
4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0
Ideas (X3) /
  • Claim is argumentative and well supported.
  • Evidence clearly and effectively supports the Claim.
  • Each piece of Evidence firmly supported by Commentary (accurate details, examples and explanations).
  • Claim is mostly arguable and sufficiently supported.
  • Evidence supports the Claim.
  • Most Evidence supported by Commentary (accurate details, examples, and explanations).
  • Claim is fairly arguable and adequately supported.
  • Evidence tries to support the Claim.
  • Some Evidence supported by Commentary, (details, examples, and explanations) though some may be weak.
  • Claim is somewhat arguable and not really supported.
  • Evidence rarely supports the Claim.
  • Commentary (Facts, details, examples, and explanations) are lacking.
  • No Claim is presented in essay
  • No Evidence is present in essay
  • No Commentary is present in essay

Organization /
  • Topic Sentence clearly communicates the Claim and writer’s thoughts regarding topic.
  • Effective use of Text talker to introduce Evidence.
  • Evidence in logical order of importance or chronology, which makes a better argument.
  • Effective use of CommentaryStarter to introduce the Commentary.
  • Effective Transitions used to make meaningful connections between ideas and sentences.
  • Conclusion restates Topic Sentences using the key ideas of the Evidence.
  • Topic Sentence gives a fairly clear view of Claim and writer’s thoughts.
  • Effective use of Text talkers to introduce Evidence in most cases
  • Evidence in logical order of importance or chronology, with few inconsistencies, mostly connecting with the topic.
  • Effective use of CommentaryStarters to introduce Commentary in most cases.
  • Effective Transitions used to make connections between most ideas and sentences.
  • Conclusion restates Topic Sentence and uses most of the Evidence within the sentence.
  • Topic Sentence that is somewhat unclear on topic and/or writer’s Claim.
  • Occasional use of Text talkers to introduce Evidence.
  • Evidence presented in somewhat logical order with some attempt at order of importance or chronology, only partially making sense for the topic.
  • Occasional use of CommentaryStarters to introduce Commentary.
  • Reader is left to make many connections between ideas and sentences, because of lack of Transitions.
  • Conclusion restates Topic Sentence but uses no Evidence.
  • Topic Sentence is unclear and/or not on topic with writers Claim.
  • Little to no use of Text talkers to introduce Evidence
  • Evidence’s organization doesn’t make sense for topic.
  • Little to no use of CommentaryStarters to introduce Commentary.
  • Has no Transitions, so the reader is often left to make connections between significant jumps in ideas and sentences. Writing seems very disjointed.
  • Conclusion does not restate the Topic Sentence.
  • There is no Topic Sentence in the essay.
  • There are no Text Talkers in the essay.
  • There is no Organization of Evidence in the essay.
  • There are no Commentary Starters in the essay.
  • There are no Transitions in the essay.
  • There is no Conclusion in the essay.

Word Choice
/ Fluency /
  • Vocabulary is suitable for content and clearly shows the writer’s specific meaning.
  • Writer uses vivid words and phrases that draw pictures in the reader's mind.
  • Choice and placement of words seem accurate, natural and not forced.
  • Sentence fluency helps in the flow of the piece, with purposeful, varied sentence beginnings and length (simple, compound, complex, and compound- complex)
  • Vocabulary is suitable for content, but some word selections could be more vibrant and powerful.
  • Writer uses does not use vivid words that communicate clearly, and/or the writing lacks variety or excitement.
  • Choice and placement of words are accurate but at times not natural or forced.
  • Sentence fluency attempted, with varied sentence beginnings and length. (simple, compound, complex, and compound- complex)
  • Vocabulary mostly suitable for content, but many word selections need to be thought about more.
  • Writer attempts vivid words that draw pictures in the reader's mind, but occasionally the words are used inaccurately or seem overdone.
  • Choice and placement of words are sometimes not accurate or natural and forced.
  • Sentence structure rarely deviates, with few varied sentence beginnings and length. (simple, compound, complex, and compound- complex)
  • Vocabulary is not suitable for grade level or content.
  • Word selections are not vivid, often boring, unspecific, or questionable.
  • Choice and placement of words are not accurate or natural and forced.
  • Sentences are nearly all the same type, and some may cause the reader to stumble; sentences lack structure and appear incomplete or rambling.
  • Vocabulary is inappropriate for grade level or content.
  • Word selection is boring and/or often questionable.
  • Choice and placement of words is inappropriate and/or plagiarized.
  • Sentences are all the same type; sentences lack structure and appear incomplete or rambling.

Conventions /
  • Little to no errors in conventions.
  • Standard English grammar, usage, spelling, punctuation, capitalization are used appropriately throughout piece.
  • Citations are accurate and purposeful.
  • Few errors in conventions.
  • Standard English grammar, usage, spelling, punctuation, capitalization are used with few problems.
  • Citations are accurate.
  • Errors in conventions are common but do not distract the reader too often.
  • Standard English grammar, usage, spelling, punctuation, capitalization disrupt readers’ understanding.
  • Inconsistencies with citations.
  • Errors in conventions distract the reader from content.
  • Minimal use of standard English grammar, usage, spelling, punctuation, capitalization which confuses the reader.
  • Citations are incorrect or occasionally missing.
  • Significant errors in conventions distract the reader from content.
  • Poor use of standard English grammar, usage, spelling, punctuation, capitalization which often confuses the reader.
  • There are NO citations in the essay.

Range / Letter / %
4.0 / A+ / 100
3.9 / A+ / 98
3.6-3.8 / A / 96
3.4-3.5 / A- / 92
3.2-3.3 / B+ / 89
2.9-3.1 / B / 86
2.7-2.8 / B- / 82
2.5-2.6 / C+ / 79
2.2-2.4 / C / 76
1.9-2.1 / C- / 72
1.7-1.8 / D+ / 69
1.4-1.6 / D / 66
1.2-1.3 / D- / 62
1.0-1.1 / D- / 60
0.6-0.9 / F / 55
0.1-0.5 / F / 50
Total Rubric points:
Rubric Score
(total rubric score divided by 6 categories)
(using conversion chart)
Total points earned: