29thJanuary 2016


08.30- 09.30 / Registration and coffee
Diabetes Care – Chair Dr Chizo Agwu
09.30-10.00 / Leading a High Performing Diabetes service…Dr Julie Edge. Consultant Paediatric Diabetologist, John Radcliffe hospital Oxford
10.00-10.05 / Q&A
10.05-10.35 / Diabetic Retinopathy …What Paediatric MDT should know…..Prof Peter Scanlon. Clinical Director for the English National Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Programme and Consultant Ophthalmologist
10.35-10.40 / Q&A
10.40-11.10 / Coffee/ Exhibition
Clinical/Research Update - Chair Dr May Ng
11.10-11.40 / Closed Loop: Where are we up to?....Dr Roman Hovorka. Principal Research Associate University of Cambridge Metabolic Research Laboratories and NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre.
11.40-11.45 / Q&A
11.45-12.15 / Psychosocial Impact of New Diabetes Technologies ……Prof Katherine Barnard, Health Psychologist. Visiting Professor at Bournemouth University, Associate Editor at BMC Research
12.20-12.25 Business Meeting / Q&A
Diabetes UK presentation
12.25-13.00 / Business Meeting
13.10-14.10 / Lunch
Diabetes care– Chair Dr Josephine Drew
14.10-14.40 / Macrovascular risk factors in Childhood Diabetes…Are we doing enough?………Prof David Dunger......Prof of Paediatrics , Cambridge University.
14.40-14.45 / Q&A
14.45-15.15 / Using CGMS in routine care …..Gothenburg Experience: Dr Peter Adolfsson Paediatric Diabetologist, Gothenburg Sweden
15.30-16.30 / Workshops
1. / Using Social Media to improve Diabetes Care…… Andy Broomhead, Type 1DM, Runner, Chair of@Sheffild duk, Blogger for @DiabetesUK, Member of the Council of People Living with Diabetes.
2. / Difficult Diabetes (Cerebral oedema)……………Dr Suma Uday and………………
3. / Dealing with Adolescents in Diabetes Care……Dr Chizo Agwu Consultant Paediatric Diabetologist SWBH
4. / Understanding New DKA guideline……Dr Julie Edge Consultant Paediatric Diabetologist
5 / Diabetes and Extreme sports……Dr Peter Adolfsson Consultant Paediatric Diabetologist
6. / Diabetic foot……What Paediatric MDT should know…………..Dr Fran Game. Consultant Diabetologist


*The companies above,sponsor the costs of this meeting, and have no input into the meeting agenda or content.