21st Century Community Learning Center Sub-Recipient Monitoring:
The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) is required by the following referenced legislation, regulations, and guidance documents to conduct sub-grantee monitoring:
· Missouri’s 21st Century Community Learning Center Program – Specific Requirements
· U. S. Department of Education, 21st Century Community Learning Centers Non-Regulatory Guidance, February 2003
· Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR)
· Uniform Grant Guidance (UGG)
Cohort Number: 8 9 10 School/Grant Year(s) Under Review: _____-_____
Grantee Name: ______
Site Observed: ______
Date of Visit: ______
DESE Program Staff Completing On-Site Review: ______
On-Site Review Process (if selected):
Prior to the on-site review, sub-grantees shall complete this On-Site Monitoring Tool in its entirety and collect all applicable evidence to be available the day of the review.
After review, while still on-site, DESE staff will provide a brief overview noting any strengths and/or concerns. Following the on-site monitoring visit, DESE staff will enter results into the Tiered Monitoring System (TMS). If any findings or non-compliance areas were noted, the TMS will indicate a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) is required. The sub-grantee is required to address the CAP in the TMS and submit back to DESE. The TMS will then be updated with next steps or indicating completion.
Please note: items marked with an asterisk (*) could be part of a federal review process (if sub-grantee is selected for a federal review).
December 20, 2017
DO NOT COMPLETE - FOR DESE ONLY (additional areas to include in monitoring)CAP on last self-assessment? N/A No Yes: explain
CAP on single audit (if conducted)? N/A No Yes: explain
State training met? No Yes: MAACCE or MOSAC2 PDI
Fall grantee meeting met, if applicable? No Yes N/A
Kids Care Center training met (for new programs only)? No Yes N/A
Meeting proposed attendance numbers: No Yes
Proposed #:_____ 30+: _____ 60+: _____ 90+: ______
Late submission of reports? No Yes: explain
Other concerns, explain:
DESE’s Overall Comments for Program Review and Observation:
Please be sure evidence provided in sections A-F are not original to the program as DESE may remove and keep some evidence for their files.
A. Program Management and Operations
Requirement / Evidence / Status
A-1. Program is providing the number of hours per week and number of days per week of programming as described in the original grant application (or approved amendments) and meets the state requirement. Note: Do not use Kids Care Center reports as evidence for this portion. (This is not the same as student recruitment.) / Before School:
Brochure/registration form
Brochure/registration form
Brochure/registration form / Yes
A-2. Program is housed in a safe and accessible facility.* / Please explain location: / Yes
A-3. Program provides safe transportation for students in need if applicable. * / Transportation logs,
Sign in/Sign out process,
Other: / Yes
A-4. Evidence of the following Health and Safety Requirements are in place:
· Copies of CPR and First Aid Training/Certification of staff (upon request ONLY).
· Standard Operating Procedures (i.e. emergency response plans: bomb threats, fire, natural disasters; field trips, personnel policies, etc.).
· Fire and/or tornado drills have been completed and documented.
· Staff handbooks (copies should be available at each site).
· Parent handbooks (copies should be available at each site).
· Posted evacuation routes. / All items must be in place:
Standard Operating Procedures (examples include, but not limited to: emergency response plans: bomb threats, fire, natural disasters; field trips, personnel policies, etc.),
Fire and/or tornado drills have been completed and documented,
Staff handbooks,
Parent handbooks,
Posted evacuation routes. / Yes
A-5. Program has in place a system to maintain all program files/evidence for three years after the five-year grant cycle has ended (per federal record retention requirements).* / Copy of program’s record retention policy or plan. / YesNo
A-6. Program information is disseminated in an understandable and appropriate manner to educate the community and stakeholders about the program. (This is not the same as student recruitment.) / Newspapers,
Press releases,
Other: / Yes
A-7. Children are under competent age appropriate supervision at all times (including checking in/out of program, transitioning between activities, etc.) / Children are signed/scanned into program upon arrival,
Children who are bused home are signed/scanned out of program by staff,
Parents must sign to pick up child,
Appropriate number of staff supervise children at all times while participating in (all) activities,
Staff supervises children during transition times.
Other: / Yes
Additional Comments:
B. Staffing and Professional Development
Requirement / Evidence / Status
B-1. Afterschool program staff conducts frequent staff meetings pertaining to program operation and student needs. / Meeting agendas,
Meeting minutes,
Other: / Yes
B-2. Afterschool program staff and school day teachers collaborate on student performance and needs. / Meetings agendas,
Meeting minutes/notes,
Emails between school staff program staff,
Other: / Yes
Additional Comments:
C. Partnerships, Collaboration and Sustainability
/ Evidence /Status
C-1. Program has appropriate active partners contributing to the program (letters of commitment are not appropriate evidence). / Narrative of how partners are contributing to the program,Other: / Yes
C-2. Program has a diverse advisory council in place (i.e. parents, students, community members, school staff, program staff, partners, evaluator, or businesses, etc.). / List of members by name and population they represent / Yes
C-3. Advisory council conducts regular meetings (minimum of 2). / Dated meeting sign-in sheets,
Meeting minutes/notes,
Other: / Yes
C-4. Advisory council meetings are relevant to program quality (i.e. program design, vision, staff, student interest/enrollment, sustainability, evaluation/assessments, challenges/concerns, strengths, or finances, etc). / Meeting agenda,
Meeting minutes/notes / Yes
C-5. Program has made efforts to gain other sources of funding or in-kind resources for the sustainability of the program. * / Description of any grants,
Description of in-kind resources,
Description of partner’s contribution to sustaining,
Other: / Yes
Additional Comments:
D. Participant Involvement
Requirement / Evidence / Status
D-1. Program is providing services to targeted students consistent with the approved grant application (including same number of students and grade levels as proposed and approved). / Participant list with grade levels,
Attendance sheets with grade levels,
Kids Care Center report,
Other: / Yes
D-2. Program has advertised the program and services to recruit student participation based on needs. / Newspaper,
School/entity postings, announcements, website,
Outreach activities,
Other: / Yes
D-3. Provide a narrative describing how the program is recruiting those students most in need. / Narrative: / Yes
D-4. Program has offered family academic enrichment opportunities for families and students (i.e. STEM night, family game night, literacy night, student showcase). Grant dollars do not support any community-wide services. / Registration form,
/attendance sheets,
Other: / Yes
D- 5. Program has offered on-going classes for the adult family members of students attending the program to help develop their own skills (i.e. continuing education classes, ESL classes, literacy classes, finance/budgeting classes, computer classes, active parenting/ strengthening families, etc.).Grant dollars do not support any community-wide services. / Flyer/brochure
Please explain: / Yes
D-6. Program encourages family and parent engagement in the program (e.g. family nights, volunteering, etc.). / Flyer/brochure
Please explain: / Yes
D-7. Program conducts ongoing consultations with private schools and maintains documentation of such consultations. Private schools must do the same with public schools.(Note: privates had the option to ‘opt out’ during non-public registration, in which case no evidence would be needed for consulting). * / Consultation forms,
Meeting minutes,
Opted out (DESE will verify on list)
Other: / Yes
Additional Comments:
E. Activities and Enrichment Components
/ Evidence /Status
E-1. Program provides academic enrichment activities and a broad array of other activities designed to reinforce and complement the regular academic program of participating students. / Schedule (reflects all activities offered)Kids Care Center report (reflects all activities offered),
Other: / Yes
E-2. Activities are targeted to the students’ academic needs and aligned with the instruction students’ receive during the school day (of at least math, reading and science), / Provide a narrative / Yes
E-3. Activities (at least math, reading, and science activities) are in alignment with the challenging State academic standards and any local academic standards. / Lesson plans / Yes
E-4. If grantee is sub-contracting daily programming services to an outside entity, the grantee must provide a narrative as to how grantee provides oversight of the sub-contracted entity’s programming to meet grant requirements, how expenditures are monitored for allowability and appropriateness and how the grantee ensures its policies and procedures are being met. (Attach separate narrative/email page labeled E-4; narrative must be signed or in an email from grantee.) / Yes
Additional Comments:
F. Evaluation of Program Goals, Progress and Effectiveness
Requirement / Evidence /
F-1. Program has a contract in place for a qualified evaluator(s). / Contract / YesNo
F-2. Program meets the measures of effectiveness.*
(A) Be based upon an assessment of objective data regarding the need for before/after/summer programs and activities in the schools and communities;
(B) Be based upon an established set of performance measures aimed at ensuring the availability of high-quality academic enrichment opportunities;
(C) If appropriate, be based upon evidence-based research that the program or activity will help students meet the challenging State academic standards and any local academic standards;
(D) Ensure that measures of student success align with the regular academic program of the school and the academic needs of participating students and include performance indicators and measures that will be used to evaluate programs with emphasis on alignment with the school’s regular academic program and needs of participating students
(E) Collect the data necessary for the measures of student success described in D above. / Goals and objectives,
Performance measures,
Evidence based research,
Alignment with regular school academics,
Alignment with needs of participating students,
Other: / Yes
F-3. Evaluation/Guided Reflection results are made available to the public. / Parent notification,
Community/stakeholders notification,
School board notification,
Website notification,
Other: / Yes
F-4. Evaluation/Guided Reflection and assessment/survey results are used to refine and improve program effectiveness. / Provide a narrative on how results have been used to make changes: / Yes
Additional Comments:
Best Practices
DIRECTIONS: Please provide a narrative to each question below. You may attach additional pages if more space is needed.
Program has appropriate and qualified staff in place to effectively administer program.
Has there been turnover in key staff during the year and how has it impacted the program?
Describe how staff/teachers are periodically evaluated for effectiveness?
Describe how staff/teachers have adequate and on-going professional development to support the program.
Describe how parents are kept informed about their child’s experiences, behavior, and achievements in the program?
Describe how the program has integrated enrichment and recreation opportunities with the academic services.
Describe how the program ensures activities provided are aligned with the State academic standards.
Describe any school administrator support of the program.
Describe a specific activity, event or curriculum that assisted with building high program quality and how it was successful with its target audience this year.
G. FinanceDIRECTIONS: Please pay close attention to evidence listed. If you believe you have provided the same evidence from a previous question, be sure to make clear in your binder/documentation where to find that information again as it relates specifically to the question.
Specific Requested Expenditures
Requirement / Evidence / Yes / No / N/A
G-0. Upload all the policies and procedures listed in the Uniform Grant Guidance‐‐Policy and Procedure Checklist (located on DESE Afterschool Portal under Procedures and Report Forms tab>Monitoring) into the DESE Tiered Monitoring System by going to the Global Document Repository and then selecting “Afterschool On-site Monitoring – 21st Century Community Learning Center”. You may also refer to G-21, G-24, G-33, and G-34 through G-37. / All items submitted per the checklist
Items were uploaded in TMS prior to on-site review
PLEASE NOTE items G-2 and G-3 (and G-4, if requested) below should not be part of the “binder” for Section G. It is acceptable to have documentation in separate piles/files but MUST be organized by each specific item number separately.
G-1. Provided a list of 21st CCLC account codes for the school/grant year under review. / List of 21st CCLC account codes
G-2. Request for Reimbursement (RFR) #1 requested by DESE: $______/ General ledger that coincides with period requested in RFR, timesheets, purchase orders, purchase requisitions, receipts, contracts, timesheets, semi-annual time certifications, registrations and/or any other documentation to verify the entirety of RFR #1 dollar amount
G-3. Request for Reimbursement (RFR) #2 requested by DESE: $______/ General ledger that coincides with period requested in RFR, timesheets, purchase orders, purchase requisitions, receipts, contracts, timesheets, semi-annual time certifications, registrations and/or any other documentation to verify the entirety of RFR #2 dollar amount
G-4. Request for Reimbursement (RFR) #3 (if requested by DESE): $______/ General ledger that coincides with period requested in RFR, timesheets, purchase orders, purchase requisitions, receipts, contracts, timesheets, semi-annual time certifications, registrations and/or any other documentation to verify the entirety of RFR #3 dollar amount
Requirement / Evidence / Yes / No / N/A
Time and Effort
Pertains to ALL employees paid by the grant.
G-5. Employees’ time has been properly allocated to accomplish job for each paid staff. / List of all grant paid staff (name, title, time allocations, pay rate/range)
G-6. Employees who work on multiple cost objectives or activities and are paid from multiple sources of funds, prepare monthly timesheets and such timesheets are: / Only provide for those staff whose timesheets were not provided in G-2, G-3, or G-4.