# 89 – December 2010
Latest News: ONE + ONE
(see President’s Message)
In this issue of FtB:
v Dates and Deadlines
v Membership Statistics
v President’s Message – ONE + ONE
v International Dues
v The POWERtalk International Website
v Adoption option
v Accreditation
v International Board Nominations 2011-2013
v Speech Contest
v Writing Contest
v Education Feature(s) of the Month
v Did you know?
v International Convention 2011
v Life Members
v Anniversary Charter Dates
v Early Bird Registration Form
The International Board of DirectorsExtends to all Members of POWERtalk International
Best Wishes for the End of Year Season!
Dates & Deadlines
EARLY BIRD Registration Convention 2011 / December 31, 2010Deadline for Nominations for Election to the International Board / February 10, 2011
Region Writing Contest Deadline / March 1, 2011
POWERtalk International Convention 2011, Indianapolis USA / July 23-27, 2011
Membership Statistics
Comparison of Membership for October 2008 and October 2010
2008 / 2010 / 2008 / 2010Clubs / 285 / 239 / Paid up Members / 3795 / 2715
Cyber Clubs / 2 / 3 / Members-at-Large / 32 / 21
Clubs-at-large / 12 / 14 / Total Members / 3827 / 2736
Zenith clubs / 9 / 8 / Life Members / 650 / 610
President’s Message
For many years we have been warning against falling membership numbers and the need to increase membership to keep us, as an organization, viable.
The numbers are continuing to drop. We are bringing in new members every term, in fact we have chartered five clubs since the beginning of this term, however, we are not retaining members. There are many reasons for this, some have been members for many years and it is just time for them to stop, others suffer from ill health and cannot manage to get to meetings, unfortunately we are an ageing membership. On the other hand some leave because they have accomplished what they set out to do and that means we have done our job. Others leave because they do not feel that they are getting value for money or the training they are receiving does not fill their expectations. Whatever the reason, we are now in a critical situation. You only need to look at the membership numbers on the front page of this issue of FtB.
At the International Board meeting in Japan, prior to the International Training weekend, the Board departed from the usual format of the meeting and held a very robust and intense SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) and Brainstorming session. We looked at every facet of the organization and discussed and debated our various views. We talked about training tools, programs, PREM, mentoring, we did the SWOT. We discussed what tools we could give to clubs for them to have an active, functioning PREM committee. We talked about working within in our communities to raise awareness, working with other organizations such as book clubs and the like. It did not matter what we talked about we came up with the same answer, unless we grow our membership we will not survive and we are not looking too far ahead for that eventuality unless we act NOW.
So how do we do that? It starts with “me” the individual, if every member recruits one member, watch our membership grow. ONE + ONE is the answer, it is not the only answer but it is a good place to start. Please start promoting ONE + ONE. We know we have a good product, we know the difference membership has made to ourselves, so why not share it with someone else. Ask your family, friends, acquaintances, colleagues and anyone you think could use what we have to offer, to come to one meeting with you, and then ask them again, then ask them to join.
Remember it starts with “me” ONE + ONE
Margaret Sutherland
International President
International Dues
The Board urgently asks members to pay their International Dues for 2010-2011.
Those members who have not paid the International dues of 90 NZ$ will no longer have access to the resources on the POWERtalk International website. Check with your club treasurer that your dues have been forwarded to IMS.
Clubs not in good standing will have no right to take part in the Speech Contest.
Dues can be paid via the secure on-line page on the International Website.
The POWERtalk International Website
The POWERtalk International Website is regularly updated. There have been many updates for the month of November: Here are just a few.
v Effective Speaking Succeeds is the theme of POWERtalking Magazine #19. It is available in both A4 and US versions. Go to Member Resources ►News ► POWERtalking.
v A Workshop on Speech Construction and one on Installations can be found in Member Resources ► Training and Publications ► Education Features.
v Check out the 2010 Rules for the Cosmopolitan Speech Contest in Member Resources ► Contests ► Speech Contest.
v PREM Publicity Tools – Making Use of Bookmarks is in Member Resources ► Marketing and PREM.
v Another PREM items are a template for making name tags and the October edition of PREM POWERlines.
v The Great Britain Region Newsletter, October edition, can be found in Member Resources ► News ► Region News. Has your Region Newsletter been submitted to share with all our members?
v The Early Bird Registration Form for Convention 2011 is in Member Resources ► Events ► Convention.
All documents can be quickly located by using the Search Document facility in Member Resources.
Adoption Option
For those members who have paid their dues promptly - a big thank you. However there are still members out there that have difficulty in paying international dues particularly in this time of world economic crisis.
Could you or your club – council – region sponsor a member?
If your answer to this question is “yes” then please go the POWERtalk International Website www.powertalkinternational.com and look in Member Resources ► Membership and Donations where you will find the Adoption Option – Offer of Support form.
The Donations and Bequests Committee would also like to remind you that contributions to the It’$ for Success and It’$ for Success – Memorial Gift projects are used for Training/Education and PREM programs and all contributions are welcome.
Information from the International Accreditation Team
Two new Accreditation forms were made by the Accreditation team and will be uploaded to the POWERtalk International website as soon as possible. The forms were tried out during the International Training Weekend in Kobe and had favourable feedback from those members who used them.
One form is on how to evaluate, and if successful, accredit a Presenter of a Workshop. This form may be of use in your clubs, and definitely in your councils and regions.
The other form can be adapted to suit your own needs – namely when having to accredit members at your forthcoming region conference. Simply delete what is unnecessary and add what is more suitable for your own conference.
The team hopes they will be of help to you and facilitate the accrediting of your members during their effort to complete their accreditation levels.
International Board Nominations 2011-2013
Information from the Nominating and Election Committee Chairman – Judy Schuth.
The call for nominations has gone out and there is only just over 2 months left to submit a nomination for International Office. If you are interested in helping form the future of POWERtalk International and you want to share your enthusiasm with the International membership, why not run for International Office?
The covering letter for nominations, the nomination form, and the office’s held form can be found on the POWERtalk International Website under Member Resources ► Events ► Convention.
The requirements to hold office and the officer responsibilities are defined in the International Bylaws which can be found on the POWERtalk International Website under Member Resources ► Bylaws and Guidelines ► Bylaws.
If you have questions, please contact me, Judy Schuth at
Or any other member of the Nominating and Election Committee as follows:
Mary Pett ; Louise Stanford ;
Helen Wilson ; Renee Toolens ;
Akemi Kosuge .
Speech Contest
Club Speech Contests are surely on the way by now leading up to Council Speech Contests in the New Year. A reminder to all Speech Contest Chairmen to download the current Speech Contest Rules from the POWERtalk International Website. They can be found in Member Resources ► Events ► Speech Contest.
To help you with your winning speech there are all kinds of Education Features available on the POWERtalk International website. Just go to the Member Resources.
Writing Contest
The holiday season is fast approaching. Time to enjoy and relax! Time to brush up on those writing skills and prepare your entry for the 2010-2011 Writing Contest. Categories as usual are Fiction, non-Fiction and Poetry. The current rules can be found on the POWERtalk International website www.powertalkinternational.com in Member Resources ► Events ► Writing Contest.
Deadline date for submitting entries to your Region Writing Contest Chairman is March 1, 2011. The email address of the Writing Contest Chairman for your region can be found on the website in Member News & Info ► Officer Directory ► Region Officers.
“Informal Writing for Today’s World” and “On your mark! Get set! Write” are only two of the several Education Features on writing. Others can be found in Member Resources ► Training and Publications ► Education Features ► Writing.
Get those creative skills working over the holidays.
Did you know?
Did you know that our multimedia magazine POWERtalking is now fully compatible with iPad and iPhone? If it’s good enough for Richard Branson of the Virgin Group then it is good enough for us.
If you don’t have an iPad or an iPhone yet, then next time you come across someone who does, be sure to show them what POWERtalking looks like. This way you are helping to spread the word about POWERtalk International.
The theme of the current issue is Effective Speaking Succeeds.
International Convention 2011
Indianapolis is rolling out the red carpet for the
International Convention - July 23 - 27, 2011 – Indianapolis, USA
"Turning the Corner" is the theme of the 2011 International Convention to be held in Indianapolis USA on July 23 – 27, 2011.
The "Red Carpet" has been rolled out for you and your guests.
First of all you will be staying in a "World Class" hotel, The Indianapolis Marriott Downtown Indianapolis. Rooms have been negotiated at a fair and economical cost and this combined with the numerous amenities will make your stay in Indianapolis a memberable one. The hotel is conveniently located in Downtown Indianapolis, surrounded within walking distance with restaurants, museums, shopping mall, boutique specialty shops, sporting events, historical landmarks and tourist attractions. In addition to the hotel and the amenities it provides, your 2011 Convention Team has put together and amazing array of training opportunities that will enhance your leadership and communication skills. And let's not forget the competitive atmosphere that the Speech and Writing contest provide.
There is no way you should miss this great biennial event and that's why you should make every effort to take advantage of the "Early Bird" Registration and book your lodging to ensure you have a front row seat at all of the scheduled events.
Let me tell you about Indianapolis, in USA. From abroad Indianapolis is one of the easiest cities in North America to get to. With a brand new International Airport, Indianapolis is accessible from around the world and by any airline carrier. From Canada and Mexico, Indianapolis is at the "Crossroads of America". Indianapolis is continuously offered in discounted airline deals or if you prefer to drive, Indianapolis is accessible from a vast interstate system. In either case, internationally or domestically, your route to Indianapolis can be conveniently planned and achieved. The 2011 Convention suggests that you begin your planning early, contact your roommate, make your hotel reservations and submit your Convention Registration immediately.
Hotel reservations can be made directly with the hotel by logging on to the hotel's website at:
The Early Bird Registration Form is attached to this newsletter and will be available on the POWERtalk International website and via the CLO Network. If there are any questions please feel free to contact George VanSickles at . Remember this is a one of a lifetime event and you do not want to be left out from all of the excitement, training and festivities. See you in Indianapolis.
Life Members
Here below is a list of Life Members that the Board would like to make contact with. If you or anyone else in your club has an email or postal address of any of the Life Members on the list then please be so kind as to inform the International Secretary – Mary Flentge .
Valma / Golding / AUSR / Judy / Raby / JPNR / Naomi / Hill / SPRClaire / Harrex / AUSR / Roberta / Jacobson / LOLR / Diana / Kelly / SPR
Doris / Machin / AUSR / Marie / Koenings / LOLR / Della / Krejci / SPR
Frances / Robinson / LOLR / Edith / Lamiranda / SPR
Veatrice / Davis / BRR / Dorothy / Scruton / LOLR / Ruth / McClain / SPR
Katharine / Faison / BRR / Charlotte / Sherman / LOLR
Kathleen B. / Hardman / BRR / Beatrice / Tully / LOLR / Helen / Perine / SPR
Kathleen / Lasher / BRR / Reta / Wightman / LOLR / Etta / Ritter / SPR
Jean / Maddens / BRR / Katherin / Brewton / NER / Marge / Salin / SPR
Rose / Rightnour / BRR / Darnell / Carpenter / NER / Pauline / Satur / SPR
Katy / Southgate / BRR / Edna / Carpenter / NER / Lorna / Scott / SPR
Ester / Thomas / BRR / Stephanie / Dove / NER
MIldred / Wolfe / BRR / Patricia / Emshoff / NER / Norine / Shaffer / SPR
Tanya / Kreft / GBR / Sandra / Vivion / SPR
Audrey / Lewis / GBR / Olga / Puchalski / NER / Marjorie "Marji" / Webster / SPR
Winifred A. / Campbell / GWR / Lora / Rose / NER / Gina (Virginia) / Wolfram / SPR
Anita / Cox / GWR / Elizabeth / White / NER / Grace / Barth / SUNR
Faye / Dawson / GWR / Sarah / Whitehurst / NER / Sandy / Baton / SUNR
Marie / Houser / GWR / Josephine / Williams / NER / Linda / Clower / SUNR
Teresa / Jackson / GWR / Charlotte / Brandon / NWR / Ida / Conroy / SUNR
Kay / Smith / GWR / Ethel / Hamilton / NWR / Gertrude / Elliot / SUNR
Joanne / Daugherty / HAR / Edna / Henshaw / NWR / Bernice / Ellis / SUNR
Ruby / Downard / HAR / Gladys / Keeney / NWR / Frances / Johnson / SUNR
Chris / Eicholz / HAR / Ayme / Nelson / NWR / Lilian / Kamphuis / SUNR
Hilda / Firer / HAR / Marjorie / Ross / NWR / Alice / Phillips / SUNR
Alberta / Flottman / HAR / Evangeline / Starr / NWR / Dot / Richards / SUNR
Dorothy / Gaylord / HAR / Alda / Strong / NWR
Marie / Havlik / HAR / Mary / Schultz / SUNR
Virgina / Herrick / HAR / Mary / Allen / SPR / Agatha / Shemet / SUNR
Ophelia / Hill / HAR / Lila / Bailor / SPR / Pauline / Spear / SUNR
Betty / Huffman / HAR / Mavis / Benson / SPR
Reva / Hutchins / HAR / Velma / Bolin / SPR / Evelyn / Carr / SWR
Joyce / James / HAR / Bernice / Bosco / SPR / Mae Bell / Jack / SWR
Zella / Keene / HAR / Claire / Larue / SWR
Mabel / Krauss / HAR / Elaine C. / Cook / SPR / Alice / Lindsay / SWR
Evelyn / Mann / HAR / Donna Siggins / Cooper / SPR / Geraldine (Geri) / Matheson / SWR
Lavona / Moore / HAR / Ernestine / Davis / SPR / Dessie / Matthews / SWR
Edith / Orr / HAR / Leonor P. / Fontanilla / SPR / Jean / Teaford / SWR
Mary / Simenauer / HAR / Elinor / Gall / SPR
Harriet / Slawter / HAR / Elsie / Garwood / SPR / Catherine / Wittman / SWR
Vera / Spratt / HAR / Joyce / Gray / SPR / Sheila / Zahnle / SWR
Evelyn / Oberlein / JPNR / Montyne S. / Harmon / SPR / Mavis / Michelmore / TOR
Education Feature(s) of the Month