Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011C1

Note:Submission of all relevant information and supporting documentation will facilitate the Commissioners’ consideration of the Diocese’s recommendation and publication of the requisite Pastoral Church Buildings or Pastoral (Church Buildings Disposal) Scheme

(under Sections 55(4), 58(1)(a), 59(1) or 59(4) of the Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011)[1]

Name of (Closed) ChurchBuilding………………………..……Diocese ...... ……...

(c) / Particulars of Proposed Use
Proposed use
Name and address of Prospective User
Name and Address of Prospective User's solicitors
(b) / Alterations and Secular Consents
Any architectural or structural changes proposed?
If so, please enclose plans for referral to the Church Buildings Council, or indicate when these will be available.
Outline position in respect of:
(i) planning permission
(ii) listed building consent (if required)
Please (a) advise on current status of secular consents;
(b) enclose copies if already received.
(d) / Recommended Method of Disposal
Please enclose Agents’ report on marketing including details of all offers received and Head of Terms agreed.
If the best financial offer is not recommended please explain why.
If lease, provide brief details of length of term, any premium, rent, repair and insurance liability.
If sale, state the price and conditions provisionally negotiated.
If gift, state any special terms or conditions.
Are there any other matters to which the sale may be made subject by virtue of the Standard Conditions of sale e.g. notices served or information received locally that the Commissioners are not already aware of.
(c) / Covenants
Is the prospective user aware of the covenants to be included?
Have these been agreed?
Are any special covenants to be included?
(e.g. concerning protection of stained glass, provision of fencing, etc.)
Please enclose a copy of the covenants as agreed with the prospective user.
(d) / Adjoining Land and Rights of Way
Is any adjoining land to be included in disposal? (Indicate if such land includes burials)
Have any burials taken place within the last (i) 25 years
(ii) 50 years
Will the conversion involve any work (e.g. drainage, sewage etc.) which may cause disturbance of human remains?
Will it be necessary to grant or reserve any rights of way or access over other properties e.g. churchyard retained in use, land not in church ownership.
Please enclose a plan, on a scale of not less than 1:500, indicating the building and land (if any) to be disposed of, and any rights of way or access either to be reserved or to be granted. Land used for burials should be shown by a distinct colour.
(c) / Contents etc.
What arrangements have been made for:
disposal of the font, communion table and plate.
disposal of other contents?
Have any special proposals been made for stained glass-see also 4(b).
Please enclose annotated inventory showing arrangements for final destination ofcontents – see Closed Churches Guidance Note 1.
(b) / Tombstones, Monuments and Memorials
What arrangements have been made for:
any monuments or memorials in the building
any tombstones, monuments or memorials in that part of churchyard included in disposal?
Please enclose copy of Bishop's directions (if already obtained).
Arrangements for Publishing Scheme
Please supply:-
(a) name and telephone number of local newspaper circulating in vicinity
(b)name and address of suitable place where draft scheme can be inspected e.g. incumbent, post office, etc.
(c)name and address of the Clerk to the civil parish or town council
Signed ...... ……...... …......
Secretary of the ...... ……......
Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee.
Date ...... ……....

1July 12

[1]Includes any proposals under s58(1)(a) which provide for the demolition of the building or proposals under s59(4) for the demolition of an unlisted church building outside a conservation area.