Division of Engineering Research

The E-Funding News

Feb 24, 2012


- No Engineering Noontime session next week.

-Apr. 16-18, 2012 – The National Institutes of Health Regional Seminar, Indianapolis, Ind. – An opportunity to meet and discuss grant issues with NIH officials, including the peer review process, grant writing for success, pre-award and post-award issues for investigators, compliance, how to interact electronically with NIH, and how faculty can map their careers with NIH; intended for experienced investigators who want to obtain updates on grants policies and procedures, as well as for those new to the grants process. More on the NIH website.

-Check out your listing in the Faculty Expertise Database. Changes can be made via the Update button. http://www.egr.msu.edu/egr/research/resources/facultyexpertise.php

-If you’ve been away, archived E-Funding News are easily accessed at http://www.egr.msu.edu/research/administration/funding


1. DE-FOA-0000663: Announcement and Request for Information on Draft Open Funding Opportunity Announcement (Open FOA)

2. Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis (IDEA) Programs – Dept Transportation

3. Advanced Research and Development of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Medicine Countermeasures - DHHS
4. Extended Solids - DARPA
5. Building Community and Capacity for Data-Intensive Research in the Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences and in Education and Human Resources (BCC-SBE/EHR) Crosscutting Programs – NSF

6. Metamaterials for RF and Optical Applications – Air Force
7. Advanced Software Engineering Technologies for the Software Producibility Initiative Industry Day – Air Force
8. DARPA-SN-12-30: Advanced RF Mapping Proposers' Day
9. Bridging Research Interactions through collaborative Development Grants in Energy (BRIDGE) – SunShot Initiative – Dept Energy

10. Broad Agency Announcement for Development and Demonstration of Mine Safety and HealthTechnology
12. High-Assurance Cyber Military Systems (HACMS) - DARPA

13. Multiplexed detection of diagnostic targets using a high-throughput, field-portable smartphone attachment - DOD
14. NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research Grand Challenge: Discovering Novel Drugs for Disorders of the Nervous System (U01)

1. DE-FOA-0000663: Announcement and Request for Information on Draft Open Funding Opportunity Announcement (Open FOA)

Solicitation: DE-FOA-0000663:

On or about March 2, 2012, the Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (“ARPA-E”) intends to issue an Open Funding Opportunity Announcement (“Open FOA” or “FOA”). The objective of the Open FOA is to identify high-risk, high-reward concepts for energy-related technologies that may enhance our nation’s energy and economic security. This FOA will be open to any energy-related technology that, if successful, will have a transformational and disruptive effect on the energy sector.

ARPA-E is seeking your comments on the draft Open FOA.An overview of the application process is provided in Section I.B of the draft FOA, and a draft list of Technical Categories and Subcategories is provided in Section I.E of the draft FOA.. Please submit your written comments by email to by 5 PM Eastern Time on Wednesday, February 29, 2012. ARPA-E will not review or consider comments submitted by other means.Please insert “Comments on Draft Open FOA” in the subject line of your email and include your name, organization, email address, and telephone number in the body of your email.

All feedback provided will be taken into consideration, but ARPA-E will not respond to individual submissions or publish publicly a compendium of responses. This Announcement is also intended to provide an opportunity for potential Applicants to begin the process of developing partnerships and gathering data for their applications. All of the information in this Announcement and the Attachmentbelow is subject to change. Once the final FOA is issued in March 2012, Applicants will have a limited amount of time to submit a mandatory Notice of Intent in ARPA-E eXCHANGE, ARPA-E’s online application portal (https://arpa-e-foa.energy.gov). Applicants must submit a separate Notice of Intent for each Concept Paper through ARPA-E eXCHANGE by the deadline stated in the FOA. Failure to comply with this requirement will render the Applicant’s Concept Paper ineligible for consideration (see Section III.C.1 of the draft FOA).Please note that the draft Open FOA is designated as DE-FOA-0000663. When issued in March 2012, the final Open FOA will have a different designation, namely DE-FOA-0000670.ARPA-E Draft Open FOA RFI 2-8-12

2. Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis (IDEA) Programs – Dept Transportation

Due Dates: Mar 1 – Highway IDEA

Apr 1 – Safety IDEA

May 1 - Transit IDEA

Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis (IDEA) programs fund research into promising but unproven innovations for highways, transportation safety, and transit. The programs' goals are to seek out and support new transportation solutions that are unlikely to be funded through traditional sources. Top three things selection committees are looking for in IDEA proposals are innovation, benefits, and science. The following three IDEA programs are active and receiving proposals:
1. NCHRP Highway IDEA - this program seeks proposals with potential to advance the construction, safety, maintenance, and management of highway systems. The program is sponsored by the member states of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.
2. Transit IDEA - the Transit IDEA panel has established four high-priority focus areas to encourage proposals in the following areas: (1) increasing transit ridership; (2) improving transit safety, security, and emergency preparedness; (3) improving transit capital and operating efficiencies; and (4) protecting the environment and promoting energy independence.
3. Safety IDEA - this program is sponsored by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety

Administration and the Federal Railroad Administration. The U.S. Department of Transportation has set aggressive goals for reducing fatalities and injuries. To this end, the Safety IDEA program provides funding for projects that promote innovative approaches to improving intercity bus and truck safety or railroad safety. The program encompasses vehicle improvements, operator performance, and alertness improvements; operational practices; and hazard reduction, among other interest areas.


3. Advanced Research and Development of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Medicine Countermeasures - DHHS
SOL: BARDA-CBRN-BAA-12-100-SOL-00011

BARDA encourages the advanced research, development and acquisition of medical countermeasures such as vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics, as well as innovative approaches to meet the threat of CBRN agents in support of the preparedness mission and priorities of the HHS Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise (PHEMCE) articulated in the PHEMCE Implementation Plan for CBRN Threats. Research Areas of Interest: 1. Vaccines Development 2. Antitoxins and Therapeutics 3. Antimicrobials and Antivirals 4. Radiological and Nuclear Agent Countermeasures 5. Chemical Agent Countermeasures 6. Diagnostics BARDA anticipates that research and development activities awarded from this Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) will serve to advance the knowledge and scientific understanding of candidates' countermeasures for CBRN threats toward eventual FDA approval and their inclusion in the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS). This synopsis is not a BAA; a BAA is anticipated on March 4, 2012. The Government expects to make 1 or more awards, subject to the availability of funds. Synopsis

4. Extended Solids - DARPA
DUE: 052212
DARPA is soliciting innovative multidisciplinary research proposals to develop and demonstrate synthesis methods of materials with superior properties (>1.5X over SOA) that currently can only be made using ultrahigh pressure techniques, such that processing under conditions amenable to production scales (<2000 K and 0.5 GPa) and stability under ambient conditions is achieved. Extended solids are polymorphs/phases of simple molecules that are currently formed under ultrahigh pressure conditions where strong intermolecular bonding and tight crystal packing can be induced, leading to dramatic changes in physical, mechanical, and functional properties. Synopsis

5. Building Community and Capacity for Data-Intensive Research in the Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences and in Education and Human Resources (BCC-SBE/EHR) Crosscutting Programs – NSF

Solicitation: 12-538

Full Proposal Deadline Date: May 22, 2012

As part of NSF's Cyberinfrastructure Framework for 21st Century Science and Engineering (CIF21) activity, the Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences (SBE), the Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR), and the Office of Cyberinfrastructure seek to enable research communities to develop visions, teams, and capabilities dedicated to creating new, large-scale, next-generation data resources and relevant analytic techniques to advance fundamental research for the SBE and EHR sciences. Successful proposals will outline activities that will have significant impacts across multiple fields by enabling new types of data-intensive research. Investigators should think broadly and create a vision that extends intellectually across multiple disciplines and that includes--but is not limited to--the SBE or EHR sciences. http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=504747&org=NSF&sel_org=NSF&from=fund

6. Metamaterials for RF and Optical Applications – Air Force
SOL: BAA-12-01-PKS
The objective of this Open BAA is to encourage a flow of supplementary and/or complementary technologies for electromagnetic metamaterials. Such technologies may include active electronic matching networks, frequency selective structures, and periodic structure with engineered dispersion, including photonic band-gap materials, acoustic metamaterials. Innovative advancements in using metamaterials and/or complementary technologies that leverage commercial economies of scale are highly desired. The areas of focus are Radio Frequency (RF), Optical, Acoustic and Bio-Related Metamaterials. ONLY WHITE PAPERS ARE BEING REQUESTED AT THIS TIME.Synopsis

7. Advanced Software Engineering Technologies for the Software Producibility Initiative Industry Day – Air Force
SOL: RFI-RIK-12-02

Due: Reservations by Mar 12, 2012
On behalf of the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (OASD(R&E)), the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) invites interested parties to participate in an Industry Day session to be held at 0900 hours on 14 March 2012 regarding BAA-RIK-12-06, Advanced Software Engineering Technologies for the Software Producibility Initiative. The BAA will be posted to the Federal Business Opportunities website on or around 5 March 2012. The purpose of the ASETS Industry day is: 1. To familiarize participants with OASD(R&E)'s interest in innovative approaches in advanced software engineering technologies that harness cutting-edge ideas in computer science, mathematics, and information science to enable production of large-scale software-intensive systems with improved quality and performance, decreases in cost and development times, automation of labor-intensive and error-prone processes, increased reliability, and easier integration and sustainment 2. To promote discussion of synergistic capabilities among potential program participants. Synopsis

8. DARPA-SN-12-30: Advanced RF Mapping Proposers' Day
DUE: 030713
DARPA will host a Proposers' Day conference for the Advanced RF Mapping (Radio Map) program on March 14, 2012 at CENTRA Technology, Inc. in Arlington, VA (4121 Wilson Blvd., 2nd floor, Arlington, VA 22203) from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM in support of a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) DARPA-BAA-12-26 (expected to be released prior to the Conference). The purpose of this conference is to provide information on the Advanced Radio Frequency (RF) Mapping (RadioMap) program; promote additional discussion on this topic; address questions from potential proposers; provide a forum for potential proposers to present their capabilities for teaming opportunities; and, following the conference, conduct pre-scheduled one-on-one meetings with the Program Manager as described below. The objective of the Advanced RF Mapping program is to provide RF situational awareness employing a heterogeneous sensor network, whose constituent devices include RF receiver/transmitters deployed for other purposes such as tactical radios, using an approach that facilitates extension of the network to incorporate additional device types over time and to support additional applications. The goal is to provide RF mapping information that supports spectrum management, dynamic spectrum access communication systems, leaders of small tactical units, and EW/ISR systems and users. Synopsis

9. Bridging Research Interactions through collaborative Development Grants in Energy (BRIDGE) – SunShot Initiative – Dept Energy

Funding Number: DE-FOA-0000654

Due: LOI (Optional) – April 25, 2012; Full proposal May 21, 2012

DOE is supporting efforts by collaborative research teams to significantly lower the cost of solar energy systems. The Bridging Research Interactions through collaborative Development Grants in Energy (BRIDGE) program allows applied research teams to access the tools and staff expertise at existing DOE Office of Science research facilities so fundamental scientific discoveries can be rapidly transitioned to existing product lines and projects.The BRIDGE program is the first within the SunShot Initiative to provide engineers and scientists developing solar technologies with the tools and expertise of the Department's Office of Science research facilities, including major facilities for x-ray and neutron scattering, nanoscale science, advanced microcharacterization, environmental molecular sciences, and advanced scientific computing. This collaborative approach will accelerate innovations to lower the cost of solar technologies. http://www1.eere.energy.gov/solar/sunshot/financial_opps_detail.html?sol_id=469

10. Broad Agency Announcement for Development and Demonstration of Mine Safety and Health Technology - DHHS
SOL: 2012-N-14257
DUE: 032912 Concept Papers
This announcement is an opportunity for the award of contracts for enhancing safety in mines. The Office of Mine Safety and Health Research, NIOSH, is soliciting proposals to conduct research, exploratory development, testing, or evaluations of new technologies to improve mine safety, or to adapt technologies from other industries for application in mining environments that could result in improved safety for mineworkers. NIOSH considers the following six topics to be areas of elevated interest, but the BAA is not restrictive to concepts that directly support the program as detailed below.
Combine Synopsis/Solicitation

DUE: 032312
SEEKING POTENTIAL INTEREST AND USE OF NASA LANGLEY RESEARCHCENTER UNIQUE CAPABILITIES IN STRUCTURES AND MATERIALS 1-PURPOSE OF THIS NOTICE AND REQUEST: NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) seeks to enhance the use of the Centers distinctive lab and facility capabilities to support government and commercial aerospace activities. We believe the extraordinary resources available at NASA Langley, including facilities, labs and human capital, can be of great benefit to the nation and enhance technology development and infusion. The purpose of this RFI is to engage partners in dialogue leading to collaborative R&D efforts that enhance utilization of NASA Langley capabilities by industry, universities and other government agencies. The expectation is that NASA LaRC will be reimbursed for all costs incurred. Our first step in accomplishing this purpose will be to assess interest regarding the LaRC labs and facilities that have the greatest opportunities to expand partnerships, customer base and economic opportunities consistent with the NASA mission. We seek responses from organizations outlining potential collaborative efforts on a reimbursable basis to utilize the Center expertise, labs and facilities, hereafter referred to as capabilities in the area of Structures and Materials. Synopsis