Teacher / KS Team Leader / TBC based on applicant
The role of the Teacher is to provide high quality teaching and learning opportunities for children to whom they are assigned and to ensure that all children achieve the best they can in every aspect of school life.
At Spurcroft Primary School we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all pupils in our care. The health, safety and well-being of all our pupils is taken seriously and all staff and volunteers are aware of their responsibilities and will do all they can to provide a safe, caring and positive environment where children feel happy and secure.
1.  Leadership and management of specific areas under the overall direction of the Headteacher by:
1.1  Promoting the school vision, ethos and values in all aspects of school life
1.2  Promoting the school aims through effective policies, practice and leading by example
1.3  Providing a secure, safe and stimulating climate for learning
1.4  Consulting with colleagues and stakeholders and using this information to improve practice and provision
1.5  Developing personal performance and contributing to the building of effective teams
1.6  To be part of a whole school team, actively involved in decision-making on the preparation and development of policies and programmes of study, teaching materials, resources, methods of teaching and pastoral arrangements.
1.7  Seeking out innovative practice and using internal and external data to evaluate and instigate and contribute to school improvement strategies
1.8  Raising standards in the school and promoting high levels of achievement and attainment
2.  Standards and achievement
2.1  Ensuring all children achieve the best they can, make good progress and achieve age related expectations and above where possible
2.2  Promoting high expectations, high quality support and challenge for all
2.3  Ensuring a broad and balanced curriculum which is stimulating and engaging
2.4  Assessing learning needs and use this to plan and prepare lessons to deliver the National Curriculum, using the national strategies for Literacy and Numeracy to teach basic skills, ensuring breadth, balance and progression in all subjects.
2.5  Organising and managing the class so that there are clear expectations and organisational procedures that support learning
3.  Teaching and learning
3.1  Submitting weekly and half termly planning schedules to the Team leader and Headteacher, in line with whole school policy
3.2  Identifying clear teaching objectives and learning outcomes, with appropriate challenge and high expectations.
3.3  Creating and managing a caring, supportive, purposeful and stimulating environment which is conducive to children’s learning
3.4  Promoting the skills of enquiry, questioning, investigation, analysis, evaluation and application through learning opportunities
3.5  Teaching children according to their needs ensuring differentiation is used effectively so that all children achieve the best they can
3.6  Assessing, recording and reporting on the development, progress and attainment of children
3.7  Using classroom displays as a reflection of children’s work in progress and an acknowledgement of achievement as well as for information
3.8  Preparing children for external tests and conducting these appropriately
3.9  Planning opportunities to develop the social, emotional and cultural aspects of pupils’ learning.
3.10  Fostering spiritual awareness in children as part of their personal development
3.11  Ensuring effective use is made of support staff within the classroom, including parent helpers to support learning primarily and some administration tasks
4.  Pastoral care
4.1.  Promoting the well being of children and ensuring high levels of supervision, guidance and support
4.2.  Maintaining good order and discipline that is applied consistently and fairly
4.3.  Safeguarding children
5.  General
5.1  Teaching classes as required ensuring that all aspects of teachers pay and conditions are fulfilled and that all children achieve the best they can
5.2  To ensure that school policies are reflected in daily practice
5.3  To support the Headteacher in promoting the ethos of the school
5.4  Undertaking any other duties deemed reasonable by the Headteacher
5.5  To communicate and consult with parents over all aspects of their children’s education – academic, social and emotional
5.6  To liaise with outside agencies when appropriate e.g. Educational Psychologist
conditions of service:
·  Participate in regular briefings and meetings linked to the work of the school
·  Take part in performance management and staff development activities maintaining documents relating to personal performance
·  Contributing to the appointment and professional development of other staff
·  Use Planning, Preparation and Assessment time effectively on tasks that will lead to high quality learning experiences in the classroom
·  Undertake activities during directed time and work any further reasonable hours that enable an effective discharge of duties
·  To be involved in extra-curricular activities, contributing to the whole school community where possible
·  Co-ordinating and managing the work of other adults assigned to them
·  Communicate and cooperate with other staff members
·  Supervising and teaching other pupils whose teacher is not available
·  Promote health and safety at all times
·  Promote equal opportunities and ensure consistency and fairness in all aspects of school life so that all children achieve the best they can
·  Analysis and problem solving – identifies solutions to problems and takes responsibility for making simple decisions.
·  Conceptual thinking – thinks beyond immediate situation and identifies new and improved ways of doing things.
·  Ensuring the delivery of quality results – sets high standards for themselves and others in their charge, and ensures these are achieved.
·  Communicating effectively – both orally and in writing, capturing the interest and enthusiasm of different audiences.
·  Influencing others – is able to persuade and influence other people in a positive way.
·  Developing and enabling others – encourages others to perform to the best of their abilities and challenges under-performance for those assigned to them.
·  Team working and building relationships – builds and contributes to highly effective working relationships with individuals in and across teams.
·  Confidence and resilience – demonstrates self-confidence to succeed, and maintains energy and enthusiasm in challenging situations.
·  Commitment to self-development – shows a commitment to their own learning and takes responsibility for their own professional development

Class Teacher Job Description 2017 Page 2