Nationality British

Date of Birth 17/11/1944

Educated in Britain and Zambia


Telephone (44) 0117-904-1533 and 0778-359-7147


January 2007-Present. Independent RS/GIS consultant. Based in Bristol, UK

a) Agriculture. Spatial analysis of child nutrition data in relation to agricultural production, population distribution and biophysical factors for the West Africa node of the Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System (ReSAKSS-WA). Targeting interventions for the Crop Crisis Control Programme (C3P) against serious diseases of cassava and bananas in East Africa based on field disease and food security surveys and agricultural production and population data (including field training courses in Kenya and DRC in GPS and GIS). GIS and GPS support for Great Lakes Cassava Initiative funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (also targeting virus diseases of cassava), including GPS training (field training and development of self-training Agilix GoCourse), mapping of disease data and sites of cassava multiplication, and development of smartphone-based field data collection system using GeoDexy. Selection of target villages in Ethiopia, Tanzania, Ghana and Mali for the USAID-funded Africa RISING programme as a consultant to IFPRI. Developed QGis GIS on sweet potatoes in Malawi for CIP Malawi and trained local staff

b) Geology.Due Diligence appraisal and report on Maamba Coal Mine, Zambia for client interested in investment. Compilation of previous exploration data and re-interpretation of geology using remote sensing for an area in NW Province of Zambia for an exploration client, and management of follow-up geochemical survey. Assessment of geophysical, geochemical and drilling data for an area of Basement copper mineralisation in Zambia. Remote sensing based groundwater surveys for clients in Mozambique and South Africa. Remote sensing studies for target identification in Ethiopian Proterozoic volcanics (polymetallic massive sulphides) and Holocene volcanics (epithermal gold) followed by field-checking. Remote sensing re-interpretation of the geology of the Mamfe Basin, and of an area of Archaean volcanics in Maroua District, Cameroon. Preparation of exploration programmes for cooper deposits in north-western Zambia, and for coal in Swaziland. Design and supervision of drilling programme for coal in the Gwayi River area, Zimbabwe. Due-diligence study of the Faleme iron deposits in south-eastern Senegal.

c) Other. Consultancy for Catholic Relief Services, USA, on global emergency response to natural disasters. Assessment for International Food Policy Research Institute of accuracy of various satellite-derived land cover datasets

Main software used QGIS, MultiSpec, Monteverdi

Active member of Geological Remote Sensing Group, Geological Society of London and Chairman of Bristol Branch of Royal African Society

January 2003-December 2006. IITA Ibadan, Nigeria. Manager GeoSpatial Laboratory

Provision of support for IITA scientists in GIS, Remote Sensing, Agroclimatology, Biometrics,

Research Database Management and landscape modeling. Managing and coordinating the work of 16 National Staff at IITA stations in Ibadan, Yaounde, Cotonou and Kampala. Organisation of training courses in Biometrics, Database management, GPS and GIS at IITA stations for IITA staff and collaborators. Compilation of spatial data sets for Sub-Saharan Africa from public domain and other sources. Specifically processing SRTM DEMs for countries of SSA, production of MODIS-based vegetation map, compilation of Landsat data sets. Undertaking research into methods of processing and presenting new global data sets, techniques for mapping socio-economic variables and methods for targeting IITA interventions and site selection. Experimentation with new GPS systems and combinations of GPS and PDA for field data collection.

Specific projects undertaken included mapping poverty and child nutrition nationally for Nigeria

on the basis of household livelihood and mother and child health surveys, and mapping a range of socio-economic variables including poverty for a detailed survey of the Niger Delta area. Different GIS techniques have been tested for extrapolating poverty and nutrition variables, including compound regression and Geostatistics. Application of GIS for site selection and targeting for the Sub-Saharan Africa Challenge Programme and USAID Southern Africa Livelihoods Programme. Setting up West African node of the Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System (SAKSS) for USAID, and supporting SAKSS operations by mapping development domains and spatial analysis of socio-economic and crop production variables. Collaborating with the Nigerian National Space Agency on agricultural applications of remote sensing in Nigeria. Providing GIS support for the C3P programme on cassava and banana disease mitigation in the Great Lakes region of East Africa.

Main software used: ArcView, ArcGis, ENVI, DIVA

November 2000-December 2002. IITA Humid Forest Eco-regional Centre, Yaounde, Cameroon. Landscape Ecologist. EU-funded through ICRAF and ASB

Developing landscape-based models for three test villages within the Humid Forest Benchmark area,

based on experience with FLORES-type models in the SIMILE modeling environment in Indonesia and Zimbabwe. These models link sub-models of farming and forest systems in the villages with sub-models of villages, lineages and households, incorporating biophysical data collected by IITA and others as well as socio-economic and household decision-making data from the villages. GPS techniques were used extensively to produce detailed maps of land-use mosaics in the villages, and satellite remote sensing provided more extensive land-cover information to enable extrapolation of modeling results to wider areas. The models are intended to examine the effect of different interventions, for example introduction of new crop varieties and improved farming systems, on forest-crop mosaics, and in particular on rates of deforestation.

Compilation of GIS database on Congo Basin area, including topographic, climatic, demographic and

crop-production data. Assessment of new sources of regional satellite imagery for eco-zonal studies and for use in scaling-out of model results. Evaluation of detailed satellite imagery including IKONOS, ASTER, Hyperion for vegetation and soils mapping.

Training of International and local staff in applications of Simile modeling environment and techniques of spatial data collection using GPS and PDA.

Main software used – SIMILE, ArcView, ENVI

June-October 2000. EU Leuser Management Unit, Medan, Indonesia. GIS Advisor

Consolidation and re-structuring of existing GIS database, selection and training of staff, introduction of advanced GIS/RS techniques, development of integrated information system and user interface. Specific tasks were processing Radarsat-derived DEM of Leuser area and production of derived products, production of new vegetation map of Leuser from Landsat TM imagery, introduction of Garmin/Palm Pilot units for GPS mapping, and development of a user interface to the Leuser GIS through ArcExplorer.

Main software used – ArcView, ArcExplorer, ERDAS

April 1995-June 2000. EU Forest Inventory and Monitoring Project, Indonesia. GIS Specialist

Development of Pilot Integrated Forest Resources Information System (IFRIS)

Compilation of data from various sources, including medium-scale forest maps (from satellite remote sensing), topographic data (digital topographic maps, roads and settlements mapped using GPS), climate data, geology, forest plot information (botanical inventory and soils data), zoological biodiversity data, socio-economic data (including data on indigenous hunter-gatherers), and data on protected area boundaries, into geographic information system with intuitive Bahasa Indonesia interface. Six study areas in Southern Sumatera included two portions of Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat, one in western Jambi and the other in northern Bengkulu, and the whole of the Bukit Barisan National Park, Lampung. IFRIS is designed as a management and planning tool for Forest Department and other organisations with an interest in the forests of Indonesia, and will eventually be implemented in all provinces as well as in Forest Department headquarters. Implementation completed for Southern Sumatera, and preliminary data compiled for all of Indonesia. Special versions of IFRIS in use in Kerinci Seblat and Bukit Barisan National Parks, and by WWF Indonesia and Bird Life Indonesia.

Development of techniques for GIS processing and analysis.

Programmes developed for automated terrain analysis, including generation of land-facet maps from digital elevation models, for interactive analysis of zoological data (eg. Interactive geo-referenced bird-lists), for three-dimensional display of tree and soils data, for extrapolation of tree species abundances, and for modeling of deforestation in areas along the eastern and western boundaries of the TNKS. Customisation of the user interface of the GIS. Evaluating and developing use of low-cost VRML browsers for 3D data visualisation. Evaluation of hand-held computers interfaced with GPS for field data collection. Worked as a member of the FLORES team, developing dynamic models for people-forest interactions in Indonesian rainforest (Jambi, Sumatera) and African dry forest (Zimbabwe).

Training of staff from Forest Department regional offices

Participated in planning and execution of training programmes for staff from regional offices (BIPHUTs and sub-BIPHUTs) of INTAG (mapping and inventory section of Forest Department). Training programmes included remote sensing, GIS, GPS and forest inventory. On-the-job training of counterpart staff in Forest Department Headquarters and at provincial level in advanced GIS techniques, GPS mapping and data integration. Training manuals in English and Bahasa Indonesia prepared for IFRIS, ArcView and GPS.

Emergency Monitoring of 1997 Fires in Indonesia

As part of the EUFREG team, monitored fires through September to November 1997 in Kalimantan and Sumatera using data from local NOAA AVHRR stations, information from the Internet (ERS-2 ATSR, DMSP, TOMS) and existing GIS (IFRIS, see above). Reported daily to European Union Jakarta office and planned and managed follow-up project mapping areas and vegetation types burnt.

Main software used – ArcInfo (unix and PC), ArcView, ERDAS

1991-1995. ODA Forest Mapping and Planting Project, Sri Lanka. RS/GIS Specialist

Development of techniques for remote sensing forest mapping. Studies of spectral signatures of main natural and planted forest types and of seasonal variation. Evaluation of automated classification and change-detection techniques.

Production of new national forest map and statistics using ERDAS and ArcInfo. Preliminary 1:250,000 scale national map and report produced September 1992. Semi-detailed (1:50,000) mapping completed May 1994.

Development of Sri Lanka Forest GIS. Pilot GIS for KDN forest reserves (lowland rainforest) and Knuckles conservation area (montane forest), incorporating forest maps, elevations, slopes, drainage, access, protected areas and administrative boundaries, and including generation of perspective views for planning. Modelling climate-vegetation relationships in the Knuckles range.

Linkages with IUCN biodiversity database. Initiated Wildlife Department management GIS and elephant conflict GIS in ArcView. Initiation of national forest GIS.

Training in remote sensing and GIS for Forest Department and others. Two Forest Department counterparts

undergoing training. Short courses on RS and GIS for Forest Department management and at University of Peradeniya and Institute for Fundamental Studies, Kandy. Training of Wildlife Dept. staff in GIS.

ODA RS and GIS consultancy missions in Malaysia, India and Indonesia. Consultancy missions to FRIM, Malaysia (RS/GIS for environmental management), Western Ghats Forestry Project, Karnataka (RS/GIS forest mapping and management), North-East Sumatera Prawn Project (RS/GIS mangrove mapping, environmental impact), and ODA Animal Health Project, Indonesia (GIS for epidemiology).

Main software used – ArcInfo (Unix), ArcView, ERDAS

1985-1991 United Kingdom National Remote Sensing Centre. Manager Applications Support Team

Managed team of up to 8 applications scientists (included agricultural, land-use, oceanographic and geologic specialists) on Hunting Geology and Geophysics (later Hunting Technical Services) support contract to NRSC. Development of applications of remote sensing in environmental aspects of mineral industries, disaster monitoring, forestry. Carried out projects on surface mining operations and land restoration, remote sensing of floods, rangeland fires and oil-slicks, applications of radar in forest and land-cover mapping. Use of raster and vector GIS in remote sensing studies (ArcInfo, SPANS, GEMS, Iconoclast). Projects on applications of vector GIS in image segmentation. Development of educational and promotional packages for remote sensing. Assisted with production of videos on aspects of remote sensing, and with preparation of illustrated fact-sheets on remote sensing applications.

Software development

Wrote Mackintosh software "pathrow" to provide information on Landsat and SPOT coverage and overpass dates. Adviser to developers of new GEMS software, improved RAE image processing packages and UK Navy SST packages.

Consultant to UK government and EC and other organisations on remote sensing

Member of Polar Platform value added panel, EC Geological Applications Group, EC Spectral RS Group, UK/Norway ERS-1 Group, UK NRSC Geological Applications and Educational and Training Working Groups. Consultant on promotional projects for ERS-1 to ESA. Consultant to Arendal regional RS centre (now GRID Arendal) during planning and establishment stage, 1988-89. Initiated contacts between UK remote sensing and groups in Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary in 1990.

Main software used – GEMS, ArcInfo (unix)

1982-1985 Directorate General for Mineral Resources, Saudi Arabia. Senior Economic Geologist

Mineral deposit studies and exploration planning. Collected database of world volcanic-associated massive sulphide deposits, and studied Arabian deposits in relation to others to develop exploration strategy.

Field manager of exploration project using satellite and airborne remote sensing. Managed team of up to 16 geoscientists engaged on volcanic-associated massive sulphide exploration in Samran area using Landsat MSS, airborne Daedelus scanner, helicopter-borne EM, stream sediment geochemistry, volcanic facies mapping, ground geophysics and drilling. Significant copper, zinc, silver and gold mineralisation located. Training of local counterpart professionals.

Development of mineral exploration GIS (Intergraph)

Data from Samran project, including topography, geology, geochemistry, geophysics and drilling results integrated in Intergraph GIS for project management and demonstration purposes.

Main software used – I2S, Intergraph

1980-1982 United Nations Revolving Fund for Natural Resources Exploration, Kenya

Field manager of mineral exploration project

Managing exploration team, including up 400 labourers, six geologists, drill crews and geophysical contractors, engaged on exploration for massive sulphide deposits in Migori belt, south-west Kenya. Training local counterpart geologists and technical assistants.

1978-1980 Geological Survey of Zambia

Senior geologist supervising mineral exploration

Planning and management of exploration for zinc, silver, uranium and salt

Management of experimental remote sensing project: OECD funded project on exploration for tin, niobium and tantalum using specially enhanced Landsat MSS products, including training of counterpart staff

Adviser to government on exploration policy

Advice on prospecting, exploration and mining licenses, and on formulation of emerald mining policy.

1974-1978 Independent geological consultant, Zambia

Geophysical contract work

Carried out resistivity, seismic, electromagnetic, gravity and induced polarisation surveys for groundwater and mineral exploration. Clients included State Mining Corporation, De Beers, AGIP, farming groups and private individuals.