least weekly on-site inspections during the evening shift hours. On the evening shift, when problems exist or new staff is being trained, the amount of supervision will increase, at the discretion of the supervisor of buildings and grounds or building administrator.
  2. Maintain time sheets and report staff time to the supervisor of buildings and grounds in areas of regular and overtime work as well as vacation, sick, personal, emergency and other similar uses of work time.
  3. Make the initial decision on routine requests for use of benefit time, ex. vacation, personal, etc. This decision will be reported to the supervisor of buildings and grounds and the appropriate building administrator.
  4. Give input to the supervisor of buildings and grounds regarding annual performance evaluations.
  5. Provide training to new staff in all aspects of the custodial job. Provide training, as needed, to all custodial staff who require additional training in new systems or to correct deficiencies.
  1. Other Important Responsibilities:
  1. Coordinate building rentals with the main office and the custodial staff. This shall include making the necessary accommodations to the normal cleaning schedule and ensuring that rented areas have been properly cleaned before and/or after use. This shall also include scheduling the necessary staff for building coverage for rentals.
  2. Coordinate opening and closing times for the complex and ensure that the necessary security procedures are in place. Make recommendations to the supervisor of buildings and grounds and appropriate building administrator in the area of building security.
  3. Custodian Forman must have a basic knowledge of all building systems, including HVAC, security, fire, etc. and must be able to provide basic service on these systems, such as grease and oil, filter changes, belt replacement, etc.
  4. Custodian Forman must be able to provide minor repairs on equipment such as cleaning machines, locks, hinges, etc. For repairs requiring the maintenance department, written work orders will be filed with the supervisor of buildings and grounds.
  5. Set-up and keep a “procedures book” for all routine events, such as graduation, assemblies, etc. This book will outline the set-up procedures and staffing requirements for each event and will be used as a reference.
  6. Routinely check HVAC and other building systems for proper operation. This is especially important during the heating season to prevent freeze-ups and other damage. The Custodian Forman must make arrangements for systems checks on a daily basis, including weekends and vacations, during the heating season.


Custodian Foreman will be evaluated at least once annually. Evaluation will be based upon this job description and other relevant criteria.

JD Operations Group 4 Custodian ForemanRevised: 02/02/17