Book Information
1 pt. You did not share book information or have the book. / 3 pts. You shared main book information (title, author, genre) with class. You did not have your book. / 5 pts. You shared main book information (title, author, genre) with class. You had your book.Hook
1 pt. You did not have a hook. / 2 pts. You had an okay hook, but you forgot to say it at the beginning. / 3 pts. You had an okay hook. / 4 pts. You had a good hook, but it could’ve grabbed our attention better. / 5 pts. You had a great hook! You really caught our attention.Summary
1 pt. You did not give a summary of the book. / 2 pts. You gave very little information about the beginning and middle of the book. / 3 pts. You gave a good summary of the beginning and middle of the book. You told too much about the ending. / 4 pts. You gave a good summary of the beginning and middle of the book. You left the audience in suspense about the ending. / 5 pts. You gave an excellent summary of the beginning and middle of the book. You left the audience in suspense about the ending.Favorite Part
1 pt. You forgot to share your favorite part. / 5 pts. You shared your favorite part of the story.Why You Chose It
1 pt. You forgot to share why you chose this book. / 5 pts. You shared why you chose this book.Other Books
1 pt. You forgot to share other books by this author. / 5 pts. You shared other books by this author.One-Line Wrap Up
1 pt. You did not have a one liner wrap-up. / 3 pts. You had an okay one liner wrap-up. / 5 pts. You had a great one liner wrap-up.Presentation
Eye Contact
1 pt. You never looked up at us as you spoke. Practice! / 2 pts. You hardly ever looked at us as you spoke. Practice! / 3 pts. You looked at us about half the time. Practice more. / 4 pts. You mostly looked at us and not at your notes. / 5 pts. Excellent eye contact. You must have practiced!Volume/Clarity of Voice
1 pt. We could hardly hear you. Speak louder. / 2 pts. You spoke too quietly most of the time. / 3 pts. You could be louder and /or speak more carefully. / 4 pts. You mostly were easy to hear and understand. / 5 pts. Your voice was clear and easy to understandWord Usage
1 pt. Mispronounced several words or did not use words correctly. / 3 pts. Mispronounced and or misused some words. / 5 pts. Pronounced and used all words correctly.Posture
1 pt. You were hard to watch since you slouched or moved too much. / 3 pts. You stood straight and still about half the time. / 5 pts. You stood straight and still and were easy to watch!Time
1 pt. Your book talk was less than one minute. / 3 pts. Your book talk was 1 – 2 minutes long. / 5 pts. Your book talk was at least 2 minutes long.Book Talk Form:Complete – 10 points
Partially Complete – 5 points
Incomplete – 0 points
Total Points:______/70 points
Bonus Points:
Awesome Prop/Costume – 5 points
Good Prop/Costume – 2 points
No Prop/Costume – 0 points
Grade: ______