PARIS21 Consortium Meeting, 17–18 October 2002, Paris
Draft Agenda
The objectives of the consortium meeting are to discuss current issues and developments for mainstreaming statistics in development policy making and dialogue, and to promote strategic planning for statistics.
The Consortium meeting will be in 3 parts:
§ The first session will be devoted to development policy and statistics. Speakers will come from developing countries and donors. They will focus on the role of statistical information in poverty reduction and development policies. The constraints on the use of statistics in the design, implementation and evaluation on policies and programs will be discussed. Speakers will also highlight what has been done in their countries to develop statistical systems, and the role of the international community. Speakers could include representatives from Bolivia, Niger, Tunisia, and international organisations.
§ The second part aims to show the importance of having a multiyear statistics development plans to develop a sound statistical system and to organise donor's support within the plan. There will be (i) presentations from countries where such plans have been developed, highlighting issues, constraints and best practices; (ii) presentation of task team outputs (indicators, strategic statistical development plan, advocacy), of latest developments within international institutions (IMF, UNSD, EUROSTAT, etc.); (iii) short presentations on the major international programs on statistics by the sponsoring agencies, and comments/evaluation from countries: MICS (UNICEF); DHS (USAID/Macro); LSMS (World Bank); GDDS (IMF); IPC (World Bank); CWIQ (World Bank); EU; UNESCO, bilateral, etc. and the potential for better co-ordination and planning of these programs.
§ The third part will be PARIS21 activities related. The progress report, update of the work program, and financial information will be presented and discussed. The Task Teams will meet for 2 to 3 hours in break out groups. Report to UN Statistical Commission. Next Consortium. Africa/Regional Chapters.