Cell Organelles and Transport Review Sheet


  1. Who was the first person to identify and see cells?
  1. What did Schleiden and Schwann?

  1. What does the cell theory state?


  1. Write the name of the organelle in the space below that corresponds with the letter above.
  2. ______f. ______
  3. ______g. ______
  4. ______h.______
  5. ______i.______
  6. ______j.______
  1. List the function of the organelles listed above in the space below.
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______
  6. ______
  7. ______
  8. ______
  9. ______
  10. ______
  11. ______
  12. If the cell above was a plant cell, what would we have to take out, and what would we have to add ?
  1. List three characteristics and one example of prokaryotic cells.
  1. List three characteristics and three examples of eukaryotic cells.
  1. What is the cell wall in plants made of? What is its function?
  1. What is the function of lysosomes? Why is the membrane called “selectively permeable”?
  1. When a protein is made in the cell it follows a certain path. List the steps in making a protein. Start with the DNA and end with the protein leaving the cell.





12. Sketch a section of the cell membrane. What is it made of? What is stuck in the membrane? What are they used for?

  1. What is diffusion? What is osmosis?
  1. Compare and contrast facilitated diffusion and active transport.
  1. List the levels of organization in a multicellular organism from the simplest level to the most complex level.
  1. List three functions of the cytoskeleton? What is it made of?
  1. Complete the following: In a hypotonic solution, a cell will ______.In a hypertonic solution, a cell will ______.In an isotonic solution, a cell will ______.
  1. What is the universal energy molecule? ______
  1. Fill in the following chart:

Ex. / Type of Solution-
hypo, hyper, iso? / Solute concentration / Water concentration / Which way will the water move? / What will happen to the cell? / Sketch cell & show water movement.
Animal cell placed in very salty water. / More solute outside
Animal cell place in pure water. / More water outside cell
Animal cell place in water with a small amount of salt. / Water moves in and out with equal amounts.