/ The XXIX BPW International Congress
“Making a Difference through Leadership and Action”
Cairo, Egypt  23-27 October 2017


Amendments to Procedure Manual may be submitted by Affiliates, members of the Executive and Past Presidentsand must comply with the requirements as set out in the Regulations [R21], [R18] and Procedure Manual 14.

The International Board approves amendments to the Procedure Manual. (R 21). The intent of the Regulation 21 is that, between General Assemblies, the Executive (with recommendations from the Constitutional Advisory Committee or CAC) can make changes to the Procedure Manual. Agreed amendments to the Procedure Manual are ratified either at the pre-General Assembly meeting of the International Board at Congress or by an electronic vote between General Assemblies whichever is most appropriate. Amendments apply only after they are accepted by a majority vote of the International Board.

The purpose of the Procedure Manual is to support the implementation and interpretation of the Constitution and Regulations. Therefore any amendment to the Procedure Manual cannot contradict an existing clause in the Constitution and Regulations. Moreover,BPW International Governance document should be consistent within itself and with other BPW International’s governance documents.

With the above guideline, the proposed procedure manual amendments would be first reviewed by CAC. CAC will submit its recommendations to the Executive who will vote on which proposed amendments will be distributed by 22 June 2017 to International Board, 4 months before it can be ratified by pre-General Assembly International Board meeting in Cairo, Egypt.

(Name of Affiliate, Executive Member, Past International President)

Procedure Manual Amendmentsubmitted for approval by the International Board at their meetings in Cairo October 2017 is as follows:

Current wording stating sectionin the procedure manual / Proposed wording stating section in the procedure manual / Rationale for the Amendment
☐Correct inconsistencywith
  • constitution clause: ______or
  • regulation _____ or
  • procedure manual section ______
☐Reflect common practice
☐Correct other problems:
☐ Correct inconsistency with
  • constitution clause: ______or
  • regulation _____ or
  • procedure manual section ______
☐ Reflect common practice
☐ Correct other problems:
☐ Others:

FINANCIAL IMPACT (if any) on BPW International:


(Name) (Position #)

(Signature) (Date)

This form must be signed by an Affiliate President, Executive Member or Past International Pesident

Name and contact details of the person to whom any queries should be addressed:


(include country code)


An unsigned version including the name and contact details should be emailed to IPP Sylvia Perry, Chair of the Constitutional Advisory Committee followed by a signed version which may be scanned and sent electronically or posted [postmarked no later than the date of the e-mail] Address: Quarry End, 15 Stanbridge Road, Downend, Bristol BS16 6AW, United Kingdom

Must be received not later than midnight (Greenwich Mean Time) on 22 April 2017.