GM_GMSS_NM_450_407_C - Subpart C Spot Checking


Subpart C –Spot Checking


A. Practices to be Spot Checked

(1) All applied practices, as reported in the Performance Results System (PRS) will be spot checked whether or not financial assistance utilized. Spot checking procedures for practices are exactly the same, whether or not financial assistance utilized.

(2) All Technical Service Providers (TSP) practicesare subject to spot checking.

B. Frequency

(1) Spot checking will be done annually by fiscal year.

(2) Spot checks should be distributed over the various practices applied during the fiscal year. However, each applied practice will be checked at least every third year.

C. Amount of Spot Checking

(1) 5% of all practices applied in the fiscal year will be spot checked.

(2) 5% of all Food Security Act (FSA) technical determinations, approved conservation plans, and conservation systems applied in fiscal year will be spot checked.

(3) A summary of the applied practices and spot checks will bemaintained on form NM-TCH-001A.

(4) If errors or deficiencies are found, the spot checker will make additional checks until the extent and cause of the problem is determined and corrective actionidentified.

(5) It is the Area Conservationist’s(AC) responsibility to conduct quality reviewsand make the final determination as to the adequate number of spot checks.

D. Technical Service Provider (TSP) Spot Checking

(1) A sample of each TSP’s applied practices will be spot checked. The AC will develop the spot check sample for each TSP in their area. The sample will be drawn from all appliedpractices and practice components installed within the Area duringthe fiscal year, as reported in PRS. The sample may involve one or more individual field offices (FO).

(2) A spot check will be performed on at least 10% of the practices and practice components. For a TSP where the number of installations of a practice or practice component exceeds 50 in the fiscal year, only 5 are required to have a spot check.

(3) The AC will ensure that the sample of an individual TSP’s work is a representative cross section by size and complexity of projects.

E. Personnel

(1) Spot checking assignments will be made by the AC.

(2) Area Engineer should spot check engineering structures, but not those for which he or she made the construction check.

(3) Area Resource Conservationist or other appropriate disciplines should spot check appropriate practices during field visits. As needed, FO personnel can spot check other FOs.

(4) No employee can spot check work on land in which the employee has a vested interest.

(5) Spot checking will be performed by someone other than the one who determined need, provided technical assistance during construction, made the construction check, or applied performance.

F. Selecting the Practices to be Spot Checked

(1) Determine the kind and number of applied practices from PRS.

(2) The spot checker should select random samples of the technical work of as many staff members as practical. All staff memberswork will be spot checked at least every three years.

G. Method of Checking

(1) All spot checks will be done in the field at the practice location and in the FO.

(2) All spot checks will be recorded using forms approved by the AC.

H. Reporting

(1) Results of all practice spot checks, whether with or without financial assistance, programappraisalsor functional appraisals, will becovered in normal trip reportsof the AC and area staff.

(2) Results of spot checks made for applied practices usingfinancially assisted programswill be reported in writing to the AC with a copy to District Conservationist. Form NM-TDV-001 will be used in making this report.

(3) The AC, in consultation with state technical staff, willestablish allowable variances from applied quantities for those practices commonly applied in the area.

[GM_GMSS_NM_450_407_C - Amend. NM2– May 2016]