Mr. Malec’s Classroom Rules & Class Overview
Mr. Malec
/ Room:218 / Phone Number:
(724)857-7500 x4218 / Email Address:
Behavioral Expectations:
Students are to be prepared for class instruction by having the materials needed for learning. Therefore a student should:
- Bring a notebook, pencil or pen, folder for returned documents, calculator and text. You are to bring everything to class unless notified.
- Be on time, and ready to work at the bell.
- Homework is due at the beginning of class- not after- if you forgot it in your locker, it is considered late.
- Be respectful of everyone in the classroom, students and the instructor.
- Be prepared to ask questions during class discussions.
- Obey all school rules.
- Not use hall passes (2 per 9 weeks), except in emergencies.
- Use class time effectively!
- Once homework is assigned, students are expected to begin to work on it and work until the bell rings.
1)It is a prerequisite for this course to have a TI-83+, TI-84, or TI-Inspire calculator. This course will rely on you having one to use in class and at home.
2)A composition notebook is required for use on tests as a reference guide. Only composition notebooks may be used.
3)Complete assignments on a nightly basis. If a student needs help, they should get tutoring immediately.
4)A student should spend 25 to 45 minutes a night completing assignments, watching videos and studying.
5)A folder for the student to keep all returned documents, tests, quizzes, and assignments. A 3 ½ inch binder or bigger is recommended.
6)You have a maximum of the number of days absent to make up any assignments or exams. For example, if you are out of school 3 days, you haveat most 3 daysto make up all work missed. It is your responsibility to get assignments when you return and to return them on time.
Consequences of Misbehavior:
Minor Offenses: Verbal warning, Seat Change, Parental/Guardian phone call or conference.
Repeat Occurrences/ Major Offenses: Discipline Referral to Office for Detention or OSS
a)Each homework assignment is worth 2 points if handed in on time and completed. If not, the student receives 0 points for the assignment.
b)At the end of the 9 weeks, if no more than two assignments are missing, the student receives a 2% bonus to their nine week grade.
c)Homework amounts to 25% of the 9 weeks grade.
a)Pop – cover no more than 2 lessons (5-20 points)
b)Announced – cover 3-5 lessons (10-50 points)
c)When quiz is returned: You will receive 2 bonus points if the quiz is retuned signed the following day by your guardian.
d)Quizzes amounts to 35% of the 9 weeks grade.
3)Chapter Tests
a)Announced at least 2 days in advance.
b)75 – 150 points
c)When test is returned: You will receive 2 bonus points if the test is retuned signed the following day by your guardian.
d)Chapter tests counts as 40% of the 9 weeks grade.
4)Cumulative Final Exam
Grading will follow the policy of the Aliquippa School District
A = 90% - 100%
B = 80% - 89%
C = 70% - 79%
D = 60% - 69%
E = 45% - 59%
Helpful Hints:
- If you’re beginning to struggle, don’t wait to get help. Get tutoring immediately.
- If absent get notes and assignments from classmate or video as soon as possible.
- Visit and and/or Follow @mathmalecon twitter for daily links to lessons, tutoring websites and homework assignments.
- Always try your homework, we can work together to find your mistakes and put you on the correct math path. Coming to class with a blank sheet of paper is not a true effort at completing you’re assignment.
Please sign and have your parent / guardian read and sign syllabus. Please return onMondayAugust31st.
Student Name: Student Signature:
Parent/Guardian Name:
Parent/Guardian Signature:
What is the best time to call (if needed), who should I speak to, and what is the best number and/or email to reach you at?